TOP 20 useful programming resources

Mastering JavaScript means getting closer to the world of web development. This is promising: knowledge of this programming language is a big plus, because with its help specialists create modern websites, write extensions for browsers and even develop mobile applications. We hasten to note: even teenagers 12 years and older can easily master JS, so if a child has an interest in the topic, then you can develop it from an early age.

There is an increasingly common opinion that there is no need to teach children to program at all: it is supposedly an unnecessary activity that takes away childhood, making it boring and useless from the point of view of the development of schoolchildren. We are in Pixel We think otherwise, because coding develops logical thinking, promotes the implementation of even bold ideas, develops attentiveness and teaches you to see mistakes and correct them. I would like to add career prospects to this list, but in adolescence, when it is best to start studying, this is not always appropriate.

Why JavaScript

Why JavaScript? Indirect reasons are noted. Let us emphasize them once again and highlight additional arguments in favor of studying:

  • Approaching the large-scale field of web development. As a result of self-study or courses, the child will be able to understand how to create websites, maintain their functioning, and even write simple applications. If you like working with JS tools, you can go further and train as a web developer;

  • Parallel acquaintance with additional tools – HTML and CSS. They are not intended for programming, but are necessary for any specialist working in the field of web development. Using these languages, you can control the appearance and presentation of a particular site;

  • Integrated development. Logic, thinking, attentiveness – these and other qualities will be rapidly improved as you learn to code in JavaScript. This thesis is true for mastering programming in general.

Briefly about the main thing: at what age to start, will it be difficult, what environments are suitable

We invite you to consider common questions about JavaScript programming for children. Some are obvious and do not require deepening into theory and practice, while others often cause discussion and controversy. We will present the answers based on the experience of our teachers.

When to start?

We recommend teaching a child to write code in Javascript no earlier than 12 years of age. Before this age, it is better to try Scratch and Code. Afterwards, if the student becomes interested in scripts and demonstrates passion for the topic, you can move on to more complex things.

But there are no rules, so we advise you to start from the actual capabilities and interests of the child. Our practice shows that while some guys successfully master Scratch, then Python and move on, including into web development, others stall and gradually lose their passion.

It can be seen that two points are important. These are interests and age. They need to be taken into account so as not to mistakenly send a child to learn something that he will not use in the future or simply cannot understand.

What difficulties are likely?

Our teachers most often note the following problems caused by the device and other features of JS:

  • Automatic detection of variable types. This often provokes unexpected errors, which are quite difficult to find if you don’t have the knowledge and skills;

  • Conditional succession. The point is that code written using earlier versions of the language is expected to work today. For this reason, a number of illogical points arose due to compatibility considerations. This is also typical for CSS;

  • Weak typing. This is a corollary that partially follows from the first point. This fact makes it easier to enter, but complicates the debugging and implementation of serious and large projects. Even experienced developers who use JS year after year can encounter confusion due to implicit type casting;

  • Lack of a strict programming paradigm. Within different projects, code written in JavaScript may look different, which is sometimes too pronounced.

But these conditional shortcomings and the difficulties associated with them are not a reason to consider JS complex. Even teenagers can master it. This does not negate possible problematic situations that arise for the reasons noted, but the first confident steps are quite accessible to beginners.

Let us repeat once again that in any case, a base in the form of an understanding of the same algorithms and the fundamentals of computer science is desirable: this will be a plus when studying JS.

What environments will be required to work?

We use the following environments in classes:

  • IDE, or Integrated Development Environment. This or that integrated development environment is something like a typical code editor. Examples below;

  • Visual Studio Code. The editor supports JS and TypeScript. Plus – the presence of an internal debugger that simplifies testing of projects;

  • Brackets. We believe that, despite its positioning as a text editor, this tool is a full-fledged IDE.

What results can you expect?

This topic is indirectly mentioned. A child who begins to dive into JavaScript on their own or through courses will gain web development skills. It will help you create remote applications, websites, browser games, extensions and more. At the same time, an additional effect of learning is development in the designated areas: thinking, logic, attentiveness, determination – all these are consequences of familiarity with programming in general.

Career prospects are a topic for a separate discussion, but let’s note it indirectly: knowledge and understanding of JS is an advantage if you are planning a career in IT. It is clear that at the age of 12 it is too early to talk about this, but by the age of 14–15, any modern teenager begins to face questions about professional self-determination and the future.

Proficiency in JavaScript can be a factor in clarifying potential post-school educational direction and career choice.

Educational tools: JavaScript lessons for children, educational games, useful books

We got to the main point: we suggest considering 20 tools for teaching children JavaScript and web development. Our teachers included in the selection:

  • 3 courses and 1 simulator;

  • 10 educational games;

  • 3 simple and 2 complex books;

  • A board game book with educational potential from the point of view of immersion in JS.

So let's begin.

3 courses and 1 JavaScript trainer for children

We will highlight courses with exciting developmental programs, briefly describe them, and also tell you about the simulator.

1. Creation of websites using HTML, CSS and JavaScript for children over 12 years old


As part of the course, children will be able to become familiar with HTML, SCC and JavaScript. A special feature of the educational program is the presence of fascinating lectures based on theory, as well as practical exercises. Homework is provided, which will be a plus in terms of consolidating the skills acquired in lessons with a teacher. The educational process is gamified: it will be interesting to dive into coding and web development.

The training is implemented according to the principle from simple to complex: first you have to delve into the theory and learn about the capabilities of HTML, CSS and JavaScript, and then complete a number of projects.

As a result of online classes, your child will be able to learn:

  • Create websites, develop individual web pages and fill them with content: from text and tables to visual components and links;

  • Manage the content of virtual resources;

  • Adapt websites and individual pages, making them possible to view from PCs and mobile devices;

  • Place web projects on the Internet;

  • Add functional elements to pages.

Midterm and final projects are provided. Successful completion will help you receive a certificate confirming your training.

2. Course from Code Basics


As part of the free course, every child will be able to learn about JS and get acquainted with:

  • Fundamentals and arithmetic operations;

  • Strings and variables;

  • Data types and function calls, their definition;

  • Methods and properties;

  • Logic and conditional structures;

  • In cycles, etc.

The course is good, but it is based on basic terms and concepts. You will only be able to understand the basics and complete simple projects. But this is not a minus, but a plus: it is understanding the main points that becomes a prerequisite for an in-depth study of JS.

3. Learn JavaScript from CodeAcademy for teenagers familiar with English


The JavaScript course for children is free, but there is a catch: it is presented entirely in English. If the child does not master it, it will be difficult. Otherwise, you will be able to learn more about the JS structure from the inside and work with its tools and complete a number of projects.

Every successful student can receive a certificate, but it will only be issued if they pay for the Plus or Pro package.

4. Trainer from FreeCodeCamp


To start using the simulator you will need to register. After creating an account, you can start classes.

The advantage of the simulator is the ability to choose a specific direction. It's not just about JavaScript. Users have access to:

  • Responsive web design;

  • Data visualization;

  • Server development;

  • Scientific Computing;

  • Information security, etc.

Many areas involve, to one degree or another, the use of JavaScript and Python.

10 educational browser games with JavaScript for kids

If the game form of self-learning is a priority, we recommend 10 games. This:

  1. CodinGame. The platform operates online and offers users the opportunity to solve interesting problems against the backdrop of video game-style visualization. A special feature of the site is a built-in IDE that supports JS and more than 20 other programming languages.

  2. CodeCombat. In this educational computer game, children and teenagers travel through virtual game worlds and learn to edit source code written in one of the following languages: JS, CoffeeScript, HTML and Python.

  3. CodeWars. It is a fun platform where beginners are promoted through competitive events to become pros by completing coding challenges and exercises.

  4. JSDares. The idea of ​​the platform is learning through receiving tasks from community members. As you solve them, you can improve your skills in using JavaScript.

  5. WarriorJS. The point of this game is to overcome a number of obstacles on the way to the top of the virtual tower, where the desired thing is stored – the JavaScript sword. Each step forward will require programming solutions to a number of simple problems.

  6. Screeps. This is a multiplayer strategy where you need to maintain the life of your own colony and capture new territories. To do this you need to write code.

  7. Untrusted. This is an adventure quest that combines elements of a cooperative game and a puzzle. You have to try on the role of a hacker and learn how to use JS.

  8. Crunchzilla. The peculiarity of the interactive platform, designed to teach children programming through games, comes down to the following: there are levels for users with different skills. You will have to edit ready-made code and write your own programs from scratch using the example of performing simple tasks like changing the colors of several objects.

  9. JSRobot. The plot of the educational game is simple: you will need to write code in JS to control the robot and pass levels from simple to complex.

  10. Elevator Saga. To put it simply, the user will need to write algorithms for elevators. There are several levels: they will become more difficult as you successfully complete tasks.

5 Books About JavaScript for Kids

You can supplement your self-study or start it from scratch thanks to interesting books, the authors of which provide step-by-step instructions, tests and exercises, visual illustrations and examples.

Each of the presented options can be considered a JavaScript tutorial for children. But we hasten to note that the last two books will seem difficult if you do not have at least a minimal understanding of JavaScript.

Here's what you should start reading if you want to dive into web development:

  1. JavaScript for kids Nick Morgan. This is a tutorial for beginners. The author set a goal to immerse readers in JS coding. The process is not limited to just reading: we have to write several browser games. There are fun examples and detailed instructions, as well as explanatory illustrations.

  2. Programming for children. We learn to create websites, applications and games. HTML, CSS and JavaScript Whitney David. To put it simply, this is a good and fairly visual aid. It is suitable both for independent learning and if parents plan to study with their child.

  3. JavaScript for Beginners Mike McGrath. The tutorial will help you dive into the basics and come to creating your own website. A step-by-step guide is provided, accompanied by bright, visual illustrations.

  4. Learning JavaScript programming Eric Freeman and Elizabeth Robson. The book will help you learn more about JS and allow you to delve into the non-obvious features of the language. We cannot call the option completely for children, but for teenagers who understand the basics, it is suitable.

  5. You don't know JS Kyle Simpson. This is a series of books dedicated to the basic and advanced mechanisms, tools, and capabilities of JavaScript. This option is suitable if the child already understands what programming is and understands the basics of web development.

Educational board game book “Programming “Creating Virtual Intelligence””

Peculiarity game books – type of benefit. Getting acquainted with 26 pages will help you understand the basics of coding in JS and create your first program from scratch in the form of virtual intelligence. The child will be able to communicate with him directly in his own browser.

To work with the game book you will need:

  • Personal computer or laptop with Windows operating system;

  • Notepad (a simple text editor, usually pre-installed on a PC);

  • Browser, or browser.

So, there are a lot of options for learning Javascript and web development. These are paid and free courses that develop browser games, books, and even desktop games. It’s not up to us to decide what to choose and how to move, but we want to emphasize that in any case, mastering coding is a great advantage for a modern child. Both professionally and in a general sense.

In conclusion, we would like to ask a question: do you teach your children to write code? If so, what do you use and why? We welcome detailed answers and opinions: this will help us make content more useful.

Material prepared by Pixel School. We teach children and teenagers web development, game creation and other IT areas and together with them every day we expand the usual framework of understanding information technology.

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