Taking CD to the next level

(c) stankosaratov.com

(c) stankosaratov.com

Hello. I would like to share some ideas to improve the design documentation. I wanted to put out a big article on this subject (now there is simply no time to describe all the ideas on this issue that are spinning in my mind) ..

Then, very briefly:

It’s no secret that technology does not stand still, and in just over 50 years, humanity has made a huge leap in transforming the world, and specifically in the digitalization of various industries: economics, education, communications, communications, etc. But all this would not be possible if people did not constantly strive to reduce the time of information processing, or did not try to improve the methods of access to information. The latter, in my opinion, should not bypass the engineering spheres, but specifically the sphere of design documentation.

Below are a small outline of ideas that could improve the processing of information related to design documents..

The drawing shows a diagram of the water level sensor, but this is not the main thing now ..
And the main thing is that it is possible to improve (reduce time) online access to drawings, diagrams, models, etc.

What follows is in the document:

  1. Well, of course, the first thing that catches your eye is a QR code. By using it in design documentation, you can organize online access to diagrams, drawings or 3D models, in electronic form .. Which, for example, when discussing a drawing of a part by a group of engineers, can allow you to quickly view a 3D part ..

  2. All sorts of options for coding contacts in CD, which in turn allows, for example, to make a prompt call to a designer or technologist, etc.

  3. Reference points. They allow you to see the part model in VR mode when you hover your phone, the application, in turn, allows you to rotate, increase or decrease the projection of this part in the drawing.

  4. It is not displayed in any way in the example above .. But that doesn’t matter .. Using a projector located on a table with a CD, which in turn projects information onto documents / drawings.

  5. Well, probably the most interesting thing for me is the use of the PhonoPaper code in CD. Well, for example, for quick access to the sound of the alarm, the scheme of which can be presented in the CD. And this code contains a specific sound, which, according to the idea, the circuit should play. You can listen to an example of sound below:

Play application: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=nightradio.phonopaper

PhonoPaper generation (https://warmplace.ru/soft/ans/):
– prepare a 10-second WAV file;
-download and run Virtual ANS https://warmplace.ru/soft/ans/
-upload WAV to Virtual ANS;
-export to PhonoPaper JPEG from Virtual ANS.

You can read more about PhonoPaper here: https://habr.com/en/post/220061/

Thank you, I hope this was fun to read..

ps consider this as food for thought, nothing more .. Perhaps you yourself will think of something ..

None of the presented claims to be individual, or the ultimate truth, requires more thorough research and discussion before the implementation of a particular idea.

Good luck to all! By the way, the QR code and PhonoPaper code on the diagram are alive..

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