the most interesting facts from its inception to the present day

We live in amazing times. Before our eyes, inventions that were once science fiction are ceasing to be the figment of the imagination of engineers and becoming commonplace devices.

A striking example is robots. Today, advanced manipulators work alongside humans in factories, da Vinci performs surgeries in clinics, self-driving cars drive on public roads, and Tesla bots assemble each other. This is no longer a joke – cyborgs have taken over the entire planet. Robots are used everywhere: in industry, transportation, and entertainment. Machines bake pancakes in subway stations and sell ice cream in shopping malls.

In the new video on VAYTI channel We tell the story of the emergence of robots and get acquainted with promobots. If you like the episode, let us know: by subscribing, liking or commenting.

Briefly, what the issue is about

You will find out what kind of robots people created in 300 BC. What Leonardo da Vinci dreamed of and whether modern scientists managed to bring his developments to life. When was the first “real” robot invented and how did it help humanity? How robotics developed in the USSR. Is it even possible to classify robots and on what basis is this done today? Why is the creation of promoter robots – promobots – considered one of the popular areas of robotics today? Why Perm is the capital of robotics and how Perm robots are conquering Las Vegas.

Enjoy watching!

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