Stronger than cocaine. This habit will turn your central nervous system upside down

Well then. Biohackers usually use coffee and its subspecies for energy. What is the price of armor-piercing coffee, properly prepared according to the recipes of Tibetan monks? However, there is something else that could potentially be used to perk you up. And that this “something” is stronger than cocaine.

Hello! I do not encourage the use of strong and illegal stimulants. The article will focus on a very specific, well-known and quite popular remedy. And you will learn more about such means and methods of using them from telegram channel materials RISE: Nootropics and Biohacking. Subscribe so you don't miss the latest articles!

The Secret of Incredible Vigor

To cheer up, you need to understand the reason for the cheerfulness and get rid of obstacles on the way to a better version of yourself. What exactly helps us get into a frenzy and handle things with real dexterity, and not oppressive despondency. And here I invite you to immerse yourself in biochemical nature. And those who are impatient can immediately skip to the middle of the article.

Neurohormones and where they live

Dopamine, adrenaline, norepinephrine and separately cortisol. These 4 guys stand guard over our productivity and don’t give us a chance to fall into procrastination; of course, outside support won’t be superfluous either. They are opposed by the fatigue hormone adenosine and partly by melatonin, which plays against us in the morning. Here's how it all connects:

  • Dopamine is a basic neurohormone that gives a feeling of anticipation of something significant. Endless scrolling of the feed, page 326 of a black and orange website, another skating rink with friends… All this is an example of those situations when dopamine is actively synthesized by the brain.

  • Norepinephrine and adrenaline. Technically, they are the same hormone, but they perform different functions in both the brain and body. An example of an ideal norepinephrine release is when you are completely immersed in what you are doing. And you immerse yourself so intensely that any attempt to distract you causes severe discomfort.

  • Cortisol – stress hormone. It is usually presented as a “bad” hormone that needs to be gotten rid of. But we will look at why exactly it is valuable, and why sometimes you need to even increase it a little.

  • Adenosine is a hormone that makes you feel tired. It is also important to understand that adenosine works more as part of a signaling system. It does not cause fatigue in itself, but rather “rings”, like a reminder on a phone or an “engine overheating” indicator. And it's time to slow down.

Cortisol, adenosine and adrenaline are released in the body and brain. Norepinephrine and dopamine, in the context of alertness, are released primarily in the brain. But the brain itself is closed by the blood-brain barrier. How to overcome it for maximum impact?

What does it take to be as invigorated as possible?

The first option, which is used by approximately 90% of the adult population of the planet, is caffeine. One can argue almost endlessly about its effectiveness, but the first second and The third part of the caffeine trilogy almost decomposed the principles of caffeine into atoms.

Caffeine penetrates the brain and also makes receptors throughout the body more sensitive to dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine. This means that if a matter aroused even a little interest, this interest has every chance of developing into something more.

Also, anything that affects the functioning of glutamate receptors is suitable for vigor. Therefore, nootropics of the racetam class have an effect not only on improving memory, but also on speech mobility, general mobility and agitation.

What is a habit stronger than cocaine?

Cocaine and related substances are different from caffeine. Once again, caffeine blocks the fatigue receptor and makes dopamine receptors more sensitive. And cocaine, and others like them, directly stimulate dopamine receptors, as they are able to pass the BBB like a knife through butter. However, there is something else that is completely legal and accessible to everyone.

Release of dopamine and norepinephrine

Let's turn here to this articlewhich rests in the depths of pubmed and does not shine. The article indicates that the concentration of dopamine in the blood plasma increased by 250%, and norepinephrine jumped immediately to 530%. At the same time, the cortisol level remained the same, but remained elevated for a day. And the reason for such changes is 10 minutes under a cold shower.

Cold water gives an immediate and reliable boost of energy, and it is achieved due to the following factors:

  • Release of dopamine and adrenaline. This goes without saying, the highest fuel of motivation is in your veins and capillaries. The body is charged to the maximum and ready for achievements. Therefore, you can safely rush into the battle against procrastination, scattering tasks as it suits you.

  • Cortisol and adenosine. Adenosine is a hormone that signals fatigue. When we drink coffee, the caffeine only blocks the receptors, but the concentration of adenosine increases, only to be followed by a wave of drowsiness later.

  • Cold naturally raises cortisol, which breaks down adenosine. This means that not only will the cold invigorate the body and mind, but drowsiness will not return soon. Even despite the habits that cause it.

Is the cold worse than cocaine? I found fragmentary mentions online that cocaine increases dopamine by 2 times or by 50-100%. But again, these are different mechanisms. Cocaine will not stop working until it leaves the body and causes harm. And the cold is enough for 1-3 minutes and the effect will slowly dissipate and not intensify.

How to properly use cold to invigorate?

So should you get into an ice bath? Or soak in a cold shower? Or maybe wait until winter and dive into an ice hole? Of course not. A novice biohacker may think that if something works, then they need to use it to the maximum, but, as practice shows, it is worth using a rational approach:

  • For the first effect, it is enough to apply cold water from the forearms and above. That is, by undressing to the waist and washing yourself from the tap with cold water in the morning, you will already give your body a considerable boost!

  • If you feel like taking a cold shower, set a timer for 1-3 minutes. Start by pouring cold water over your limbs up to your knees and elbows. Then apply cold water to your chest and rub, rub, rub. There is no point in being a hero, because you will only harm yourself.

  • Of course, it is best to be so invigorated in the morning. Reduce melatonin and adenosine to zero. But the main thing is not to overdo it. If your teeth start chattering, then that’s it, you have crossed the last line of “health”, and every second is to your detriment.

Therefore: moderation, consistency and understanding “what I am doing and why exactly.” This is the foundation for the full development of vigor of spirit and mind. Whether nootropics or cold water baths are just catalysts that bring the real version of you to light.

Is the cold really stronger than cocaine?

Of course, I don’t encourage you to compare and check) Of all the legal ways to “quickly and reliably cheer up,” the cold has the strongest and most effective effect. Again, due to the fact that cortisol in the cold is what destroys adenosine, the rule “a cup of coffee 1.5-2 hours after sleep” ceases to apply. And in the morning you can take an ice-cold shower with a clear conscience, and then drink coffee or a mindbuster capsule at breakfast.

The author of this longread is a member of our channel, Philip. You can find more interesting collections and articles in our community RISE: Nootropics and biohacking, and also in the group VKontakte. Subscribe to the channel and chat in our cozy chat on various topics about health.

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