The most useful reports in Yandex Metrica

How do you evaluate the effectiveness of lead generation for your project?

Today we’ll talk about the most useful reports in the Yandex Metrica service that will help:

  • competently analyze the effectiveness of advertising placement to attract leads and orders,

  • make the necessary adjustments to advertising campaigns so that they work for maximum results.

We will look at the example of sites where the main target action is submitting a form, and for online stores where e-commerce is set up.

1) So, let's start with the most obvious report: it is the most logical and simple – “Sources, summary”

What is he showing us?
Detailed information on each source of website traffic – how many visitors there were, how many visits they made (do not confuse these two metrics – these are different indicators! We have repeatedly encountered how some specialists/agencies show visits to clients in reports, calling them the number of users), how many how long people spent on the site and how many pages they viewed, as well as how many of them were on the site for less than 15 seconds.

How can I download this report?
Select a goal, for example, “Form submission” – and you will see how many forms were submitted from each specific traffic source.

Report "Sources, summary"

Report “Sources, summary”

If you have an online store and e-commerce is connected, then immediately, without additional add-ons, you can see the income that each source brings.

Report "Sources, summary" with Income

Report “Sources, summary” with Income

2) To analyze specifically paid traffic sources, let’s build a report “Sources, costs and ROI”

In it we see by default the income for the selected goal, advertising costs, the cost of a targeted visit and click, as well as the number of targeted visits and the return on advertising costs.

report “Sources, expenses and ROI”

report “Sources, expenses and ROI”

For online stores, the report will show expenses, CPA, ROI and income from e-commerce

Don’t be afraid of the “-100%” ROI indicator on sites where the main goal is leaving an application – in this case, look specifically at the indicators of the number of goals achieved and the cost of achieving it – if the ratio fits into your economy, then everything is ok!
(beware of the “-100%” ROI indicator if you have an online store and advertise on it 🙂 We’ll tell you how to fix this next time)

How to download this report?
In the metrics parameters, select a slice based on the number of achievements of the selected goal and get even more information for analysis 🙂

How do you evaluate the effectiveness of lead generation for your project? -4

3) Another important report – this time available only for online stores. But they can’t do without this report! Of course, we are talking about the e-commerce section and its specific report “Order Sources.”

“Order Sources” report

“Order Sources” report

In it we see which sources bring orders – and therefore we understand which of them need to be developed and scaled first.

4) But to understand which advertising campaigns are the most effective and bring the largest number of conversions (whether orders or leads), you need to check the report “Direct, summary”

“Direct summary” report

“Direct summary” report

In it we see exactly the effectiveness of specific campaigns.
You can also set up slices based on specific goals and metrics – this way you can understand whether the budget is spent specifically on achieving the required indicators.

How to download this report?
Add groupings not only by campaigns, but also by ad groups to see which specific creatives are driving conversions and which ones can be disabled to optimize costs.
And yes – don’t forget to check the conversions with the Direct account – sometimes you can find that the number of conversions differs – in this case, we recommend focusing on Yandex Metrica.

5) And last but not least on the list is the report – “Audience”

This universal report helps both commercial sites, information sites and any other.
Knowledge about your audience is the most valuable, since it is they that help a business set up communication with those segments who see the value of the company and are willing to pay for the services or goods offered.

“Audience” report

“Audience” report

Using knowledge about geography, interests, devices and online behavior of users, you can significantly increase the return not only from advertising, but also increase the conversion of website landing pages.

Based on our practice, the Yandex Metrica tool can provide a lot of different and useful information about visitors to your site – the main thing is to use the right reports and be able to analyze them.
This is what promotion and online advertising specialists do in our agency! 😉

Use these tips for working with Yandex Metrica and achieve your business goals.
Or concentrate on the development of the project, and entrust us with lead generation and attracting orders!

You can contact us in any convenient way:
or by phone +7(4932)955-989

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