The Pyramid of Cheops is the surviving part of the structure (base) of the space elevator

Hi all!


Everything written here is entirely my personal thoughts. I couldn't google or search Nyandex for the version about the space elevator, which surprised me a lot. Probably, this article is the original source of the version, although in my opinion, the version lies on the surface.

So, what do we have from the facts:

  1. The Pyramid of Cheops is very massive, the most massive of all pyramids discovered on Earth.

  2. It is believed to be around 4,500 years old, but there is quite a bit of evidence that it is much older. Such evidence is ignored by Egyptologists because it is detrimental to existing theories and therefore to the tourism industry as a whole.

  3. The structure of the pyramid is geometrically correct

  4. Inside there are a small number of long and narrow corridors and a small number of rooms.

  5. The corridors are not horizontal, but mostly flat or diagonal.

  6. Also, inside there are narrow channels directed from the edges to the center diagonally downwards

  7. The “main” room is located almost in the center of the cross-section of the pyramid, but not in the center

  1. On the top block of the pyramid there is a small vertical hole that goes vertically into the pyramid and connects to its internal structure.

  2. Around the pyramid – thousands of tons of rust

  3. Next to the Pyramid of Cheops is the Pyramid of Khafre – it is slightly smaller, and its structure is somewhat simpler, but it contains common features with the structure of the Pyramid of Cheops – the same diagonal corridors and the same room located close to the center (along the cross-section), but not in the center.

  4. The Pyramid of Cheops is located at 29th latitude

The line of reasoning that led to this conclusion

We are asked to accept the idea that the pyramid was built for ritual purposes. But who came to this conclusion? Historians, archaeologists, Egyptologists. However, it is well known in scientific circles that everything that researchers cannot explain is sooner or later simply attributed to ceremonies, rituals and/or worship. This is just a scientific version of “I don't know”. Therefore, I initially did not seriously consider the purpose of the Cheops pyramid as a tomb. Or rather, yes, pharaohs were buried in pyramids, but this was already an adaptation of existing wonders to the needs of the elite. For the pharaohs, the pyramids of “Cheops” and “Khephren” were as ancient and inexplicable as they are for us. And, like us, they came to the conclusion about the benefits of their ritual use.

So, let's look exclusively practical application.

What are the main properties of the Cheops pyramid?

  • She is very massive.

  • It is very simple inside. We discard mysticism. There is no mysticism, no resonators and other incredible nonsense there. No “super secret not yet opened” rooms. We remember Occam's razor, which says – “Entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily.

  • It has narrow corridors that are clearly of technical purpose.

  • She has a narrow vertical hole.

The thought arises – what if the pyramid was a base for something? And the shape is suitable for a base. But a base for what? There is nothing on top… except for a vertical hole. Compare it with the decorative base of the column:

Decorative base of the column

Decorative base of the column

Now imagine that the pillar is very narrow, fitting into a small, barely noticeable hole at the top of the pyramid. And at the same time, that it can serve as a source of a very large force directed upwards – so large that a counterweight of 6,000,000+ tons is required to hold this force. Most likely, the weight was taken with a 30% reserve, as in the construction of modern bridges, but still. And since the pillar is so narrow and can withstand such tension, this means that it is incredibly strong. And what fits the definition of a very narrow and very strong “pillar” that can withstand tension of such a force? Probably a space elevator cable.

Arguments, counterarguments, assumptions, circumstantial facts

What was the purpose of such a massive pyramid structure?

To balance the centrifugal force generated by the object in orbit to which the other end of the cable is attached. A large number of simple stone blocks, which make up the pyramid, are quite suitable for this task.

What function did the rooms serve?

Technical functions for servicing the cable – reel, fastening, cushioning. Upper room – probably cushioning. Thick corridor – probably a place for a reel. Lower rooms and corridor walls – probably fastening systems.

What function did the narrow channels running diagonally downwards from the edges perform?

Filling with lubricants and creating pressure. There are plugs at the top of the channels.


Low narrow corridors, accordingly, served for feeding and fastening the cable

Thousands of tons of rust around the pyramid

A space elevator is a technically complex structure, no simpler than a modern cosmodrome, and the pyramid-shaped cable mount is only a small part of what is needed. Thousands of tons of rust around the pyramid are the remains of an ancient “cosmodrome”, of which the space elevator was a part. Just like modern airports, the ancient cosmodrome had waiting rooms, food areas, storage warehouses, fuel reserves and other service facilities located on a large territory around the pyramid-shaped mount. Video on YouTube.

What do ancient myths and legends say?

The ancient Egyptians believed that the sparkling edges of the pyramid were the path along which the soul of the pharaoh could ascend to his father, Ra, the sun god. Zen

What about the pyramid of Khafre?

The Pyramid of Khafre is a “space elevator, version 1”. The Pyramid of Cheops is a “space elevator, version 2”. Think of modern airports – when they are rebuilt, no one removes the old runways, they just stop using and maintaining them. Technology tends to improve, and so it was here – at first they used a smaller and simpler elevator, then they switched to a larger and more complex elevator. The elevator mount was built nearby, within the existing infrastructure.

And what does Cheops, Khafre and other pharaohs have to do with it?

It has nothing to do with it. They were simply those who adapted the pyramids that had existed for thousands of years before them to suit their relations with the public, public relations. They wrote on them “Vasya was here”, so to speak. It would be more correct to call these pyramids “Pyramids of an unknown highly developed civilization”, but they definitely have nothing to do with Cheops and Chephren. However, it is now unrealistic to detach these pyramids from these names.

What about the other pyramids? There are many more than two of them.

If the pyramids of “Cheops” and “Khephren” are 10+ thousand years old according to modern estimates, then other pyramids were actually built during the time of the pharaohs, 4500 – 4000 years ago. I repeat, for the time of the pharaohs, the original pyramids were as incomprehensible a fact as for us, and they, like most of us, reduced everything to religion and rituals. Among the elite, a fashion for burials in pyramids and cargo cult arose. But of course, no one was able to repeat the pyramid of “Cheops”. The other pyramids are about 1000 times more unpretentious and simpler.

"Rest" pyramids built during the time of the pharaohs

“The rest” of the pyramids, built during the time of the pharaohs

What can the coordinates of the pyramid tell us?

The latitude of the pyramid is 29.97913602284198. What else interesting is located at approximately this latitude? All more or less used spaceports of the world of those countries to which these latitudes are available. It is known that the closer the spaceport to the equator, the more profitable the launches.

All spaceports of the world

All spaceports of the world

  • Kennedy Space Center – 28.574375995470103

  • Cape Canaveral Air Force Base – 28.49230120379617

  • Xichang Cosmodrome, China – 28.241824458078682

  • Kourou Cosmodrome – 5.169531758471614 (on the other side of the equator)

  • Tanegashima, Japan – 30.37506039999211

  • Uchinoura, Japan – 31.25131678174185

It is impossible to add Russian spaceports to this list, but only because Russia is still a northern country and does not have access to these latitudes.

What can we learn from popular culture about space elevators?

In the game Civilization IV there is a space elevator. There it is – the latest and most expensive Wonder of the World, which can be built no higher than 30 latitude.

Why would anyone need a space elevator?

Any technological development tends to save money. Once upon a time, our civil airlines were served by supersonic aircraft, but now they are gone. Why? Conventional ones are simply more economical. Airlines are fighting for percentages of fuel savings. A space elevator is an economical way to throw large loads into orbit, and therefore, when super-strong materials for the cable are discovered, it will definitely be used. Conventional spaceships will also be used.

Someone built space elevators with nanocables 10,000+ years ago?

What do we know about the civilization that existed 10,000+ years ago? Almost nothing, just guesses and circumstantial evidence. Remember the opening lines of the original Star Wars trilogy: “A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.” The film that we perceive as a film about the future is actually a film about the past. There is no contradiction in the idea that before our civilization, there was another civilization on Earth that had higher technology than we have now. These were not necessarily people, and not necessarily of terrestrial origin. Moreover, in addition to the pyramids, there is other evidence of a previously existing highly developed civilization on Earth. So we are not the first tenants in this communal apartment called Earth.

What about other pyramids on other parts of the world?

Well, we need to look into this separately, but the Cheops pyramid is still the largest. The others could well be either the same “foundations” for space elevators, or the results of cults from later times.

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