Testing input fields. Details

Hello everyone! My name is Ivan, third year in testing. At the moment I am working on a mobile fintech project. Today I will show a lazy checklist for testing masks and input fields. Keep the hackneyed phone number for yourself, and we are testing account details!

We will not use the intersection table taught in Yandex Practicum, it is very useful, but due to lack of time, you often have to sketch out a checklist. Maybe you stop filling out the table of boundary values ​​and equivalence classes due to experience? Let's check now)

We have three fields on one page: “Account number”, “BIC”, “Bank name”.

Layout 1. Be careful :)

Layout 1. Be careful 🙂

field “Account number”

  1. When you click on a field, a TOUCHBAR (numbers) appears

  2. When you click on the field, the placeholder disappears

  3. The placeholder contains “Enter account number”

  4. Hint “Must start with 4XX” if first digit is not 4

  5. Hint “Must contain 20 digits” after removing focus from field (less than 20 digits)

  6. The hint is not displayed if there is no data in the field (focus is removed from the field)

  7. “Must start with 4XX” prompt when entering incorrectly again

  8. Hints are displayed when you continue typing in another field

  9. Every 4 digits are separated by spaces automatically

  10. Input limit in the field is 20 digits

  11. When entering 20 digits, there is no way to shift the data with additional input (at the beginning, in the middle)

  12. If you copy 40 digits, only the first 20 will be pasted.

  13. Limitation on inserting letters (Cyrillic, Latin, etc.)

  14. Limit on inserting characters

  15. Limitation on inserting emoji

  16. If you copy “Pro1ver2ka3” – only “123” will be pasted

  17. Cut data from a field and paste it back (another field)

  18. When you tap on the field, the cross disappears.

  19. When you remove focus, a cross appears (if there is data in the field)

  20. Clicking on the cross erases the data in the field

  21. The cursor remains at the first character after deletion.

  22. The cursor remains at the end after inserting 20 digits

  23. If the field is covered by the touchbar, the field is scrolled to the visible area

Layout 2. Doubtful, but okay.

Layout 2. Doubtful, but okay.

field “BIC”

  1. When you click on a field, a TOUCHBAR (numbers) appears

  2. When you click on the field, the placeholder disappears

  3. The placeholder contains “Enter BIC”

  4. Hint “Must contain 9 digits” after removing focus from field (less than 9 digits)

  5. The hint is not displayed if there is no data in the field (focus is removed from the field)

  6. Hints are displayed when you continue typing in another field

  7. Input limit in the field is 9 digits

  8. When entering 9 digits, there is no way to shift the data with additional dialing

  9. If you copy 40 digits, only the first 9 will be pasted.

  10. Limitation on inserting letters (Cyrillic, Latin, etc.)

  11. Limit on inserting characters

  12. Limitation on inserting emoji

  13. If you copy “Pro1ver2ka3” – only “123” will be pasted

  14. Cut data from a field and paste it back (another field)

  15. When you tap on the field, the cross disappears.

  16. When you remove focus, a cross appears (if there is data in the field)

  17. Clicking on the cross erases the data in the field

  18. The cursor remains at the first character after deletion.

  19. The cursor remains at the end after inserting 9 digits

  20. If the field is covered by the touchbar, the field is scrolled to the visible area

Layout 3. What's going on here?

Layout 3. What's going on here?

field “Bank name”

  1. When you click on a field, a KEYBOARD appears (letters, numbers, symbols)

  2. Under the field there is a hint “The name will be filled in if the account BIC is found”

  3. When you click on the field, the placeholder disappears

  4. The placeholder contains “Enter the bank name”

  5. Input limit in the field is 50 characters

  6. Input of data in caps is allowed

  7. Check input – Latin/Cyrillic, punctuation marks and mathematical symbols

  8. Limitation on inserting emoji

  9. After entering the BIC, the “Bank name” field is unavailable for input for 1 second.

  10. If the BIC is found, the field is filled in automatically

  11. The “Bank name” field must be filled within 3 seconds after entering the BIC

  12. If the BIC is incorrect or not found, the field can be filled in manually

  13. The field is overwritten when entering another BIC number

  14. The name can be edited/rewritten (Tinkoff to TBank)

  15. Cut data from the field and paste it back


  16. When you return to the page, the data is filled in (updating)

  17. When sending a request, there are no extra spaces or data (20, 9 and no more than 50 characters)

  18. In the logs, the data is displayed in accordance with the conditions above.

  19. In the database, data is displayed in accordance with the conditions above.

  20. When the hint is displayed, the field is framed with a color accent

  21. Data is saved when there is no Internet connection or the device is turned off

  22. Elements on the page are rendered identically on all platforms!!!

  23. The Next button is available when all fields on the page are filled in.

  24. The Next button becomes unavailable when data is deleted from one or more fields.

Layout 4. Something is not right here.

Layout 4. Something is not right here.

We have specified the main checks, we have a lazy checklist, because it can be improved with a table of boundary values ​​and equivalence classes. I will tell you a secret, the table is rarely used due to lack of time. You have to get by)

The most bugs are in check 22 – elements can differ in height and display – this happens due to the features of the device screen, but there should be no differences in the design of the elements.

This checklist can very well turn out to be 20-30 bugs. This is not a joke, this is the reality of testing fields with a huge set of exceptions. They even came up with a word for this – mask. “Mask on the field” is a set of restrictions when entering data.

For the most attentive:

I intentionally allowed bugs in the layout, check your attentiveness and write in the comments which ORs did not match in your opinion. It would be great to check not only according to the checklist, but also to add your own usability checks.

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