Top 10 IntelliJ IDEA plugins you shouldn’t miss

Although IntelliJ IDEA is a complete IDE (Integrated Development Environment), you will definitely want to personalize it. The JetBrains Marketplace has a variety of plugins with useful features to suit your personal or business needs.

The library is huge and easy to get lost in. In this article, we’ll share some of the most recent and all-time favorite plugins. We’re also curious to know which plugins you love, so please share them in the comments.

We remind you that all plugins can be installed via Settings / Options | Plugins or on the Plugins tab on the welcome screen.

Let’s go!


Plugin Jump to line

Many of the navigation actions in the IntelliJ IDEA debugger allow you to set a breakpoint at the desired location, but sometimes you need to reach a line with a single click. This is where the Jump To Line plugin comes in. It allows you to get to any line and set an execution point there without executing the previous code.

This offers simple navigation – just drag the arrow into the Gutter area, placing the progress point on the desired line. Remember to pause the program before moving the arrow.

Learn more about this plugin in our blog.

Plugin Key promoter x

It’s no secret that non-mouse coding is faster and more efficient, but how do you become keyboard oriented when there are so many keyboard shortcuts in IntelliJ IDEA to remember? Key Promoter X will teach you how to use them. As a persistent and meticulous trainer, it will display a tooltip with the appropriate keyboard shortcut when clicking on an item inside the IDE. Moreover, for buttons that do not have a shortcut, Key Promoter X will prompt you to create one.

Practice will bring everything to perfection! After a while, you will notice that you are subconsciously saving time and using the right shortcut.

Plugin Maven helper

If you are looking for additional features for working with Maven projects, this plugin is a must for you. It allows you to view, analyze and eliminate conflicting dependencies. It is also possible to run and debug Maven targets and more. Try this 5 star plugin!

Plugin Doc-Aware Search Everywhere

This is a great extension for the commonly used Search Everywhere dialog box. This plugin adds help articles to the list of search results. Just click on the one that seems appropriate and it will appear in your default web browser. This really saves you tons of time as you no longer have to manually open product help in a browser and search for the article yourself.

Plugin Rainbow brackets

If you’ve ever been annoyed by the many repeating parentheses with nested elements, this plugin is your lifesaver. It assigns its own color to each set of open and close parentheses, making it easier to keep track of where a block of code starts and ends. Believe me, once you try it, you will realize that this is what you have been missing all along.

Plugin Randomness

Do you need to add random data to your project, such as a word, number, or string? If you’re out of options, install this plugin and press Alt + R on Windows and Linux or ⌥R on macOS to see a drop down list of possible data types that you can add. Select the one you want, and then the magic happens – the Randomness plugin will add different values ​​every time you apply this action.

Plugin EduTools

This plugin is useful for both students and teachers. It allows you to learn and teach programming languages ​​such as Kotlin, Java, Python, JavaScript, Rust, Scala, C / C ++ and Go right from the IDE. If you are learning programming, we encourage you to learn by doing. Install the plugin to join the public programming course available on the system. You can also enroll in an individual course for your teacher or work colleague. Yes, you heard right, the Edu Tools plugin allows you to create exercises and share them with your colleagues.

Plugin GitToolBox

IntelliJ IDEA already supports full Git integration, but this plugin offers additional features that you can use as you see fit. People acquire it mainly for inline blame – an annotation that shows who changed the code in a line and when. GitToolBox also adds status display, auto fetch, alerts, and more.

Install this plugin to join over half a million people who use it to streamline your daily Git workflow.

Plugin WakaTime

It’s like a fitness tracker, but for monitoring your coding activity. The WakaTime plugin provides a time tracking service by automatically generating elegant metrics and analytics. Use it to analyze team performance or to find ways to improve the speed of software development.

Plugin Extra Icons

Extra Icons plugin is intended for those who want to embellish the look of the project. It adds a set of icons that IntelliJ IDEA doesn’t support by default. They look amazing and make it easier to navigate between files as you can visually identify their type. Plus, the icons are very customizable. You can customize them in Preferences | Settings / Appearance & Behavior / Appearance / Extra Icons.


As a complement, install Nyan Progress Barto make indexing a more relaxed experience. If you don’t like Nyan the cat, try other characters, for example, Mario or random pokemon

We hope these plugins help you customize your IDE and make you a little happier every day. Stay productive and have fun with IntelliJ IDEA!

Happy work!

On the eve of the start of the course “Java Developer. Basic” We invite everyone to a free two-day intensive course on the topic “Good Code”.

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