tools and resources for beginner testers

Testing is painstaking work. However, for beginners, finding useful resources can be more difficult than finding a bug. We decided to help and asked our fellow experts

from Selectel

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Python library Requests
The Art of Software Testing
Python Autotest Tool
CSS diner trainer
Rally and Tempest
Networks are the base
Interesting materials from experts
Tips for Beginner Testers

Python library Requests


developer in testing

One of the key advantages of the library is simplicity. When testing the backend with Requests, you can write many tests to check the API.

It is convenient to work with HTTP requests, test POST, GET, PUT, DELETE methods and compare the received responses. At the same time, you can check the data returned by the server (response), including the response code. This ensures coverage of both negative and positive scenarios.

Find out more about the library →

The Art of Software Testing


testing engineer

The key advantages are a good structure and many examples. For beginners, the book will help form a primary knowledge base. However, as in the case of the Computer Networks publication, professionals can periodically refer to such publications as a reference.


Glenford Myers' work describes the classic principles of testing mobile and Internet applications, test design. Among other things, from the book you will learn how to apply a collective approach to developing and testing applications.

Book in online store →

Python Autotest Tool

Valentinadeveloper in testing

The Tox tool allows you to prepare and configure the testing environment using the tox.ini configuration file. When launched, it creates virtual environments (taking into account the specified Python versions), installs dependencies, and runs tests.

More about the tool →

Tox on GitHub →

CSS diner trainer


Senior Test Engineer

It is useful to re-read both for beginners and professionals. You will learn how to choose selectors in autotests and avoid long constructions.

Screenshot of the tool interface.

The user is presented with a group of HTML elements on the screen: jumping apples, plates, and bento. To remove any of the items, you need to write a suitable CSS selector.

Try the tool

Rally and Tempest

Valentinadeveloper in testing

Tools that I have been working with for quite a long time. Together they provide sufficient and up-to-date system coverage.

Tempest is an extensive Python test base for OpenStack components. The tests are updated with each release of the latest one. You can also install an additional ready-made framework or write your own to expand the test base.

Rally lets you run these tests, create verification environments, test performance, and generate graphical reports. The tool lets you run the entire test suite or individual suites.

Find out how we automated OpenStack testing with Rally and Tempest →

Networks are the base

“Computer networks”


testing engineer

Networks are useful in many areas of IT, testing is no exception. The book describes basic terms, key network protocols and technologies in simple language. Suitable for students and beginners.


For established specialists, the publication can become a detailed reference material that will come in handy in a difficult situation. The authors examine the issues of network security, wireless data transmission, TCP/IP networks, and more.

Book on the publisher's website →

Course “How Network Protocols Work”

Selectel Academy has a free educational course – “

How Network Protocols Work

“. It examines in detail the OSI network model and a number of the most frequently used protocols. There are 12 materials in total, which will take about three and a half hours to get acquainted with.

The course will be interesting for those who are just starting to work with clusters, have heard something about Kubernetes, but have never worked with it and want to understand the topic. All articles and instructions can be studied at your own pace and in any order.

Course at Selectel Academy →

Interesting materials from experts

How to Test Kubernetes

Kubernetes is the key container orchestration tool on the market, so testing it requires a special approach. For trivial scenarios, you can use kubectl or Sonobuoy. However, for complex integration tests that work with the Kubernetes API, you will need custom solutions. Artem, a test engineer at Selectel, talked about setting up such tests using Python.

Learn how to test Kubernetes clusters→

How to Unit Test Database Applications

Today, many applications use a three-tier architecture with a database in the data layers. Unit tests make it easier to support the product, but when the architecture includes a database, you often have to look for non-standard solutions.

Developer Vladimir shares the methods and tools he uses to develop Selectel products. The author discusses testing methods with Python 3, PyTest, and SQLAlchemy, but the approaches can be adapted to other tools.

Learn more about unit testing database applications →

How to solve the problem with residual resources

Test automation is an important part of working with clouds, but there are always some nuances. One of the problems is “hanging” resources after tests, which take up project quotas and affect the stability of the pipeline. Valentina, a testing developer at Selectel, shared how to solve this problem using the Tempest Cleanup tool.

Find out what difficulties they encountered, how they overcame them and what happened →

Tips for Beginner Testers

Artemtesting engineer

It is always useful to study the official documentation – this way you will understand the product better and save time. Many people neglect this at the start. Also, the LeetCode platform helps me maintain my programming skills, where you can solve coding problems.


developer in testing

Don't be afraid of negative experiences and rejections – they are also important. Reflect and analyze what went wrong to use it as motivation for growth. Learning from mistakes will help you develop faster in the profession and become a more valuable specialist. Remember that every experience, even unsuccessful, is a step forward!

What testing immersion resources have helped you? What do you use to practice and improve your skills? Share in the comments!

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