the key to increasing your website conversion

Tool screen recordings in analytical services is a powerful resource to improve the quality of your website, landing page or application. The main problem is to learn use this tool effectively. In this article we will consider and try to study this issue.

Screen recording functionality is available in several popular tools, such as Hotjar, Microsoft Clarity, Webvisor etc. We will not dwell on the nuances of each of them in detail, but will focus on a general description of the correct approach to working with these tools.

So, in what are the main scenarios we can use screen recording tools?

  1. Browse random sessions

Oddly enough, such a primitive approach as browsing random sessions can be extremely useful. Just by looking at a significant number of sessions, you can discover many small and significant problemsthat might go unnoticed even if a more “conscious” and professional approach was used.

In fact, it starts to work here probability theory: the more different sessions you look at, the higher the chance of finding “something interesting”. In most cases, these will be issues with UX optimization of pages or certain technical issues.

Of course, this method is labor-intensive, but the potential effect of correcting the detected problems can be significant.

In some cases, it is still recommended to use a certain session filtering; Typically, filtering occurs by device types, operating systems, and browsers.Which segment to study is decided by a specialist in each specific case.

Here are examples of the session viewing algorithm for two free analytics systems: from Microsoft (MS Clarity) And Yandex (Webvisor).

Microsoft Clarity

In the Microsoft Clarity analytics system (, which, of course, must be pre-configuredto go to viewing screen recordings, go to the section “Recordings“:

Next, we look through the list of records, each of which is available for detailed analysis.

To filter records by a specific segment, you need to click on the corresponding menu item:

In the filtering window that appears, in the menu on the left, find and select the target filter type; for example, “Operating System”:

To the right we will see the selected filter category, highlighted with the appropriate frame. Now we can select the required value in the filter:

Apply the changes:

After that we can look at the records, remaining after applying the filter.

To view the recording, simply click on the corresponding item:

Next, the main screen will display a recording with a simple and clear control menu.

Once you have identified any issues that the user is experiencing during a session, you should conduct a deeper investigation. If the problem is widespread, it must be eliminated promptly.


We enter the existing (already configured) account Yandex Metrics ( and in the left menu go to the section “Webvisor“:

Actually, we can go straight to it to view the recordings by clicking on the “Play” symbol next to any of them:

If necessary, you can filter records, for example, by specific operating systems. For this click on the “+” button next to the “Visits in which” item at the top of the main screen:

Next, we install the appropriate filter.. For example, to filter sessions by iOS operating system, set the following parameters:

For applications filter, click on the corresponding button:

After that we will see a filtered list of recordscorresponding to the established restrictions.

  1. Studying the behavior of users who have not achieved the target conversion or micro-conversion

This method is most useful for analyzing screen recordings. The gist of it is that we filter records by the presence or absence of certain events or a combination of conditions. The most commonly used filters are aimed at identifying significant issues with a site by selecting specific sessions for further analysis.

Examples of possible filters:

  • Started to checkout in the cart but did not complete (there may be problems at the stage of placing an order).

  • Added items to cart but did not start checkout (problems with authorization or registration).

  • Stayed on the site for a long time, achieved many intermediate conversions, but did not initiate the checkout (UX issues).

  • Started filling out the application form but did not complete it (technical problems with the form).

  • I clicked the submit form button but it never sent successfully. (problems with field validation).

There are many filtering options, but only the main ones are listed above.

Let's say we want to analyze the behavior of users who spent more than 5 minutes on the landing page but did not perform the target action.

Microsoft Clarity

If we use to view session recordings, Microsoft Clarityyou should proceed according to the following steps.

As in the example above, select the item “Filters”:

In the menu on the left we find the item “Session duration”:

By selecting this item, you can set up a filter in the main filtering window, as shown in the screenshot below:

Next, you need to add the condition ” to the filterdid not leave a request“. To do this, find the item “Customized tags”:

Select the parameters of the target event (in most cases they should be configured in advance), then click on the item “Exclude selection”:


To track a specific event, you need to send event with code according to the following template:

clarity(“set”, “key”, “value”);

In the example from the screenshot above the following code is used:

clarity(“set”, “leadevent”, “landinglead”);

For more information, please refer to the MS Clarity Help (

After setting the filtering conditions, we apply the settings:

Next, we can review the list of filtered sessions and conduct a study of user behavior.

If necessary, we can adjust the settings directly from the filtering parameters line.

As noted above, session analysis on problematic aspects of user behavioris the most important and extremely useful.

In this regard, it is recommended that you carefully prepare for future use of Microsoft Clarity.creating maximum list of conversions and micro conversionsDepending on the specific case, these may be:

  • Filling out forms

  • Pressing buttons

  • View specific screens

  • Specific patterns of interaction with form fields

By preparing the most complete list of conversions and microconversions in advance, we will be able to work effectively with session recordings in the future.

It should be taken into account that A significant number of events are tracked automatically by MS Clarity. Basically, such events are located in the filtering block in the “User actions” section..


As in the example above, for filtering click on the button “+ near the corresponding point:

Next we move on to the direct installation of the filter.

For the condition “more than 5 minutes on the site” the filter setting looks like this:

To filter by the fact of failure to achieve the goal again click on the “+” button and select the item “Goal Achievement”:

Next, click on the item “Exclude” in order to exclude target:

Below we will see a list of goals, we tick the necessary one:

Apply the changes:

You can control and easily adjust the filter settings directly from the filter panel above the list of entries:


In most cases, the targets used for filtering must be created in advance as per the help instructions (

This is a fairly simple setup and in general goal code sent to Metrica from a web pagelooks like this:

ym(XXXXXX, 'reachGoal', 'my_event_name');


XXXXXX is your Metrica counter number

my_event_name — unique identifier of the goal

As with MS Clarity, once the filter is installed let's move on to viewing the recordstrying identify problem areasnegatively affecting conversion.

In addition, Yandex Metrica automatically registers a large number of events. Such events are marked as “Auto target”, and we can also use them for filtering purposes:

  1. View records of successful event achievements

This method of analysis uses an approach that the opposite of what was described in the previous paragraph. If we previously filtered users who, in our opinion, should have performed the target action, but never did didn't do it this, then here we are We analyze the behavior of successful users who have achieved useful conversions or microconversions for us.

In most cases, such analysis is useful when we want to identify patterns of successful user behavior and further encourage more users to act on these patterns.

For example, we can filter users who have successfully completed an orderand by reviewing session recordings, discover that they frequently viewed certain recommendations or visited certain sections of the site, which encouraged them to submit an application. Accordingly, adjustments are needed that will contribute more frequent viewing of recommendations and sections that have a positive impact on conversion to an order.

In most cases hypotheses generated by viewing sessions are recommended to be confirmed with more “solid” statistics. If the hypothesis confirmed statisticallyCan implement changes on the site.

In general, the filtering during analysis is similar to that described in the previous point; the only difference is that if there we, as a rule, excluded target action, then here in most cases this is not necessary.

IN MS Clarity we, accordingly, do not mark the item “Exclude selection“.

In Webvisor, when choosing goals, we choose Not paragraph “Exclude”, and leave the default item, “Turn on”:


So, above we have considered three main scenarios according to which It is recommended to use session recordings to improve the UX of the site and increase the conversion rate.

Each business, based on its needs, can define its own unique usage scenarios for records.

In this regard, we recommend that you constantly deepen your knowledge of how to work with the screen recording tool.return to it periodically and with each iteration refine the usage scenario, making it increasingly effective in terms of the final result.

The main thing is this persistence of research records. In this case, they will become a virtually endless source of generating ideas for improving your landing page. If you need correct configuration of systems that allow you to work with screen recordings, or need a wider range of work on web analytics, contact us:)

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