Telegram dating bot based on shared likes

Hi all!
I wrote a dating bot based on shared likes. This is an alpha version and an alpha announcement.
In this article I will look at the idea and its philosophy, I like to think of it as a new approach.

Infographic table

Infographic table

Why likes?

  1. It's fun. You will combine business with pleasure, scroll through the feed and get matches.

  2. It's fast. In theory, 10 minutes is enough to give 100 likes and get results.

  3. It's safe. You communicate only with those who think like you; if you are not a maniac, then you will not meet a maniac.

  4. The algorithm is open, understandable, transparent, without random matches and black boxes, it can be traced and verified.

  5. This is objective. How to accurately tell about yourself? A person is too complex a thing to fit into a 1000 character bio.

  6. Auto-fill profile and low entry threshold, no tedious questionnaires. Your profile is your likes.

  7. Relevant for any number of users; theoretically, even the population of an entire city can be lined up in a relevant chain of matches, where each person will have their own clear personal index, without generalizations.

  8. Result guarantee. Every like you make increases your accuracy. More likes – more accuracy.

How does this work?

  1. You like posts in your feed.
    (Posts for likes are published from a channel – an analogue of a feed).

  2. Ready. The system will find those who like you.

In essence, this is a game, gamification. The user puts likes (perhaps even without the direct goal of getting to know each other), and the system searches (if asked).

The bot has 2 main operating modes, public and personal.
• In public mode, you look for those who like like you.
• In personal mode, you compare your likes with someone you already know.



Match grid

Match grid

More details about the matching system:

Let’s say you gave 10 likes, and Petya got 9 likes, exactly like you, then the % of common interests is 90%. There are interesting nuances here, but the essence is clear.

Basic commands in the demo version (incomplete list):

  • Start – you will be asked to like the default posts and select a mode.

  • Search – start searching for users with the most common interests, –

  • public mode, you will see % of total likes, name, age, photos, etc.

  • Registration – Make your profile searchable (so that you can be found through the “Search” command).

  • Create a public post – it will be sent for moderation, and then to the general feed.

  • Create a personal post – to share with another person.

  • Create a collection of posts – a collection is a set of posts, like a folder on a computer, an element of convenience.

  • Share posts with another person.

  • Request posts from another person.

  • Demonstration – show an example of work, an example match will be shown.


The service has formed a philosophy, I will try to briefly convey it.

  • Post is an imprecise term, I use it because it is generally accepted, a post is news, something that can be scrolled, and the subject of a like is static, which is always important for a person. Girl with earrings, Woody Allen movies, sauce recipe. I prefer the word “interest”.

  • Functionality. Most dating is 2 buttons and 3 filters, I think this is wrong, the service should be for people, and therefore functional.

  • Honesty and openness. Most services require money for fake work, cancel swipe, send a gift in chat, promote a profile. Users are milked, and the methods themselves are almost fraudulent.

  • Payment for resources. The selection algorithm requires increased computing power, which is what makes it powerful. I'd like to stick to a cloud computing model where you pay for the resources you actually use.

Differences from analogues:

  • I perceive services with ordinary swipes without an idea as last century (by the way, the first such service was launched in 2005, it seems), this is a different category, so I will not dwell on them.

  • At first glance, it seems that likes are just an attribute of the service, and I thought so, but in fact, it’s more likely the other way around, the service is a wrapper for likes. In fact, we take the variety of dating services (which is already quite a lot), and add a variety of likes to this. That is why I welcome competition and do not consider differences point by point; many implementations can be created.

Future Vision:

  • I envision a world where each person will have their own unique compatibility quotient. It will glow like a halo above our heads, with its help we will choose not only friends, but also work, hobby groups, colleagues, and managers.

  • We will touch our phones and they will vibrate and show on the screen whether we should even open our mouths to start communicating with a specific person.

  • For me this is freedom, freedom of communication and leisure. I no longer need to learn about a person, listen to his story, sometimes stupid, I initially listen only to those I want to listen to. This is a new level of quality for the choice of our society.

  • In theory, this will give us so much free time that we will be able to communicate not about our past, how we got here and became ourselves, but about our future, what we are planning and where we are going.

  • Here somewhere there is a border between reality and utopia, so I will tactfully focus on the above. On the other hand, I am glad that my vision can hypothetically rush towards utopia.

Demo of the future mobile phone

Demo of the future mobile phone


Grandiose plans! 50% MVP of the mobile application is ready. I want offline collaboration, online integration, use VR, AI, ranking. In general, I want a product, not a pet project or open source.

What's under the hood?

I used a very standard set, Python, PTB framework, PostgreSQL (no ORM), pytest, etc. – nothing remarkable.






Collections (collapse button here is glitchy)

Collections (collapse button here is glitchy)

You can share personal content with a specific person, for me it's a chess game

You can share personal content with a specific person, for me it's a chess game

You can search for new people by memes and other content

You can search for new people by memes and other content


I don’t receive anything for my activities, it’s just my dream that people will find those with whom they will smile, I do this for myself as well.
I’m self-taught, so I don’t have a cool job, and I don’t have a cool one either, but I devote my free time to this project. There is no monetization yet (and no plans either), so as a thank you to those who supported me, I will expand the limits (which are not there yet either 🙂
Everyone is interested – add your telegram nicknames.
Support is an indicator that people need it, and a guideline for myself.

How else can you help? – Use the bot 🙂

  1. Share it with your friends, more users – more matches!

  2. Create and submit your posts for the general feed, we will look at them and publish them.

  3. Suggest new features, share feedback, report bugs.

What other steps have been taken?

  • An application for a grant was sent to the FSI (Innovation Promotion Fund) – no response has yet been received.

  • I contacted about 15 investment studios, accelerators and private investors, all of them had the same answer – they need users to confirm the demand.

  • A demonstration was held in the technopark of St. Petersburg, I plan to pitch further, recording of the pitch:

Why not open source?

  • Because I didn’t think of it initially, but now I’ve invested so much effort and time that it’s a pity, but I want to find a compromise, I’m considering options.

  • This is a lot of work and it will require even more effort, as they say “the project is ready for production, but not ready for open source.”

  • At some stage it was open source, but I didn’t have time to promote it, and it didn’t receive attention on its own.

  • Usually, things that don’t require a central server like this get into open source.

  • There is no certainty that the project will reach more people as an open source than in traditional development.

Looking for people (optional)

  1. Investor.
    So that as many people as possible know about the project.

  2. Designer.
    Design is needed always and everywhere, even for the design of this profile.

  3. Marketer.

  4. 2nd developer (python or react native to choose from).
    You don't have to be an ace, I'll help you with everything.

  5. Frontman | manager, a charged person who is always ready for unexpected tasks.

    1. Editor/moderator/content manager for creating and selecting posts.


  • What if all this doesn’t work and likes don’t help?

    • Doesn't matter. Everyone should check this out for themselves. A person is attracted by the dream of finding a soul mate.

    • Okay, let's stop liking Rubik love, go back to VK, Tik Tok, Instagram and put likes there, for free.

    • Even if there are only 20% of successful couples, this is still about 10 times better than other services.

  • Why do I need an exact copy of myself? After all, opposites attract, similarity repels.

    • The compatibility percentage can be controlled and configured individually, the algorithm allows this. You can experiment and choose the settings for yourself.

  • Why not AI?

    • AI won't help you in love. AI needs clear examples of results to work successfully, but history itself does not know the concept of “happy relationships”; unfortunately, humanity has not accumulated a sufficient number of examples of “happy relationships”. I hope this service will help fill this gap.

  • What if someone intentionally likes me like me?

    • I will fight this, there are effective methods, for example, showing only the final numbers, but not the interests themselves.

  • I can import my likes from VK | YouTube | tik tok?

    • Yes, but you shouldn’t count on them too much, because… their quality will be much lower than meaningful likes on this platform.

  • But likes can’t tell everything, can they?

    • That's right, a like is just an introduction, a brief summary, the main story, the story of the like, is up to you.

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