Telegram Chatbot Development Training: Top 15 Courses

Telegram chatbots are one of the new trendy technologies that are currently on the hype. Marketers are implementing chatbots in CRM and messengers. All companies want to use LLM, fire “extra” employees and save money. In general, now this is a popular feature, for which there is a great demand.

Chatbots perform routine work, attract customers and relieve the workload of business owners and employees. Every organization needs its own bot. There are millions of such organizations, but there is a catastrophic shortage of developers.

TOP 15 Best Chatbot Creation Trainings

Here we have collected the best schools and practices for setting up bots for business. Some schools conduct lessons for free. Such classes are called introductory. During them, you will understand whether it is worth studying this profession or finding something else for yourself. Paid lessons will allow you to gain the knowledge of a qualified chatbot specialist in a short time.


Training from Botman

in the Telegram messenger for free. Watch several videos where the teacher explains what bots are. You are told how these programs are created to communicate with the client, how they are integrated into the customer relationship management (CRM) systems of companies.

The student is told how much bot creators earn. Students learn how to work as a freelancer and how to attract their first clients if suddenly the company does not hire them.

After each lesson there is a test assignment. It is mandatory to pass it. Then access to the next lesson will open.

Lessons from the Botman company are available to everyone. But mainly, they are aimed at the initial audience, which does not know anything about bots yet.

Free course by Milov Anatoly

Milov Anatoly

invites students to classes on creating chatbots in Telegram. He will explain why this profession is considered the most profitable today. Students will be taught how to write scripts correctly, as well as how much entry-level and advanced chatbot specialists earn.

Training in Telegram consists of three lessons. After each one, there is a test task. At the end of the training, you will receive feedback from people who have completed paid lessons. The feedback is recorded so that you can understand whether it is worth studying this profession in the future and paying for training.

The classes are designed for students, schoolchildren and people who want to increase their salary in a short time. Watching training videos will not take much time. They can be viewed on a smartphone or computer at any convenient time. This factor is also an undeniable plus for choosing training with Anatoly Milov. And of course, Anatoly himself is the founder of a bot creation service.

Online intensive

If you need to get the maximum amount of useful information in a short time, you can choose

Online intensive

. Here is a step-by-step plan for earning 100k rubles on chat bots and autofunnels starting from scratch.

Duration of training – 3 hours.
Price – 990 rubles.
This intensive course is suitable for:

  1. For people without experience. For those who want to change their profession and master a new promising direction.
  2. For specialists. Those who are already involved in development, but want to improve their skills and increase their earnings.
  3. Freelancers. If you are an SMM specialist, write texts, set up advertising or bring leads for business, then this training will give a boost to your income growth and skills.

Online Workshop

Online Workshop

—a more advanced study of bot development in Telegram. Here they teach how to create powerful programs without programming skills. Such bots attract potential buyers to the company and offer them to buy various products.

Online workshop lessons teach how to write trigger scenarios that press on the client's pain and provide a solution. They tell how to attract clients, how to find the first potential buyers of their bots. A developer can earn the first 100 thousand rubles right during the online workshop.

Students will be shown bots from market leaders. They will be told which of these programs bring in millions of rubles today. Together with the teacher, students will study these bots and disassemble them into their component parts in order to know how to write similar scripts in the future.

The lessons are suitable for beginner bot developers, schoolchildren and other people who want to earn large sums of money.


Chatbot development training can be taken at

online school Stepik

. In the lessons from this school, you will understand what sales in business consist of. You will be taught to assemble your first bots on a special website constructor. You do not need to have programming skills for this. The main thing is to be well versed in computers and programs such as Microsoft Office, as well as to be able to surf the Internet and search for the necessary information.

After completing the training, you can become a freelancer. Typically, a qualified chatbot developer earns from 100 thousand rubles per month.

Lessons from the Stepik school are designed for beginners who today earn less than 60 thousand rubles. The lessons are prepared in such a way that they will be understandable to both schoolchildren and students. Beginner marketers can also sign up for lessons from Stepik. They will find a lot of interesting information for themselves, which is not taught at universities.


Synergy University is conducting

training in creating chatbots in telegram

. During the classes, you will learn what a chatbot is and how to create it correctly, implement it in CRM. You will learn how to attract clients and work with someone else's hands. Your bots will help companies optimize business processes.

These classes are suitable for beginners, aspiring marketers and business owners. The training lasts about two months. In total, they last 40 hours. Then a test assignment and a diploma defense. With the diploma received, you can get a job in any bot creation agency or work as a freelancer.


You can learn how to create chatbots from scratch on the platform


. There is no need to register to start learning. The platform is a collection of video lectures. Watch, do homework, repeat the actions of the lecturer.

You will learn how to set up bots from scratch and use them in various messengers. You don't have to pay anything to gain knowledge. The lecturer teaches everything openly and easily for a beginner to understand.

The lectures are suitable for schoolchildren, students and ordinary Internet users who want to learn how to earn money remotely. Open the guide to chat bots and start studying them.



— is an online school that opens the way to bot development. By studying programs for engaging users in companies selling goods and services, you will be able to understand what trigger scenarios are, study the psychology of buyer and seller behavior in the market. You will learn what pains your target audience has. Knowing these pains, you will be able to create the right scenario for bots and design it.

Lessons can be taken at any convenient time. Start studying for free. If you like it, choose a tariff plan and continue in-depth study.

Flow XO

Flow Xo

— these are 11 video lessons on developing high-quality chat bots. After completing the lessons, you will be able to create them in three to four hours. The created bots will be able to send photos to customers, accept payments, and send digital goods by email.

The platform is very convenient for beginners and marketers. Schoolchildren and students who have free time to study digital professions will also be able to take these classes.

With Flow Xo you can gain skills and opportunities for additional income.

Lessons are free. No registration required.



gives you the opportunity to learn chatbot development from scratch. Participation is free, number of hours for studying: 12. You will be able to watch lectures and complete assignments at a time convenient for you.

Teaching is in English. However, there is a Russian-language localization of lessons. Upon completion of the training, you will be able to integrate chat bots via API with any services. You will write trigger scenarios. On the market, the cost of one bot is about 10 thousand rubles. You will be able to make about three simple bots per week. You will also be taught how to find clients for them.




offers to learn how to develop chatbots in a short time. The cost of the classes is $40. For this money you get:

  • studying and analyzing the best bot scripts;
  • the ability to design them on a website builder;
  • skills in developing smart and self-learning bots.

Edston's lessons are suitable for both novice marketers and business owners who want to learn how to create chatbots for their own company.



— a platform for developing chatbots offers its own classes to teach users how to create bots on the platform. The SaleBot platform is used as a constructor.

The lessons are presented in the form of text instructions for making bots. By completing them, the student learns to design a bot, write scripts and integrate a ready-made program with various services. It is possible to create training bots on the platform when choosing a free tariff. The only downside: no certificates of completion are provided upon completion of the training.



offers training on their platform. You will learn how to create telegram bots and attract clients. The training consists of video lessons, after which you need to pass test assignments.

All assignments for lessons are completed without teacher support. There are only lectures and a small text instruction. The training is taught completely free of charge and is suitable for beginners.

AB 7

By enrolling in AB 7 classes, you get access to bot development lessons for ten days. You will be able to take part in a real project and develop a bot for a real company. You do not need to be able to write code, as all classes and training are held on a special constructor from AB 7.

The cost of training is 2000 rubles. How and when you will study is up to you.




offers the best scenarios from real companies and teaches you how to apply their experience to your bot. You will be able to build your first bot and sell it to a real company.

The lessons last about two months. You attend school remotely at any convenient time. The tutors support you in completing homework. You can find out the cost only after a consultation with the school manager.

What is a chatbot and what functions does it perform?


— is a program that can perform routine work of a manager. It receives calls, communicates with potential buyers, involves them in viewing goods, accepts payments, and holds drawings.

The communication of some bots is indistinguishable from a conversation with a person. These programs can be both self-learning and simple. Self-learning ones, with the help of artificial intelligence, learn to talk to a person and answer questions without resorting to the help of a manager or operator of the company. Simple chatbots simply provide information to the client and, if they do not understand something, call a person for help.

Why You Should Learn Chatbot Development

Learning to create chatbots will not only allow you to gain knowledge and some experience in a remote profession, but also increase your salary check several times. You will be able to get a job at any agency, or earn extra money in the evenings in addition to your main job.

Today, most companies need bots that can attract customers, increase revenue, and not lose customers. Therefore, you have the opportunity to get into the flow that will bring money and demand for your services.

What income do specialists of different levels receive?

Salaries of chatbot specialists vary. Most freelancers earn from 150 thousand rubles. The cost of payment depends on the complexity of the program being created. Newbies working in an agency can earn from 60 thousand rubles. However, over time, their experience and work will be valued higher.

After the agency, the developer can go freelance and earn more. Therefore, it is important to learn, test yourself for a small fee. And when you feel that you can make a complex and high-quality bot, you can increase the price for your work.

What skills and tools are needed to start learning

To get started, you will need to register on one of the constructor sites, such as Such a site may provide instructions on how to use the service. You will need to go through it and prepare to write your first script.

The student must be creative and able to use a personal computer or laptop. An advantage would be the ability to understand human psychology. This way, you will be able to study the “pains” of the future target audience. You will be able to press on this pain and give them a solution to the problem as a subscription to the created bot. And it will send answers to various questions.

In the constructor Botman You can make one chatbot. This will be enough for training and practice, to consolidate the acquired knowledge.

You will be able to test it. Create a token in telegram and connect the created bot. See how it works.

You can create a simple chatbot on the constructor in three hours. The service opens up a large number of functions and possibilities:

  • integration with payment services;
  • integration with CRM;
  • implementation into messengers and social networks;
  • Possibility of testing before launch.

The advantages include the simplicity of the interface. And the created chatbot can be used in infobusiness, sales of goods, social networking and other areas of trade. By the way, you can ask a question directly to the founder of the service.

How to choose the right training and what to pay attention to

When choosing an online school for training, you need to look at the reviews, what the school offers after classes. You should pay attention to the presence of a certificate or any other document confirming the completion of paid training.

Free classes usually don't have this. They can only tell you what chatbots are, how to set them up, which constructor to use, and how to find potential buyers. Free classes simply introduce you to the topic and decide whether to continue learning or not.

Choose classes where tutors communicate with students. They should help students with homework, prompt them if they make mistakes.

No programming skills required – anyone can learn

Many people believe that you need to know how to program if you want to write a program that works with people. Today, you don’t have to learn how to program. For example, chatbots can be created on website builders.

On such sites, everything is ready to assemble bots block by block. You will only need to learn how to write scripts for the bot to communicate with the client.

If you know how to use a computer, know how to search for information on the Internet and work with Microsoft Office, and know how to write trigger scenarios that will engage a person, then the training will be quick and easy.

Where to get clients after training

People who have completed the training may be interested in finding clients to sell the bots they have developed. There should be no difficulties in this selection. You must choose one of two: either work as a freelancer or get a job at an agency.

If you choose to work as a freelancer, you can publish ads for recruiting clients and your portfolio on:

  • freelance exchanges Kwork, FL. If potential buyers are interested, they can contact you and you will come to an agreement. You can also view buyers' ads and respond to them. Exchanges are good because no one can deceive you and not pay money for the work done;
  • classifieds sites: Avito, OLX. Here you act at your own risk. Therefore, always take prepayment for the order;
  • job sites like Here you can find both a one-time order and a permanent job.

Apparently, there is a lot of work for bot creators now. A large number of companies need programs that will attract customers, talk to them, advertise products. But there is a shortage of developers of such programs.

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