the analyst tried to kill (in himself) the manager

In the article we are investigating the case of Dusi, who at one point tried to commit a murder and what came of it. A rather controversial and funny article about whether it is necessary to kill the manager in yourself or not. The advice is simple and obvious, derived from personal experience.


Name: Dusya

Age: about 30 years

Job: System analyst for a couple of years now.

Prior to that, she worked as a project manager for an outsourcing company for many years.

Peculiarities: control freak, host organizer, perfectionist. There are mental problems: hypersensitivity and anxiety. Therefore, she decided to leave the position of project manager due to hyper-responsibility for everyone and burning perfectionism. After burning out as a manager, she decided that she would try herself as a systems analyst, because she is very good at working with requirements.


Incident: first job as a systems analyst after many years of work as a manager, nervous breakdown

Murder Motivation: maintaining mental health

Real examples found during the investigation

Omitted so as not to reveal the secret of the investigation

Parties’ arguments

Defense Arguments

Having a managerial background is cool. In addition to developed soft-skills, you have the following clear advantages:

  • You understand the duties and tasks of a manager: what he does, what responsibility he has to the team and to the customer.

  • You can build a roadmap for the project once or twice, estimate the time and labor costs at the top level.

  • You know how to understand a bunch of contracts, add. agreements, you know how to draw up and edit them, and reconciliation acts are your best friends.

Prosecution Arguments

Having worked for many years as a manager, your brain cannot quickly start working differently. Therefore, being a systems analyst, Dusya used her usual Modus operandi (* Latin phrase, which is usually translated as “mode of action” and denotes the way a person is used to performing a certain task (c) wiki): she pulled the blanket over herself, doing the work for the manager.

In her organization, Dusya pushed through her managerial vein, which made the managers a little lazy, got used to Dusya doing their work for them and began to work with other analysts according to the same pattern.

This event resulted in

  • Dusya overdue all the deadlines for her tasks, performing managerial tasks;

  • Dusya spoiled relations with colleagues, as colleagues were not ready to take on managerial tasks and subsequently clashed with them, who were used to shifting part of their tasks to analysts

Dusya exceeded the limit of her anxiety level, burned out and attempted to kill the manager in herself.


By the decision of the court of reflection, we sentence Dusya to a period of 1 to 3 months of rest, and we also recommend that you follow the following rules in order to maintain your mental health without the subsequent commission of criminal acts.

1. Clearly outline your duties and responsibilities

This can be difficult to do in a new company, but very important. No wonder they shout about it at all corners – it really works. But that doesn’t mean that on your first day at work, you need to foam at the mouth in a rigid format list a list of your duties. Based on your previous experience, gently list the differences in processes and explain why these responsibilities are shifted to the analyst. This event should eliminate the ambiguity in the interpretation of processes and indicate to future colleagues what might be a problem for you. (!Only then do not forget to follow this).

Of course, all this applies to the situation if at the interview you forgot to ask the same questions to employers.

2. Don’t be afraid of your work

You may be more comfortable working the old way, doing the old tasks, because you feel more confident in them, they are familiar. But wasn’t that what Dusya was running from? And look where that got her…

Immerse yourself in new tasks, decompose them. Ask for help if you don’t know how to do it, but don’t go back on track. You will be surprised (or not), but people like to be asked for help. With this process, you not only help yourself, establish contact with colleagues, but also help them increase their self-esteem.

3. Learn to escalate and/or delegate

In a new organization, you may be afraid to tell the manager that this task is not part of your job. Especially if he pushes the line, that the task is your responsibility. Such points should be carefully discussed with your supervisor. Arguments can be made that such work takes a lot of time that you would spend on documentation or improving the project. You are ready to advise the manager, but this is his job.

I am sure that the manager will tell you how to discuss this task with the manager, he can even connect if necessary.

4. Not telling the manager how to do his job

This recommendation echoes the previous point. You advised the manager how to make his task. He made it and returned to you with the result.

When you saw the result, the perfectionist inside you yelled, “I can do better! Let me”. At this point, you need to stop, as you will be doing a disservice.

Praise your colleague, say that he did a great job, gently voice your thoughts and additions, how you can improve. Maybe a colleague did not have time and he knows how best, or maybe he does not know. In this way, you will either teach him or convince your brain that at the moment this work has been completed in full.

5. Speak up if you have concerns, not just about anything.

If you have concerns about contracts or some kind of documentary evidence, then the first thing you want to do is open them and check everything yourself. Back to wasting time.

Highlight your concern to the manager, I’m sure he will figure it out or return to you for advice. Even if you were right, both win. While you were doing the task, the manager figured it out himself and set himself an additional task to correct the documents.

6. Learn to trust colleagues

This recommendation summarizes all the previous ones.

Do not come with obviously high conceit that everything is more stupid than you, and you are now destroying it, a kind of Mother Teresa. As a manager, as a control freak, you question everything – this is normal, but in certain quantities.

Listen to the culture of communication in the company, how colleagues communicate and trust each other and delegate. Get involved in this process. If your manager trusts this person, it is doubtful that you can have any counterarguments to this. (Now we are not considering the situation with the son of my mother’s friend, the matchmaker of the boss, etc.)

As a manager, you have direct access to supervisors or to the customer. And sometimes this is wildly not enough for you, just come and negotiate directly. In a new location, you may not have this channel. Do not substitute a colleague, first agree with the manager, ask him for a strategy for communicating with the customer, as he may have his own project management strategy that is different from your usual one. Communicating not in tandem with the team, you can harm everyone: the project, relationships with colleagues, relationships with the customer, spoil the image of the organization. Remember this.

The article was written more for relaxation than with some kind of serious intention, but all the theses have been gained by the author, although they may be obvious.

Sometimes we don’t see the obvious until we write it down and convince ourselves of it.

Live, work and take care of your mental health. And you will have work-life balance.

All matches are random.

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