simple and perfect IOT constructor

Let me give you some examples of TPS applications.

In a production line, TPP3 with Tibbits can be used to monitor temperature, pressure and liquid level, as well as communicate with industrial controllers via RS232/422/485 interfaces. This allows for a monitoring system that can be easily integrated into existing infrastructure and provides high reliability and flexibility.

In agriculture, TPS can be used to control the microclimate in greenhouses. The system automatically regulates temperature, humidity and CO2 levels using TPP2 and the corresponding Tibbits, which can significantly improve the conditions for plant growth and increase crop yields.

In smart cities, TPS can be used to automate street lighting. The system automatically adjusts lighting according to conditions using TPP2 with light and motion sensors. This allows for significant reductions in energy consumption and improved lighting conditions.

In logistics companies, TPS can be used for fleet monitoring. With LTPP3 and Tibbits for GPS tracking and vehicle condition monitoring, fleet management can be effectively managed, vehicle location and condition can be monitored, resulting in lower operating costs and improved logistics processes.


Tibbo Project System (TPS) is the ideal choice for those looking for a powerful and flexible automation and IoT platform. TPS offers the level of functionality and expertise needed to solve complex industrial problems. With TPS, you get a tool that allows you to create reliable, scalable and highly efficient solutions for a wide range of applications.

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