TOP 30 Free Video Tutorials

Even a seven-year-old child can learn to program. Introductory languages ​​and environments like Scratch and Kodu Game Lab will help them with this. We will talk about them in this article.

My colleagues and I at the children's IT school “Pixel” We believe that even primary school age is not a reason to refuse to teach a child coding. Especially if he is interested in gaming and writing code. This hobby must be supported: immersing a preschooler or schoolchild in the basics of programming in a game form can bring them closer to IT and lay the foundations for a professional future in one of the in-demand professions.

There are two ways to start mastering this direction:

  1. On children's online courses. During the classes, little programmers will be able to acquire solid theoretical understanding of coding and useful practical skills that will come in handy in the future if they want to continue their studies. The advantage of this option is help and competent support from teachers: if something doesn't work out, they will tell you how to cope with even the most difficult task.

  2. By video tutorials. Visual instructions will help you understand the basics and learn how to do basic things. It is enough to listen carefully to what the teacher says and repeat the actions performed after him. This option is suitable for more independent children who want to move at their own pace.

I want to talk about self-study and also note 3 areas for beginners: Scratch Junior, Kodu Game Lab and Scratch. Let's look at each and get acquainted with thematic lessons: this will help you immerse yourself in the basics of IT and practice by solving various problems using clear examples.

Scratch Junior: about the program and its capabilities + 6 video lessons for beginners

At age 7, kids can start coding with Scratch Junior

At age 7, kids can start coding with Scratch Junior

Scratch JR is a block-based language and interactive learning platform for beginners. It was created by enthusiasts at the MIT Media Lab specifically for kids aged 5–7 who are interested in gaming and coding.

Thanks to the freely distributed application, beginner programmers can master the basics. At the same time, it will be easy to learn: the presented language is classified as an educational one and is intended for writing code using bright constructions. By using them, you can create:

  • Simple but addictive games;

  • Short colorful cartoons;

  • Animation.

Low level of complexity is a guarantee of successful self-study. However, if there is no experience, instructions may be required. We would like to offer them.

Let's look at a selection, after getting acquainted with which even a preschooler without experience will become one step closer to understanding the basic principles of the direction. In total, we have prepared 6 videos and want to start moving from simple to complex.

1. Installing the program

I recommend starting your acquaintance with the language with the first video: thanks to this you will be able to learn how to start using the learning environment.

In the video lesson, a teacher from the Pixel school:

  • Shows where the installation files can be found;

  • Tells you which version to choose;

  • Gives advice and tells how to install the application on a personal computer;

  • Briefly talks about creating a simple game from scratch.

2. Interface and movements

The second tutorial video covers important topics. These are the software environment interface and the motion blocks used to control sprites – the internal characters and objects.

As a result of viewing, you can understand:

  • How language is structured and works;

  • What are the functions, what are they intended for;

  • How to load, create, and manage sprites.

3. Blocks of the view

I suggest continuing the improvised programming course for 7-year-old children with a third video. We will figure out:

  • What are external blocks and what is their role;

  • How to create a map and add a sprite to it;

  • What you need to write and run a block program.

4. Launch blocks and the first cartoon

Now I suggest we move on to more interesting things and learn how to make cartoons. Let's watch another video to understand such topics:

  • What are launch commands and how to use them when working on preparing your own projects;

  • How to write visual code correctly in Scratch Junior;

  • How to create your first cartoon.

5. Control units

The following video tutorial, prepared by us, will help you better understand how to work with the application tools and understand:

  • What are block structures intended for control for, how to use them;

  • What will need to be done to create a full-fledged game map;

  • How to program a mini-project with your own sea sprites.

6. Ending blocks

I suggest that we finish the short improvised Scratch Jr course for children with a video dedicated to creating their own full-fledged projects from scratch using the game “Road Hazards” as an example. Watching it will help us understand:

  • How to properly handle the block panel;

  • What is needed to create the foundations of a future project;

  • How to program characters and in-game objects;

  • What tools will you need to use to add a new level to your project?

Now I suggest you look at a selection of videos about Kodu. They will complement the programming training of a 7-year-old child and take his skills to a new level.

Kodu Game Lab: About the Environment and Its Capabilities + 13 Lessons for Beginners

Kodu's signature character

Kodu's signature character

Kodu Game Lab is a 3D game development environment. Like the Scratch Junior program, it is suitable for teaching children: young gamers will need to use visual constructions to create their own virtual worlds. You can start mastering the environment even at 5-6 years old, which is due to the simplicity of the solutions implemented by the developer – the Microsoft team.

Working with Kodu tools is easy: the internal “tile” language resembles a construction set, which captivates children and improves the effectiveness of independent learning. The program is of great interest to both preschoolers and primary school students, because it allows you to:

  • Create simple 3D games;

  • Design and redesign virtual landscapes;

  • Program characters;

  • Design and establish rules for the virtual worlds you create.

So, let's move on to reviewing the second selection of free programming lessons for children aged 5-7. It is dedicated to the “Kodu” environment and will help you figure out how to start taking your first steps in game development using visual scripts.

1. Download and install Kodu

Let's get acquainted with the basics and figure out what is needed to start working with the Kodu environment. This introductory video will tell you about it, thanks to which we will understand:

  • What is Kodu, what is the program intended for;

  • How to download the application and install it;

  • How to enter the environment.

2. Getting to know the interface and the first project

Once the program is installed on your computer, it's time to start studying it. Let's watch the second video: it covers the main points. Repeating the teacher's actions will teach us:

  • Use interface elements;

  • Complete simple projects using a labyrinth as an example;

  • Change game parameters as required.

3. Creating a character that can walk and shoot

Teaching children coding in a playful way means engaging them in the process and increasing their interest in the topic. That's why even a restless preschooler will really like the third video: they will have to program shooting and walking. And they will also be able to master:

  • Creation of game maps;

  • Features of character selection and programming, their training in movement and shooting;

  • Basics of writing block code using the example of preparing a simple game project.

4. Movement with the mouse

This is another fun self-study video tutorial that will help you understand:

  • How to create a new game map and character;

  • What is needed to program the player's health;

  • How to write code for a bot controlled by a computer mouse.

5. Creating a shooter and additional settings for character control

If you want more fun practice, the fifth video will do: using the example of creating a shooter, the child will understand the potential of visual coding. And each student will also be able to:

  • Program a virtual map and a hero;

  • Learn how to use advanced settings to make characters more realistic.

6. Programming the underwater world

The sixth training video will immerse the child even more in practice. Watching and repeating the teacher's actions will lead to an understanding of how to:

  • Create a map of the underwater world and fill it with game objects;

  • Write a script for the bot and “bring it to life”;

  • Program additional characters and make them “alive”.

7. Development of the project “Treasure Hunt”

More practice! The following video tutorial will help you understand how to:

  • Create a field for the game “Treasure Hunt”;

  • Add characters to the map;

  • Program and configure the main actions of the heroes;

  • Launch the game and edit it.

8. Adding scoring function

Using the example of creating the game “Air Hockey”, I suggest figuring out how to use additional tools of the “Kodu” environment. Interested? Then I recommend watching the video. In it, the teacher talked about:

  • Creating a new game world for the project;

  • Character programming;

  • Writing a script to count the points scored by a player.

9. Visual scripting of the timer for the game

Some 3D games require a timer. To understand how to program it with a “tile” code, you can watch the ninth tutorial video. Thanks to this, you will be able to figure out:

  • How to create a timer and link its operation to the character's actions;

  • What tools are needed to develop a game with a limited time;

  • How to make a project more challenging and fun.

10. Virtual football program

Now let's make virtual football. Practice is the basis for successful mastering of theory, so the more tasks you can complete, the better.

The next video will teach us:

  • Program sports games using football as an example;

  • Create large-scale playing fields;

  • Establish the rules and conditions for scoring;

  • Run complex block scripts.

11. Creation of water polo

To complete another interesting game project on your own, you need to watch the following video tutorial. It is dedicated to the following topics:

  • Creating a map for virtual water polo;

  • Writing code to control character movements;

  • Script for the transition function;

  • Player management tools and their features;

  • Additional settings and scripts.

12. Levels for a game using block scripting of racing games as an example

Let's learn how to create levels and solve another interesting problem – let's program races. Another self-study video will help you understand how:

  • Create a map with multiple levels;

  • Set the conditions for the transition of an object from one state to another;

  • Write a visual racing program;

  • Launch the finished game and play it.

13. Project “Attack of the Clones”

The videos about Kodu and programming for children aged 7 online end with the thirteenth video. At this stage, an additional project “Attack of the Clones” must be completed. The teacher said:

  • What is the parent function and how does it relate to cloning;

  • How to set in-game conditions;

  • What tools are needed for scripting attacks and controlling characters;

  • How to run a finished game.

My colleagues and I hope that everything worked out for you! And if not, or you just want to learn more, come to us at online course. It is dedicated to Scratch Jr and Kodu and is designed for children aged 5-9. There will be a lot of fun practice, which will help to perfect visual programming skills.

Now let's look at the third direction – Scratch. This is the “older brother” of the “Scratch Junior” environment, but do not think that it is more difficult: even a beginner child can cope with the lessons.

Scratch: About the direction + 11 educational videos for schoolchildren

Scratch program logo

Scratch program logo

Scratch is a block language and programming environment where kids learn to code and create simple games, cartoons, and animations. I won't say much about it: the basics and logic are similar to the Junior version.

That's why I want to move straight to the selection. It will be interesting: a minimum of theory is supported by exciting practice. Ready? Then let's get started.

1. The first project in the Scratch language

The first lesson in video format will help you immerse yourself in the basics of the direction. It is dedicated to:

  • The interface of the environment, internal search and the basics of game development;

  • Questions regarding registration on the platform;

  • The commands “Speak” and “Tell”;

  • Sprite movements;

  • Coordinate system.

At the end, the teacher will talk about how to move forward and lead the child to the next video.

2. Working with sound

The second lesson will help you understand how the Sounds tab works. In the video, the teacher talks about the following commands:

  • “Play” and “Turn on”;

  • “Stop”;

  • “Change pitch”;

  • “Change volume”;

  • “Set effect”.

The video instruction will also teach you how to add, select and record your own sounds.

3. Movement and appearance of sprites

This video tutorial will help you understand how to control characters. As a result of watching, your child will learn:

  • Add new sprites and change their costumes;

  • Move characters around the stage;

  • Create effects that affect the appearance and movement of characters.

4. Coordinates in the Scratch environment

The lesson is dedicated to the “Movement” tab. I recommend you read it: it will help you understand the coordinates and their purpose, learn about additional tools for managing sprites, and more. The student will understand:

  • What are the X and Y axes for and how to work with them;

  • What blocks are used to control movement;

  • How to solve practical problems for completing projects where the main mission of the characters is to move actively.

5. Dive into cycles

In the next video, the teacher talks about cyclic constructions and their purpose. You will learn:

  • What are cycles;

  • What are they like;

  • How to use the appropriate constructs to automatically repeat actions or events a limited or unlimited number of times.

6. Waiting and changing costumes

The introduction to cycles continues with the sixth lesson, in which the teacher explains:

  • What is a waiting block and what is it for;

  • How to slow down a sprite and make it stop;

  • How to create and change costumes designed for different states.

7. Conditions and sensors

It's time to get acquainted with additional tools – conditions and sensors. Thanks to the lesson, we will be able to understand:

  • How to use conditionals;

  • What are the sensors for;

  • How to write code using conditions and other block constructs.

8. Wait and conditional loop

To deepen your knowledge and hone your practical language skills, watch the eighth video. Here are the main topics:

  • What are conditional loops, how are they related to waiting;

  • How to use them in visual coding;

  • What additional operators are required to implement a project with wait and conditional loop.

9. Variables and creating a timer

Using the example of coding a timer for our own game, we will learn how to use variables. The ninth video lesson is dedicated to them.

Here are the main topics:

  • What are variables, what are they for and how to create them;

  • What tools to use for timer scripting.

10. Clones and events

The penultimate video lesson from today's selection will teach you how to navigate:

  • Clones and events, their purpose;

  • Writing code using additional constructs;

  • Coding games using clones and event-driven commands.

11. Custom Blocks in Scratch

Our short online course is coming to an end, so I suggest you finish it by watching the last video. It is dedicated to:

  • Creation of custom blocks;

  • Their use to control sprites;

  • Examples of visual programs with new constructs not included in the standard libraries.

Did everything work out? My colleagues and I hope so. And if there are difficulties or you want to move on, you can enlist support experienced teachers.

Share in the comments how it went. Did you manage to cope on your own? If not, what topics seemed the most difficult? Be sure to tell us: this will help us become better.

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