the title of “Honored IT Worker”, a monument to a programmer and confusion with Google

Hi all! Oleg Malakhov, AGIMA company, is in touch. Every week we compile a selection of the loudest, strangest or simply interesting news that you might have missed. Just the thing to lazily scroll on the weekend. Make yourself comfortable, and we will briefly tell you everything.

In Russia it was proposed to introduce the title “Honored IT Worker”

The Association of Software Developers “Domestic Software” proposes to the government to introduce the title “Honored IT Worker”. The authors of the initiative believe that it is time to encourage Russian programmers and in this way – in gratitude for developing cool software that meets the needs of users and the legislation of the country.

In the same letter, they also propose to “create a culture of independence from imported IT solutions in Russian business.”

Well, who would like to become honored?


A monument to a programmer was erected in Udmurtia

News that is not far from the previous one: in the capital of Udmurtia, Izhevsk, a monument to the programmer was erected. Like this:

It is installed on Gogol Boulevard, so if you are in Izhevsk, take a look. The composition includes a table, a chair, a computer, a developer who is looking at the screen with some doubt, and for some reason cat. The cat also looks at the screen, but, unlike the owner, he does it competently, and at the same time tries to move the mouse somewhere.

On the screen are logos of companies that, apparently, were somehow involved in the creation of the monument.

What do you say? Sounds like all of us?

Colleagues have more details and photos.

Another round of history with Google

This week, the Ministry of Digital Development officially confirmed that Google seems to be limiting the ability of Russian users to create accounts. After this, messages and reminders flew across social networks and industry media, saying it was time to back up data.

But soon Google itself announced that it was doing everything possible to maintain free services in Russia. And they are aware of the problems with registering accounts and are already trying to solve them.

We will continue to watch.


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