The most capable girl programmer in my practice, who initially doubted

In my practice, there was a case with one of the most capable female programmers I have ever met. She was an experienced and talented middle developer, and I decided to appoint her to the position of team leader. I saw in her not only high professionalism, but also great responsibility and involvement in processes. A team leader is not just a team leader, this is a person who makes important decisions and directs the team's work.

The beginning of the team leader's path

However, as it often happens, the initial stage in a new role was not easy. Our newly-minted team leader doubted her decisions. She was worried that her choice might not be optimal and would negatively affect the project. These doubts and insecurities prevented her from fully realizing her potential in her new role. Constantly coming to me for confirmation of the correctness of her decisions, she asked how optimal they were. Every time there was a need to make a decision, she experienced anxiety and fear of making a mistake, which slowed down the work of the entire team.

The Conversation That Changed Everything

I understood that such experiences were natural, and I decided to support her. One working day we sat down to discuss her concerns. I explained that her path up to this point had been full of difficulties and trials. She had been through fire, water and copper pipes, and this experience was worth much more than any academic knowledge.

I emphasized that with her experience, she simply would not be able to make a knowingly wrong decision. Every step she takes is based on years of practice and deep knowledge. Any decision she makes will be correct because it is thought out and weighed. Her intuition, based on experience, is already a powerful tool in itself.

The Rise of Confidence

After this conversation, I noticed significant changes. Perhaps it was a coincidence, but the team leader began to demonstrate confidence in her actions. She began to make decisions quickly and confidently, and most importantly, her team felt this confidence and began to work with double dedication.

She became completely independent, her decisions turned out to be well-founded and effective. The project began to develop rapidly, and this was largely due to our team leader, who believed in her strength and was able to lead the team.


Sometimes even the most capable specialists need someone to remind them of their strength and experience. Faith in their abilities and the ability to make decisions are the key qualities of a successful team leader. And our programmer girl has become a living example of how the right support can reveal the full potential of a talented specialist.

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