The Complete Guide to LLM Benchmarks: A Detailed Catalog

Large language models (LLMs) have revolutionized the world of artificial intelligence in recent years, powering everything from chatbots to content generation. However, this advancement also brings new challenges, including ensuring that models are optimal and ethical. Critical to this task are benchmarks, which are standardized ways to quantify and compare AI models to ensure consistency, reliability, and fairness. With the rapid advancement of LLMs, benchmarking capabilities have also expanded significantly.

In this post, we present a detailed catalog of benchmarks, categorized by complexity, dynamics, assessment objectives, end-task specifications, and risk types. Understanding their differences will help you navigate the rapidly evolving LLM benchmark landscape.

Basic principles:

What is LLM benchmarking?

LLM benchmarks are used to evaluate the accuracy of LLM using standardized tasks or prompts. This process involves selecting tasks, generating input prompts, and receiving model responses with a numerical assessment of the accuracy of the models. Such assessment is essential in AI audits, as it allows for objective measurement of LLM parameters, ensuring the reliability and ethicality of models in order to maintain public trust and further responsible development of AI.

Benchmarks for LLM can be thought of as two spectrums: from simple to complex and from risk-oriented to capability-oriented. This creates four main segments of benchmarks. Complex benchmarks cover many different evaluation goals and types of systems, while simple benchmarks are focused on a specific goal. Capability-oriented benchmarks focus on assessing the accuracy of task performance, while risk-oriented benchmarks assess the potential risks of models.

LLM Benchmark Complexity

Simple and Composite LLM Benchmarks

Many LLM benchmarks are fairly straightforward, with specific goals and evaluation methodologies, but new benchmarks are becoming increasingly complex. Simple datasets typically focus on specific tasks, providing clear metrics. Composite datasets, on the other hand, include multiple goals and methodologies. These complex benchmarks allow for multiple facets of LLM accuracy to be evaluated simultaneously, providing a more holistic picture of its capabilities and limitations. Some of these complex benchmarks include AlpacaEval, MT-bench, HELM (Holistic Evaluation of Language Models), and BIG-Bench Hard (BBH).

Table 1. Composite benchmarks aimed at testing capabilities

Static and Dynamic LLM Benchmarks

Most benchmarks are static, meaning they consist of a fixed set of questions or tasks that do not change over time; however, some benchmarks are dynamic, meaning new questions or tasks are constantly being added. This helps maintain their relevance and prevents models from overfitting to a specific dataset. Examples of such benchmarks include LMSYS Chatbot Arena, LiveBench.

Table 2. Dynamic benchmarks

Specification of system types

To account for the wide range of LLM applications, benchmarks are often designed with system type specifications in mind to ensure the effectiveness and reliability of the models in real-world use. These benchmarks focus on assessing how well LLM performs in a variety of integrated systems. The main system types are:

Table 3. Benchmarks of system type specifications

Benchmarking objectives: opportunity-oriented and risk-oriented

Another important difference is the purpose of the benchmarks, which can be capability or risk testing. Capability-oriented benchmarks evaluate the performance of an LLM in performing specific tasks, such as translating texts or summarizing. In other words, these benchmarks are important for measuring the functional strengths of the model. Examples of capability-oriented LLMs include AlpacaEval, MT-bench, HELM, BIG-Bench Hard (BBH), and LiveBench.

Moreover, the core performance metrics are a subset of the capability-oriented benchmarks that test the effectiveness of LLM in text generation by assessing key metrics such as throughput, latency, and token cost.

Table 4. Key performance indicators

Risk-based benchmarks focus on potential vulnerabilities of large language models. Such risks can be broken down into specific categories, such as reliability, privacy, security, fairness, explainability, sustainability, and other social aspects. By identifying and addressing such risks, LLMs can be made not only effective, but also safe and ethical. Examples of composite benchmarks include TrustLLM, AIRBench, and Redteaming Resistance Benchmark.

Table 5. Risk-focused composite benchmarks

Specification of final tasks

To evaluate the real-world applications of large language models, it is necessary to understand the full range of their tasks. Therefore, to evaluate the specific capabilities of LLM, one can use the tasks:

Table 6. Benchmarks of final tasks

Risk-Based Benchmarks: Details

Reliability benchmarks

Robustness benchmarks are used to evaluate how well LLM performs in various settings, including noisy or adversarial inputs. Such challenges ensure the robustness and consistency of the model in diverse and challenging scenarios.

Table 7. Reliability assessment benchmarks

Security Benchmarks

Security benchmarks focus on the resilience of a model to attacks, such as

data poisoning or exploits, ensuring that the integrity and resilience of the model is verified.

Table 8. Security assessment benchmarks

Privacy Benchmarks

Privacy benchmarks evaluate a model's ability to protect sensitive information while ensuring the privacy and security of user data and interactions.

Table 9. Privacy Evaluation Benchmarks

Fairness Benchmarks

Fairness benchmarks assess a model's responses to fairness and impartiality across different demographic groups, helping to improve inclusivity and prevent discrimination.

Table 10. Fairness Assessment Benchmarks

Explainability Benchmarks

Explainability benchmarks measure how well an LLM does at generating understandable and transparent reasoning about the results of its work, increasing trust and visibility.

Table 11. Explainability evaluation benchmarks

Sustainability Benchmarks

Sustainability assessments evaluate the environmental impact of LLM training and delivery, and encourage environmentally friendly practices and resource efficiency.

Table 12. Benchmarks for assessing eco-sustainability

Social Impact Benchmarks

Social impact benchmarks cover a wide range of issues, including the social and ethical implications of LLM implementation, to ensure that models have a positive impact on society.

Table 13. Benchmarks for assessing the impact on society

This multifaceted approach allows for a thorough examination of the LLM for all possible risks, increasing confidence in the model and its reliability.


The rapid development of large language models (LLMs) has revealed a great need for detailed and reliable benchmarks. Such benchmarks not only help in assessing the capabilities of an LLM, but also allow one to detect potential risks and ethical issues.

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