Tesla electric cars can be stolen using Flipper Zero and Raspberry Pi

Tesla fans and owners, beware! Recently it turned out that cars from Elon Musk’s company have been learned to be stolen using cheap gadgets.

How it works?

The whole scheme is based on social engineering – hackers fool the Tesla owner and extract the password from his account. To do this, a fake Wi-Fi network with a name similar to those used by Tesla is created near charging stations where bored drivers often surf the Internet.

The car owner naively connects and is redirected to a fake authorization page from the company. Out of habit, a person enters data and… the password flies away to hackers!

Then everything is simple: attackers just need to use this data in a real Tesla application, generate a car key there and voila – full control over someone else’s car.

The worst thing is that the owner of the electric car will not even know that it has been robbed. Tesla does not notify you when new keys are created!

How to protect yourself?

It's unclear whether Tesla intends to fix this security hole. This means that owners need to be on their guard:

  • NEVER connect to suspicious Wi-Fi networks, especially near your car.
  • Carefully check which site you are leaving your data on; it is always better to enter the address manually.
  • Use strong passwords to reduce the risk of hacking.
  • Enable two-factor authentication wherever possible, including your Tesla account. This will make it a little more difficult for attackers to attack.

The authors of the method showed the hacking process on video:

PS By the way, hackers use devices such as Flipper Zero and Raspberry Pi for their machinations. Let's not judge morality, but the fact is that technology has made car theft even easier and faster.

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