Summary of the INCOSE Requirements Writing Guide (June 2023)


INCOSE (International Council for Systems Engineering) in June 2023 released a final summary of the guidelines for writing requirements (link).

This summary contains definitions, a brief description of the properties that well-formulated needs/requirements should have, and sets of needs/requirements. The summary contains a summary of the rules for writing quality needs/requirements, as well as their attributes.

This article is a translation from English of the final summary on writing requirements.


  • Essence is a single element to which a concept, need, or requirement applies. An entity can be an organization, business unit, project, vendor, service, procedure, system (system, subsystem, system element), product, process, or class of stakeholders (user, operator, tester, maintainer, etc.).

  • Need Statement is the result of the formal transformation of one or more sources or life cycle concepts into an agreed commitment that an entity will perform a certain function or have a certain quality, within certain constraints, at an acceptable risk.

  • Statement of requirement is the result of the formal transformation of one or more higher-level sources, needs, or requirements into an agreed commitment that an entity will perform a certain function or have a certain quality, within certain constraints, at an acceptable risk.

  • A set of needs is a structured set of agreed expressions of needs for an entity (enterprise/business unit/system/subsystem/system element/process) and its external interfaces.

  • Requirements set is a structured set of consistent requirement expressions for an entity (enterprise/business unit/system/subsystem/system element/process) and its external interfaces.

  • Attribute – additional information related to the need / requirement, which is used to facilitate its / its definition, understanding and management.

  • Need expression – statement of need + attributes.

  • Requirement expression – requirement statement + attributes.

System Verification and Validation Processes

Needs and requirements “threads” link together all the stages and artifacts of the system creation life cycle. Once the needs are verified and validated, all subsequent artifacts are checked against the needs, and once the design input requirements are verified and validated, all subsequent artifacts are checked against those design input requirements.

Properties of Individual Needs/Requirements Statements

Formal transformation


Brief description

C1 – Necessity

A need/requirement statement identifies an important characteristic, capability, constraint, or quality that is actually needed to fulfill the underlying need or higher-level requirement.

C2 – Adequacy to the level

The specific goal and level of detail of the need/requirement statement correspond to the selected level (level of abstraction, organization or system architecture) of the entity to which the need/requirement refers

C5 – Simplicity

A need/requirement statement contains only one ability, characteristic, constraint, or quality indicator

C8 – Correctness

The requirement statement should accurately reflect the life cycle concept or source from which it was created.

The requirement statement must accurately reflect the need, source, higher-level requirement from which the requirement was created.

C9 – Compliance

The need/requirement statement should follow an approved standard style/standard guide, a template for writing and managing needs and requirements.

formal agreement


Brief description

C3 – Unambiguity

The entire audience that reads the need/requirement statement interprets it in the same way

C4 – Completeness

A need statement adequately describes the necessary capability, characteristic, limitation, or quality to satisfy a need from the higher level source from which it was derived.

The requirement statement adequately describes the necessary capability, characteristic, limitation, or quality to satisfy the higher level need, source, or requirement from which it was derived.

C6 – Realizability

A need/requirement can be implemented with an acceptable risk within the given constraints: cost, time, technical, legal, ethical, security constraints

C7 – Suitability for Verification

The need/requirement must be formulated and structured in such a way that its fulfillment can be verified by the approving body

Requirements set properties

Formal transformation


Brief description

C10 – Completeness

The set of needs and requirements should adequately describe the required capabilities, characteristics, functionality, performance, drivers, constraints, conditions, interactions, standards, regulations, security, resiliency, and quality factors without other sets of needs or requirements at an appropriate level of abstraction.

C11 – Consistency

A set of needs and a set of requirements is consistent if it contains separate needs or requirements that are unique, do not contradict, do not overlap with each other, are developed using a uniform language using consistent terms.

C15 – Correctness

The set of needs should accurately reflect the concept of the life cycle or the source from which it was created.

A set of requirements must accurately reflect the need, source, higher-level requirement from which it was created.

formal agreement


Brief description

C12 – Feasibility

A set of needs/requirements can be implemented with acceptable risk within given constraints: cost, time, technical, legal, ethical, security constraints

C13 – Comprehensibility

The set of needs/requirements should contain a clear description of the entity’s expectations and a description of the relationship of the entity to the system of which it is a part.

C14 – Validability

The implementation of the set of needs should lead to the achievement of goals, stakeholder expectations and life cycle concepts within constraints (cost, time, technical, legal and regulatory) with acceptable risk.

The implementation of a set of requirements should result in the satisfaction of a set of higher level needs and requirements within constraints (cost, time, technical, legal, and regulatory) at an acceptable risk.

Rules giving properties

In order for a need/requirement to have certain properties of qualitative needs/requirements, certain rules must be followed.


R1 – Structured sentences

The wording of the need or requirement must follow a certain agreed pattern.

R2 – Active voice

In the formulation of needs or requirements, you need to use the active voice (rather than the passive) to clearly indicate which entity is the subject (subject).

R3 – Level-appropriate subject and predicate

The subject and predicate in the statement of need/requirement must correspond to the level to which the need/requirement applies.


  • At the business level, in the formulation of business requirements, use: The system must …

  • At the system level, in requirements statements, use: The user must …

R4 – Defined Terms

All terms used in descriptions of needs and requirements should be defined in an appropriate glossary and/or data dictionary.

R5 – Definite articles

This rule applies to English.

The definite article “the” should be used, not the indefinite “a”.

R6 – Units

Each numerical value should be accompanied by a unit of measurement.

R7 – Inaccurate terms

Adverbs should be avoided: several; any; permissible; any; a lot of; a large number of; few; almost always; very close to; approximately; near; close to; almost.

Adjectives to be avoided: optional; up-to-date; ordinary; general; typical; important; flexible; expandable; typical; sufficient; adequate; fit; effective; spectacular; qualitative; reasonable; common.

R8 – Disclaimer

Do not use words that blur responsibility: as far as possible; as less as possible; where possible; as much as possible; if necessary; if necessary; as needed; according to the circumstances; as required; within the expedient; if it’s feasible.

R9 – Open formulations

Wording should avoid: “including, but not limited to”, “and so on”, “and the like”.


R10 – Extra verbs in indefinite form

Extra verbs in an indefinite form that go in a row should be avoided.

  • Unacceptable: The system must have the ability to store …

  • Acceptable: The system must store …

R11 – Individual offers

Requirements should be formulated in such a way that only one state or one characteristic is defined in one simple sentence.


R12 – Grammar rules

In the wording, grammatical errors should be avoided.

R13 – Spelling Rules

Spelling errors should be avoided in wording.

R14 – Punctuation Rules

Punctuation errors should be avoided in wording.

R15 – Logical operators

In the formulations, it is necessary to single out and use logical operators in a uniform way: “[X И Y]”, “[X ИЛИ Y]”, [X Искл. ИЛИ Y]”, “NOT [X ИЛИ Y]” etc.

R16 – Avoid Particle HE

In the formulation of the requirement, the particle “Not” should be avoided.

R17 – Slash sign

Avoid using the forward slash (“/”) in statements except for units of measurement, such as km/h.

The slash sign introduces uncertainty into the formulation, since different interpretations can occur. For example, the entry “and/or”.


R18 – One thought – One sentence

One sentence must contain one soap, which can be supplemented by subordinate clauses.

R19 – Unions

Unions should be avoided in the wording: “and”, “or”, “then”, “if”, “but”, “also”, “however”, “while”, “on the other hand”, “otherwise”. The presence of these unions is a characteristic sign of the presence of several requirements in one formulation.

R20 – Statement with justifications

Phrases that indicate the “purpose,” “intention,” or “justification” of a need or requirement should be avoided. Including justification in the wording is redundant, since there is a special attribute A1 “Justification”.

R21 – Parentheses

Parentheses should be avoided, as they often indicate insignificant, superfluous text.

R22 – Enumeration

You should list sets of requirements explicitly instead of using generic phrases to designate a set.

  1. The system should generate the report “Report Name 1”.

  2. The system should generate the report “Report Name 2”.

  3. The system should generate the report “Report name 3”.

R23 – Supplement with diagrams, models

If a requirement needs to describe complex behavior, it should refer to a diagram or model.


R24 – Pronouns

The use of personal and indefinite pronouns should be avoided.

R25 – Headings

The heading should not be assumed to be part of the requirement. The requirement must be self-contained and without a header.


R26 – Absolute values

Avoid using unattainable absolute values ​​such as 100% reliable, 100% available, all, every, always, never, etc.


R27 – Explicit Conditions

If one condition applies to several requirements, then these requirements should be written separately from each other, this condition should be included in the wording of each of the requirements.


If condition A occurs, then

  • The system must do X

  • The system must do Y

  • The system should do Z.


  1. If condition A occurs, then the System must do X

  2. If condition A occurs, then the System must do Y

  3. If condition A occurs, then the System must do Z.

R28 – Multiple Conditions

If there are several conditions in the requirement, you should explicitly specify the logical rules between them.


The system must execute function A under the following conditions:

  • Condition X

  • Condition Y

  • Condition Z.


The system must perform function A in case simultaneous fulfillment of the following conditions:

  • Condition X

  • Condition Y

  • Condition Z.


R29 – Classification

Needs and requirements should be classified according to the aspects of the problem or system to which they relate.

R30 – Uniqueness

The requirement must be unique, there must not be duplicates in the set of requirements.


R31 – No decision

The requirement statement should not contain design elements, a specific solution. Exceptions are allowed if there is a reason for it, for example, some objective restrictions.

Set Pointers

R32 – All elements of the set

If it is necessary to refer to all elements of a set, the word “each” should be used instead of the words “all”, “any” or “both”.


R33 – Value range

For quantification, the requirement statement should include a range of values. For example, “…with an accuracy of ±3 meters”.


R34 – Measurable quantities

In the statement of the requirement, it is necessary to quantify the quantities for which this is appropriate.

  • Unacceptable: The communication channel must have the maximum bandwidth.

  • Acceptable: The communication channel must pass at least 100 Mbps.

R35 – Time gaps

Time intervals should be specified explicitly. The following should be avoided in the wording of the requirements: “ultimately”, “before”, “earlier”, “when”, “after”, “as”, “once”, “earliest”, “last”, “instantaneous”, “ at the same time”, “for now” and “finally”.

Language uniformity

R36 – Harmonized terms and units of measurement

It should be ensured that each term is used with the same meaning throughout the set of needs/requirements.

R37 – Single list of acronyms

A single list of acronyms should be used and acronyms should be used in statements of needs/requirements in strict accordance with this list.

R38 – Abbreviations in wording

Abbreviations should not be used in requirements statements. For example, you should not use the abbreviation “Op” within the same set of requirements, where in one case “Op” is an operator, in another case it is an operation.

R39 – Style Guide

Throughout the project, a style guide should be used, which should define the requirements for design, wording, templates.

R40 – Decimal format

A consistent format and a consistent number of significant digits after the decimal point should be used for decimal numbers.


R41 – Related needs and requirements

Group related needs and requirements.

R42 – Structured Sets

Requirements sets should be formed according to certain structures or patterns.

Matrix of properties and rules

Below is a matrix of properties of qualitative requirements/requirements sets and rules that give requirements/requirements sets these properties.

Matrix of properties and rules.  Part 1.

Matrix of properties and rules. Part 1.

Matrix of properties and rules.  Part 2.

Matrix of properties and rules. Part 2.


Attributes to help identify needs and requirements and justify them

  • A1 – Rationale

  • A2 – Link to parent requirement

  • A3 – Link to source

  • A4 – States and Modes

  • A5 – Distribution / Budgeting

Attributes related to system verification and validation

  • A6 – Success criteria for system verification or validation

  • A7 – Strategy for system verification or validation

  • A8 – Method for system verification or validation

  • A9 – Organization responsible for system verification or validation

  • A10 – Level of system verification or validation

  • A11 – System Verification or Validation Phase

  • A12 – Application conditions

  • A13 – Results of system verification or validation

  • A14 – System verification or validation status

Attributes to help support requirements

  • A15 – Unique identifier

  • A16 – Unique name

  • A17 – Author/Initiator

  • A18 – Date of request

  • A19 – Owner

  • A20 – Stakeholders

  • A21 – Change Committee

  • A22 – Proposed change

  • A23 – Version number

  • A24 – Date of approval

  • A25 – Last modified date

  • A26 – Stability

  • A27 – Implementing person

  • A28 – Need or requirement verification status

  • A29 – Need or requirement validation status

  • A30 – Request status

  • A31 – Status (implementations)

  • A32 – Link to interface description

  • A33 – Link to requirement of the same level

  • A34 – Priority

  • A35 – Criticality

  • A36 – Risk (realizations)

  • A37 – Prevention of risk

  • A38 – Key requirement

  • A39 – Additional comments

  • A40 – Type/Category

Attributes that facilitate requirements reuse

  • A41 – Applicability

  • A42 – Region

  • A43 – Country

  • A44 – State/Province

  • A45 – Market segment

  • A46 – Structural unit

Attributes to help you manage your product line

  • A47 – Product line

  • A48 – General needs and requirements for the product line

  • A49 – Needs and requirements for a product line option

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