The Importance of Mobile Website Optimization

When developing a website, it is important to pay attention to how convenient and functional it will be, displayed not only on a computer screen, but also on the screens of other devices. In this article, we will tell you what “correct adaptation” of a website means, how exactly mobile optimization works, and what the consequences of its absence are.

So, what do we even know about what optimization is? It is a process in which a frontend developer and web designer adapt the layout of a website to the size and functionality of devices other than a computer. This is done so that the website interface, as well as text and visual elements, are displayed and function correctly on a smartphone, tablet, and other devices other than a computer.

The classic development process identifies three types of devices for which adaptive layout is developed: computers, smartphones, and tablets. We adhere to the idea that there should be four such types and add laptops.

What is special about each version of the site?

Version for computer

A large screen diagonal implies horizontal orientation of the site content. When visiting a site from a computer, we use a mouse as an input device, and this makes it possible to add some features to the interface related to cursor hovering: highlighting buttons, pop-up windows and bars, changing images, starting a video, etc. Also, in the desktop version, important navigation elements are usually located in the corner, since it is easy to “reach” them with the cursor.

Laptop version

Laptop screens have a lower resolution, but retain a horizontal orientation and an input device similar to a computer. The most important feature of layout for a laptop screen is maintaining the proportions of text and visual elements, but in a smaller size.

Smartphone version

The mobile version is already significantly different from the desktop version due to the vertical arrangement of the screen. When scaling the page for a smartphone, it is important to consider that the user interacts with the interface elements through the touch screen and touches, which means that the interactive elements should not be too small and convenient to press with a finger. When designing a navigation system, it is also important to take this into account and arrange these buttons so that it is convenient to press them with a finger.

Tablet version

Tablet layout is a “hybrid” of mobile and desktop. The display sizes of visual and text content are similar to the computer version, and the functionality is similar to the phone version. Tablets are devices with a touch screen, so it is necessary to select the size of the buttons, taking into account the convenience factor for pressing with a finger. And due to the sufficient expansion of the screen, navigation elements can be arranged similarly to the computer version, and this will not cause any inconvenience to the user.

Now let's turn to statistics and find out which type of device dominates as a means of accessing the Internet. As an example, we took some sites that we developed for our clients. The metrics show the distribution of site views from mobile devices and from computers (laptops).

It is not difficult to see that the overwhelming majority of visits are made via smartphones. And we observe this situation constantly. People use smartphones much more often than computers. It is faster, more accessible and more convenient. At this stage of mobile technology development, it can even be argued that for everyday use without specific tasks, a smartphone is quite capable of replacing a desktop computer and laptop. But in the opposite direction, such a maneuver will not work, at least because a modern person needs constant access to the Internet.

The trend of the mass transition of the audience to mobile devices is a story that we can observe in real time. For comparison: back in 2014, half of all Internet access was made through a desktop computer. This was the period when users had already begun to massively access the Internet through smartphones, but still preferred desktop versions of sites. But very little time passed, and mobile devices became powerful enough to allow you to comfortably spend time on the Internet. After that, “computer surfing” became less and less popular. Even laptops and other portable computers could not “overcome” mobile technologies that were developing every year.

These are the statistics published by the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge in its study in 2022.

Back in 2021, smartphones were an order of magnitude more popular than any other Internet device. And naturally, this trend has not slowed down in 2024. With such statistics, the question of whether a website needs to be adapted for mobile devices does not even arise. In today's reality, this is more of a necessity than an additional service.

Of course, if your site is not currently adapted for mobile devices, this does not mean that the entire share of the audience viewing the site from smartphones will automatically “drop out.” The site will open, and the user may even be able to get some information, but there are some factors that will directly affect sales.

1. Search engine ranking

Search engine algorithms, which determine how high your site ranks in search results, have long been operating on the “Mobile First” principle. The system adapts to user behavior and “understands” that most search queries are made from mobile devices, so it primarily promotes those sites that are adapted for them.

2. User behavior.

Another important factor that affects the indexing of a site. If users leave the site in the first 5 seconds after opening the page, search engines take this into account and lower the site in search results. As practice shows, having opened a site whose design is intended only for computer screens, a person cannot correctly navigate it due to the incorrect display of the necessary information (prices for services, phone number, company address, etc.). This leads to banal irritation and leaving the site.

3. Company image.

Considering the fact that adaptive layout is a necessity for all currently existing web resources, a site that has only a desktop version looks “abandoned”, irrelevant and does not inspire confidence. Consequently, the visitor's opinion about the company is formed as follows: the site is not being worked on, which means the company does not need clients.

4. Integration with mobile technologies.

When adapting a website for mobile devices, it is necessary to take into account the ability of a smartphone to make calls or immediately go from the website to instant messengers. This increases conversion many times over and makes it easier for the client to go from the transition to the website to the purchase. We, as Internet users, have already become accustomed to the fact that you can call a number on the website or start a dialogue with a company in WhatsApp by making just one movement of your finger. It is unreasonable to neglect such an advantage and refuse adaptive layout.

The conclusions are obvious. If a business needs and values ​​clients, then the primary task is to adapt its web resources to a user-friendly format, which means mobile devices. In this way, you create a comfortable environment for interaction between the company and the client, which directly affects profits and attitudes towards the brand.

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