The benefits of video games and the big Apple glitch

As is tradition, at the weekend we sum up the informational results of the week: which IT and technology news was booming in all media, which went unnoticed, and which are too important not to mention. We present a short digest of the loudest news stories of recent days.

Study: Video games slow brain aging

The British newspaper The Daily Telegraph shared research showing that people who play fast-paced and strategic video games like FIFA, GTA and Minecraft keep their brains young longer. The material says that over time, the brain of any person gradually loses control: it loses logic and the ability to process information. However, games like these slow down this process.

Moreover, apparently, this gives decent results: people who play at least 5 hours a week show the same results in cognitive tests as people 13 years younger (but who do not play).

Here are more numbers, quotes from scientists and other useful properties of gaming. Do you believe these studies?

Coincidence or not, another study on video games was published this past week. This time, scientists have found that those who love to play since childhood earn more in adulthood and get promoted faster at work. This is associated with developed strategic thinking and the ability to work in a team.

Here are the details and links to other similar studies – for those who read English.

In Russia they want to ban SpeedTest

SpeedTest is an Internet speed meter, which is also used by Russian providers. It was developed by the American company Ookla. The International Academy of Communications (IAC) drew attention to it. Their experts are confident that the service is unsafe and can cause cyber attacks.

The point is that, according to MAS experts, it collects data about communication networks: configurations, equipment, load, bandwidth, etc. And if this data ends up in the wrong hands, it can be used to organize targeted DDoS attacks .

Izvestia reports that the authorities have already liked the idea of ​​banning the service.

Large-scale failures in RuNet

But even what is not blocked yet does not always work smoothly. In the middle of the week there was a major outage in Apple services. To be fair, not only in Russia, all over the world. Users could not go to the App Store and pay for purchases using Apple Pay, and music in Apple Music could not be played.

RBC talks about this.

But then a big glitch occurred in RuNet, which was reported by users of social networks. For example, the websites of regional governments, applications of some banks and marketplaces, as well as mobile operators were down for some time. Messengers, some online games and popular ecoms also joined the “flash mob”.

Have you noticed this? We didn't notice.

That's all. If there is not enough news and you want to read more, then here are cool articles: about how to assemble a designer to assemble a UI kitand about An AI system that quickly reads data from paper documents and then transfers them to ERP.

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