The Importance of On-site Retrospectives for IT Companies

In the modern dynamic world of the IT industry, regular summing up and analysis of the work done is an integral part of the successful activities of any company. In this article, we will look at the main advantages of organizing on-site retrospectives, their impact on productivity and team cohesion, as well as practical recommendations for conducting them. This article is based solely on my experience working with IT teams as an HR specialist at ESoft.

It is unlikely that in our time there are IT companies and readers of Habr who have no idea about such things as retrospective, Agile, Scrum, my favorite is “purely Russian Scrum”, but nevertheless, I consider it necessary to decide on what we are now discussing :

So, retrospective is a regular event in which the team discusses the past period, analyzes the results achieved, identifies problem areas and determines further steps to improve work processes. Retrospectives are an integral part of agile development methodologies such as Agile and Scrum, but their importance extends far beyond the IT world.

Among the advantages of such events, I would highlight the following:
– Systematic analysis of the work done and identification of areas for improvement

– Increasing employee involvement in work processes

– Strengthening team spirit and mutual understanding between team members

– Accumulation of valuable experience and its application in future projects

– Creating a culture of continuous improvement

We can probably finish with the terminology here. Moreover, here I will not talk about the process of retro itself as such, but specifically about the benefits of away retro with a team.
Since 2023, our company has established a process whereby a team completing another sprint, and especially if the sprint was very hot, can contact their HR partner with a request to organize an off-site retrospective for the team. Such events, at least for us, are held with full or partial co-financing from the company. Therefore, as a rule, an HR specialist organizes a space for holding a retrospective, be it a loft, a time cafe or the most trendy – a house in the forest. Organizes the purchase of everything necessary for holding a retrospective and organizing it afterwards. And organizes travel for the entire team to the venue.
It’s not just that I mentioned that you’re not just going somewhere to hold an event, as long as it’s not in the office, but you’re also organizing a vacation for yourself after the retrospective. As a rule, these are barbecues, informal communication, board games, and any other type of recreation that allows the team to relax, give their heads a rest, and take their minds off work and the office.

Among the advantages of such events, I would highlight:
1. No distractions

Being away from the office allows retrospective participants to fully concentrate on discussing work issues, without being distracted by current tasks, phone calls and other everyday matters. This creates ideal conditions for constructive dialogue and productive analysis.

2. Expanding the boundaries of thinking

A change in the usual environment stimulates the creative thinking of participants, promotes the generation of fresh ideas and non-standard solutions. Often, in a new location, people begin to look at work processes from a different angle, which allows them to find ways to improve that were previously missed in the office.

3. Strengthening team spirit

Spending time together outside of the work environment helps participants get to know each other better and establish closer personal contacts. This, in turn, increases mutual understanding, trust, and team cohesion, which is essential for effective teamwork.

4. Positive attitude and involvement

Off-site retrospectives often include a variety of team activities, games, and entertainment elements. This creates a positive emotional background, charges participants with energy and motivation, and increases their involvement in discussing work issues.

5. Possibility of change of scenery

Being away from the office allows retrospective participants to look at their work from a new perspective, step away from routine, and gain a fresh perspective on problems. This change of scenery contributes to a more objective and unbiased analysis.

6. Maintaining confidentiality

Conducting an off-site retrospective ensures that important internal information is not inadvertently disclosed to outsiders. This is especially true for IT companies working with confidential data. Moreover, this applies not only to working data. Specifically, our company has adopted the rule “What happened at the on-site retro stays on the off-site retro.” This is necessary solely so that people are not embarrassed or afraid to express their position on any issue or process in the company.

As a result of this visit, the manager receives:

  • New ideas and proposals for improving processes in the team;

  • Rested and motivated employees;

I consider the importance of such events to be simply priceless and the result that the company receives as a result significantly exceeds the costs of the organization. If we talk about any practical recommendations for someone who has never done this, then below I have collected (naturally with the help of Yandex) some practical recommendations for organization.

Here are some key recommendations:

  1. Select location

The location of the retrospective must meet the following criteria:

– Convenient logistics (proximity to the office, availability of parking)

– Isolation from strangers and external stimuli

– Availability of all necessary infrastructure (meeting rooms, recreation areas, food)

– Possibility of organizing team activities (open spaces, playgrounds)

  1. Clear structure and agenda

For maximum productivity, an off-site retrospective should have a detailed structure with clear timing. It is important to identify key topics for discussion in advance, assign moderator roles, and plan breaks and creative activities.

  1. Involvement of all participants

An on-site retrospective is not just a meeting of managers, but a collective event where every voice should be heard. Moderators should encourage the active participation of all employees by using various engagement techniques (brainstorming sessions, interactive exercises, feedback).

  1. Focus on concrete results

Despite the more informal format, an off-site retrospective should aim to achieve specific, measurable results. Participants should formulate clear conclusions, agree on an action plan, and assign responsibility for implementation.

  1. Documenting the results

It is important to carefully record all key decisions, ideas and agreements reached during the retrospective so that they can be effectively implemented upon returning to the office.

If your company uses similar practices, I would be happy to read interesting cases, recommendations or answer your questions in the comments.

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