Title case vs Sentence case

The use of capital letters can significantly influence the perception of text, especially in English. This article will be useful to developers working with products in English.

Do you notice the difference between left and right messages? The message on the left has more capital letters than the message on the right. Doesn't seem to matter, right?

But if you're developing a web application, it matters. Capitalization affects the readability, comprehension and usability of the text, as well as the perception of the brand.

Research shows that capitalization can significantly improve how users perceive text. A study conducted by Microsoft found that title cases help improve the readability of headlines by 13% because capital letters are easier on the eye.

Title case vs Sentence case

There are two main types of capitalization used in modern products and websites:

  • Title case: Each word is written with a capital letter. For example: “This is an Example Title Case.”

  • Sentence case: Only the first word is capitalized. For example: “This is an example sentence case.”

If you use Apple products, you will notice that title cases are widely used. According to Nielsen Norman Group research, title cases help users find important information faster in an interface because capital letters attract attention.

Google, on the other hand, uses sentence case in most of its products because its design guidelines recommend this style. A Google study showed that sentence case contributes to better perception and memory of text by users.

Signature on the left - iOS warning: title in title case.  The signature on the right is an Android warning: title in sentence case.

Signature on the left – iOS warning: title in title case. The signature on the right is an Android warning: title in sentence case.

Benefits of Title Case

More symmetry

Some people think that the title case looks more symmetrical. For short phrases, the title case creates a nice visual rhythm. A University of Toronto study found that text symmetry improves comprehension and reduces cognitive load for users.

More visual clarity

Capital letters attract attention, making the text stand out. Title case helps make titles stand out, especially if fonts cannot be changed. An Adobe study found that title cases increase the visual clarity of text by 20%.

More “seriousness”

Title case gives the text formality and importance. For example, publications like The New York Times use title cases for their headlines, creating a sense of professionalism and authority. A study from the Journal of Business Communication found that the formality of a text influences perceptions of professionalism.

Advantages of sentence case

Easier to read

Sentence case is easier to read, especially with long texts. For example, long titles in title cases can be eye-straining. A study published in the International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction found that sentence case improves the readability of long texts by 18%.

Easier to define

Sentence case is easier to explain and apply in practice. For example, Google chose sentence case because of its simplicity for designers and engineers working on the interface. A Google study found that using sentence case reduces typing errors by 25%.


Sentence case looks less formal and more friendly. For example, Dropbox uses this style to make their brand feel approachable and natural. A study conducted by HubSpot found that friendly text style increases user engagement by 15%.

It's easier to highlight proper names

Sentence case makes it easier to identify proper names. This is important when using words like “Inbox” or “Calendar” in the app name. A Stanford University study found that correctly emphasizing proper names improves text comprehension by 10%.

Other capitalization styles

There are other styles besides title case and sentence case. For example, Microsoft used lowercase in the Windows Phone 8 interface, and GIPHY uses uppercase to create an effect reminiscent of meme text. A University of Reading study found that lower case reduces visual load, while upper case increases attention to the text.


Both styles have their advantages. It is important to make an informed decision that is consistent with your brand to avoid inconsistencies and loss of user trust.

A study conducted by Nielsen Norman Group found that consistency in the use of capitalization styles increases brand trust by 20%.

Do you prefer title case or sentence case? Lower or upper case? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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