Tips for Front End Developers and Designers

If you decide not to write a cover letter, keep in mind that I myself stopped writing them at some point and just responded to job openings en masse. And that worked, too. It may not be the most ideal approach, but sometimes it’s important to just do something..

Alexey: The main thing is to indicate what corresponds to the requirements of the vacancy. This will show the employer that you have carefully read the description and understand what is expected of you..

Briefly about the important things when looking for your first job in IT

  1. Obviously, but having the right skills is the base. Study the job market: analyze which frameworks, libraries, and skills are most in demand in your specialization.

  2. Write several resumes. A general resume will only partially meet the requirements of the vacancy and will look weaker compared to other candidates.

  3. Respond only to vacancies that are interesting to you. Taking test assignments en masse can lead to burnout, especially when you get a lot of rejections.

  4. Prepare for the interview technically. The absence of problems with software and equipment will allow you to be less nervous during the interview.

  5. Be honest on your resume and in interviews. If you exaggerate your skills and abilities, the interviewer will still understand this when asking more in-depth questions.

  6. Register on thematic platforms and maintain profiles. Being active in professional communities will increase your chances of being noticed by an employer.

  7. Constantly learn and develop. Working in the IT field requires constant improvement, so be prepared to learn a lot.

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