The ghost of the 1C Development Integrator hovers over the Russian Federation

Remember what a revolutionary situation is? When the lower classes don't want to, and the upper classes can't.

In the situation with 1C developments, the following situation has arisen.

There is only one noteworthy site that sells developments – Infostart.

But as with any monopoly, there are many aggrieved people who did not share the sales revenue with Infostart. For example, Evgeny from Subsystems. And many others.

They prefer to sell treatments from their website so as not to share a large share of the income with Infostart.

As a result, customers also suffer, as they may miss out on a useful development simply by not finding it in the search.

It just begs for an integrator of 1C developments, where anyone could add their site and a link to the development (manually or automatically) for a small penny. Specifically, a link, not the development itself.

That is, it would be just a showcase. There is no point in expecting such decisions from the 1C company itself – we all remember the sad fate of its project Nashe 1C.

Therefore, whoever makes the integrator first gets the slippers. I have been in 1C since 1999 and have not heard of any attempts to create such an Integrator. Maybe the hour has come? A good advertising channel for any franchisee or IT company-integrator that will take on this technically simple, but marketing-powerful project.

I wonder if the current state of the IT crisis allows for the creation of automatic integrators, with a ready-made engine that only needs to be installed on the site. Or is everyone writing their own web-timeless work for now?

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