There is no need to make a cult out of frameworks – they are not so complex as to divide people into React and Angular developers

Recently, I was invited to be a guest on A Heavy Morning with Holy.js to get a good kick at my article on front-end stupid people. We talked in detail, and one of the arguments was this – if our js frameworks devour unreasonably much on simple tasks – just don’t use them. If you just need to render four forms, then you don’t need any react, no typescript, no webpack – nothing. You create three files .html, .css and .js – here’s your application.

You don’t need to build anything anywhere, no stat analysis, and no gluttonous and braking node on your car – everything is quick and simple. This is how you can build large enough applications – after all, the same vs code can typecheck your js. Other problems that can be solved with large frontend tools are, firstly, often invented by their creators, and secondly, if they create a lot of pain, then only on really large applications.

The argument is weighty – I have nothing to argue. I really can not be smeared with editors-webpacks-rambdas, from a technical point of view, nothing bothers me. But it interferes with the humanitarian. I can’t afford to do my projects in pure javascript, because then no one will hire me.

It is clear that when you worked as an architect or development manager in a cool and well-known company, no one will turn you around for not knowing the editorial staff. But I’m talking about the case when you are a conditional middle in a conditional Tomsk. You can open any site with vacancies in the Russian Federation, drive in a frontend, specify a salary of 150k, and see – almost every of them requires “Excellent practical knowledge of the React stack (Redux, Saga, Reselect, Styled Components)”. The content may vary – they have many frameworks that do the same thing. The best companies suggest not necessarily knowing their particular framework – five years of experience with a couple of exactly the same ones is enough.

These are frontend developers. In the C # or Java stack, everything is even worse – we have one main framework, and by default everyone thinks that you know it perfectly – the latest version, and, of course, the one that is used by them. They think that you have to know him – and they check it on the interview. They check well.

At first glance, they are doing the right thing. After all, you come like that, bow your turnip, and they will tell you – bahn the controller. In our core project. To bang, you need to know, plus or minus, how exactly core works.

But you don’t know him, but you were hired – and you couldn’t bang. But the day of your work – it costs ten thousand rubles – such loot does not lie on the road, and some epam will not be able to recover from such losses. A billion-dollar corporation, it’s a billion-dollar corporation – grandmothers know how to count. I didn’t learn much about specific frameworks, and even less about finance. But it looks like I can count money better than they can.

We have a back-end vacancy. They want core, good knowledge of C #, some mssql, and all kinds of crap. And there is an abstract person who for some reason fell on her, although he does not know either Aspnet or a muscle. And there are only three options. He can be a deceiver and an impostor – and then he must be driven away with pissing rags. Maybe a big idiot – he has to explain it. And he may also decide that he can cope with this stack for himself – for example, because he used other bases, and the Bek did it in Java.

You see, a person did a backend – a complex thing, a whole area, a deep understanding of which is the key skill for such a position. I understand that when you are not ready to take on another YAP – they are also very complex. But, Lord Almighty, does anyone really believe that webApi is so critically different from core? Or the fact that a person who has been building giant applications on a conditional spring for five fucking years will come to you, and such – “well, nope, this is too difficult. I cannot understand such a complex system, because there are already three other unbearably complex concepts! The database is completely different. Not at all like the four others that I have studied all my life – in it four and a half of syntactic constructions are written differently. ”

Everyone knows – until you study the instrument thoroughly, you cannot solve a single tiny problem on it. Developers are completely unteachable. Simply put, these are blunt stones, unable to remember even two new words.

The attentive reader will note – in fact, this is not true. And in fact, there are no dullards who think so. I parodied the thinking of non-existent people. But then how to explain why real existing people still require knowledge of their framework.

It’s in the short term. Financial. If you hire a guy who knows only pure js for a project with react, it will be bad for a couple of weeks. And then for another two months, from time to time, make childhood mistakes. If, at the same time, the project is also very complex, these terms will increase several times. Therefore, it is logical to do so – to take people who know exactly your technologies. The faster the fighter gets the first enemy, the better.

There is just one small problem.

Knowing your specific tools is one of thousands of developer options. And one of the least important.

If you take two absolutely identical developers, one of which knows your framework, and the second knows not yours, you need to take the first one. But such situations do not exist. You have two developers, one with five years of experience, the other with four. One has C #, and the other has C #, Java and OCaml. One has his own open source project with a thousand users, and the second knows very deeply algorithms and data structures. One extrovert, another introvert.

It can be enumerated for a long time. It’s easier to imagine such a case – you have a sharp project, and you need to choose a dumb Sharpist or a smart Javist. For me, the choice would be obvious. A good developer will quickly master a new framework or lib. And the bad one is not needed, even if he already knows them.

But there are nuances. Firstly, there is usually no such thing that one is right here dumb. Secondly, it is very difficult to define. There is no good mechanism to understand how smart a developer is, how he solves problems, how he approaches work. But it is very easy to understand whether he had any experience with the reactor.

And this is the main reason for vacancies in the spirit of React + Redux software developer. Saving money at the start is an excuse not to admit to ourselves: we don’t know how to interview.

In general, we all do not know how to interview – from Google to a provincial web studio. But you can fail in different ways. Big and cool companies can do enough to evaluate more than just knowledge on the stack. And people who hire a middle in the provinces do not know how to interview at all. There is no system, but there is a need for a system. So it turns out that checking a long-verified list of questions on some angular is like a systematic approach. And in general, such a company really hires people who know its stack. But all their other qualities are random.

But the interviewers feel great. You can’t dig into them – after all, their business is waiting for tasks right now, because they have no budget to teach people, because they are looking for people who will solve their problems, and not create new ones. And most importantly, you don’t need to think, prepare to conduct an interview, and tear yourself away from your MacBook while a stupid applicant rattles the duty life cycle of a component. A trained half will very quickly snatch a mistake and wrap the asshole home, finish teaching. And I went further to solve business problems in a project that you cannot look at without tears – because it was built by narrow-minded learners of basic questions in reaction.

A smart and good developer won’t memorize correct answers for a job interview, that’s all. And it seems to me that everyone understands this too. When you say that you are ready to hire only people who are completely suitable for your stack, you kind of decide in advance that the candidate is not smart enough to quickly figure it out. And you’re getting ready to hire a dumbass.

This is a huge problem – not only because someone else will hire people wrong. Small companies looking for “strong middle” – darkness is dark. They will create the market and influence the spirit of the industry. I personally saw how students refused to participate in a pet project, because it is on Angular, and they have already chosen a react, and now they do not want to waste time – it is better to learn your framework. This guarantees hiring. And although the situation on the market is generally favorable, and any developer who, in principle, knows how to write code, sooner or later will find a normal job for himself – no one wants to sit and blush at an interview anyway.

You all complain that I come to habr to whine. But until the “React Developer” job becomes “Software developer,” my nagging is exactly what we need.


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