simple and effective methods

Junk leads generated online are a pressing issue that many businesses face.

Let's say you attract a significant amount of traffic to your website or application and you receive many applications (leads), however, as these requests are processed, you realize that due to the large content of “garbage” requests (from users who are clearly not ready to buy) the conversion rate to purchase from them is extremely low.

As a result, your sales managers are overloaded as they process inquiries on a daily basis. tens, hundreds, and sometimes thousands leads, but the quantity paid orders leaves much to be desired.

The question arises: how to fix the situation if attempts to improve the quality of traffic attracted to the landing page turned out to be unsuccessful unsuccessful?

Typically, in this case, the options for further action are limited, and one of the most effective measures is to make changes to the landing page that would increased the percentage of targeted applicationsrelieving the team of sales specialists.


An important advantage The idea behind this approach is that if you use performance advertising campaigns that work with conversion optimization, then adjusting your landing page to filter out low-quality leads will also affect your advertising performance.

By adjusting your landing page and “filtering out” non-targeted leads, you reduce the number of conversions to optimize your ads, which helps “retrain” your campaigns to attract higher-quality leads.

It is important to take into account that first advertising campaign performance may temporarily deterioratebut then the situation stabilizes and improves, and you begin to receive quality leads at a lower price than before the adjustments.

So, let's look at options for changes on the site that will help increase the percentage of high-quality applications in the total volume of leads.

1. Try to “overfill” the application form on the website with fields

This is a simple and effective method that can be implemented quickly and often gives immediate positive result.

The essence of the method is adding additional fields to the form applications. For example, if the application form currently has three fields, make it five, and if there are five, increase it to seven or eight.

Multiple fields help filter out uninterested userswho are not expected to waste time filling out a very long form. Accordingly, only truly interested users will fill out all the required fields, and, accordingly, their applications will be more qualitative.

In addition, you can adjust the complexity of filling out the form, not only by adding or removing fields, but also making them mandatory or optional. This also has a significant impact on the quality of leads.

For example, the Nauto service offers the user to leave a request for demo access; This application contains 11 fields, 9 of which are mandatory:

This is a fairly large number of fields, which obviously allows “filter out” requests from non-target visitors.

2. State the prices of your product/service clearly and distinctly.

One of the most effective methods for improving the quality of leads is clear and transparent price indication on your business's products or services. Although this may lead to reducing the total number of leadsquality of received applications will increase significantly.

Clear and understandable presentation of pricing information on your website allows potential customers to quickly evaluate the offer And decide on further action. Potentially “low-quality” visitors, seeing high prices for them, are more likely to refuse to leave a lead.

For example, our experience shows that pricing on the second screen of the landing page can significantly reduce the percentage of low quality applications. For example, on one of the projects, after prices were clearly indicated, the number of leads decreased by 50%accordingly, the conversion from session to leads decreased by the same percentage. However the quality of leads has improved significantly: users leaving requests were are aware of the cost in advance and therefore, more likely to make a purchase. Ultimately, business won from this decision, as sales specialists were able to pay more attention to interested potential buyers, increasing the conversion into a successful purchase.

Thus, the explicit price approach allows you to focus on target audienceready for purchase at the stated price, which ultimately contributes to an increase return on investment in the company's marketing.

A typical example is the landing page of the online school “FreelancingSchool”; on this landing page, the second screen is entirely dedicated to product prices (it shows the price and information about discounts):

Such a clear indication of the relatively high cost of the course is a significant filter for non-target users.

Prices may be indicated and directly in the application form; this ensures that the user will definitely see this information. For example, on the landing page of the digital agency Liqium, the budget ranges for development are indicated as a separate form field.:

The ranges indicated are a clear “hint” to the budgets the agency works with, filtering out private users and companies with excessively low budgets.

3. Add a non-standard question to the form to “filter out” non-target users

In complex cases, when adding additional fields or explicitly indicating prices does not bring the expected effect, it is necessary to use more creative and specific methods. One such method is to create a unique field in the form in which the user must answer a question. non-standard “filtering” question. This question should help filter out unqualified applications, as only targeted users will be able to fill out this field correctly.

Application examples:

  • Educational services for children. One of the clients faced the problem of non-targeted leads from children who left applications on the landing page instead of their parents. No adjustments to the landing page helped, so the client took a non-standard approach. A mandatory field has been added to the application form – “Your child's name”. When children see this field, they feel confused and leave the site without completing the form. Parents, on the contrary, fill in this field without any problems. As a result, the quality of applications has increased significantly..

  • B2B services. One of our clients provided services to other existing businesses, but received many requests from users who were just planning to open their own business. To solve this problem, we added mandatory field with business tax IDThis made it possible to effectively filter out unqualified applications, the quality of leads has improved significantly. It is important to note that the client has made preliminary preparations for storing incoming data in accordance with legal requirements.

These examples illustrate how Non-standard questions in the form can significantly improve the quality of leads and improve overall Marketing campaign effectivenessThis method requires creative approach And deep understanding of the target audiencebut the results can be significant.

4. Analyze the effectiveness of communication options in terms of lead quality

One of the effective methods for improving the quality of applications on landing pages is analysis of various communication channels. It can be forms, chats, phone numbers, messengers, email and other options.

It is necessary to determine through which channels high-quality applications are received, and through which low-quality ones. This information is extremely important. If, for example, it turns out that Most of the low quality applications come through formsA High quality applications – through callsit is worth making changes to the landing page structure to redistribute leads to channels with higher quality applications.

In the given example, you can reduce the number of forms and move them to the bottom of the page, and make the phone number more visible and duplicate it throughout the landing page. These changes can significantly improve the quality of leads..

We recommend using the method of assessing connection types to improve the effectiveness of landing pages as one of the first, due to its simplicity and effectiveness.

5. Move the application form and other contact methods to the bottom of the landing page

This method is somewhat similar to the previous point. One of the effective methods for improving the quality of leads is moving all communication methods to the bottom of the landing page. This applies to all communication options: forms, phone numbers, chats And messengers; exceptions may be phone numbersif the quality of applications from calls is high.

The logic behind this adjustment is as follows:: users who leave low-quality applications often do so because the contact methods are placed too close to the beginning of the landing page. Some users immediately use them, without having properly read the page offer; This situation is especially often observed when promoting complex products and services.

By moving the contact methods to the bottom of the page, you encourage the user to study the landing page more carefully. This way, by the time he first sees the application form or messenger button, he will have a more complete understanding of your products and services. This allows you to better filter out those users who are not interested in your offer..

6. List famous brands you have worked with (recommendation for B2B topics)

This method is especially effective for companies operating in the B2B segment.where low-quality leads are more likely to mean small orders with a very low average check.

The basic principle is as follows: If your clients include well-known large brands, their logos should be displayed large and prominently. at the top of the landing page. Often logos of famous clients are either not included at all or are placed closer to the bottom of the page; this should be corrected.

Placing big brand logos at the top of your landing page helps “weed out” users for whom your products or services are too expensive. Famous logos indirectly demonstrate that the level of businesses you work with is high enough.

This method is effective in a narrow segment and requires the following conditions to be met:

  • Your company operates primarily in the B2B sector.

  • You have a portfolio of famous clients whose logos can be placed on the site.

  • The problem with low-quality leads is the small scale of orders (this method is not suitable for spam leads).

For example, on the landing page of the Isoflow company, the logos of famous client brands are indicated at the beginning of the page:

This immediately demonstrates the level of the company and indirectly indicates that cooperation with it is possible if there is a significant budget.

7. Explicitly state terms that are often unacceptable to non-target users

In some cases, you may find that the percentage of quality leads on your landing page is negatively affected not by the price factor or the users’ lack of understanding of your product, but by certain additional conditions. For example, users may be “scared off” by the following factors:

  • Too long production times.

  • Long delivery times.

  • Suggested payment methods.

  • Warranty conditions.

  • Inability to customize the products or services you offer.

  • Prepayment required.

There may be many such factors. Users who did not place an order due to these factors can also be considered non-targeted..

In this case, you need to clearly communicate the restrictions you have on your landing page. In the first half of the landing page, in large font, indicate the limiting conditions; for example, “production time – 14 days” or other important details.

Respectively, Users who find these conditions unacceptable will be less likely to submit requestsif this information is clearly communicated to them. This is significant will increase the percentage of quality applications in the total volume.

8. If you do not work with a specific user segment, please provide this information.

If you have clearly identified a user segment that is not a target for your business, it can be effective to explicitly state this on your landing page. This approach works if you know exactly which group of users will never become your customers and are willing to post such information on your site.

For example:

  • You do not provide B2B services to individual entrepreneurs, but work only with companies.

  • You only serve users living in a strictly defined list of countries or cities.

  • You only serve users with a certain legal status.

It is worthwhile to politely but clearly convey this information to users. This will significantly reduce the number of unsuitable applications.

The effectiveness of this method will vary depending on the specifics of your business, but in most cases this approach will prove useful. Making these adjustments allows you to optimize your lead flow by focusing on your target customers and improving the quality of your incoming leads.

9. Direct users to a call with a manager (or another format of live communication)

One effective way to improve the quality of leads is to clearly inform the user that After filling out the form, he will be in contact with a manager or support specialist.

In some niches, non-targeted users willingly fill out forms without realizing that then they will have a live conversation with a company specialist. This may lead to an increase in the proportion of low-quality leads.

To solve this problem it is often enough change the name of the form or otherwise make it clear to the user that the next step will be a call with a manager. For example, the form might be called “Make an appointment for a call with a manager“instead of the previous version”Submit your application”. This simple renaming is often enough to improve the quality of incoming leads..

The user, knowing that he will be communicating with a real person, will be more conscious when it comes to filling out an applicationwhich in turn will reduce the percentage of low-quality leads. This simple and painless method demonstrates good efficiency in many industries.

For example, on the website of the financial service Lithic, the main method of communication promoted on the landing page is the “Contact Sales” button..

By clicking on the button, you will be taken to a form where you need to fill in your contact information. for further communication with a service specialist:

As a result, the user understands that he will be communicating with a live expert of the company, which reduces the percentage of low-quality “empty” leads.

10. Focus on successful categories with high quality submissions

This method is one of the most “radical”, but effective. Its essence is as follows: If you are promoting several categories of products or services, and some of them generate high-quality applications, while others generate low-quality ones, it is worth considering the possibility focusing on successful categories.

If you are having trouble solving the problem of low-quality leads in some categories, consider exclude them from advertising campaigns or significantly reduce budgets for their promotion. For example, leave for such categories only those types of advertising that provide an acceptable percentage of quality leads. The remaining budget can be redistributed to categories with high-quality leads.

It is important to understand that this method requires careful analysis before use.; it is necessary to take into account the business needs for sales in certain categories. Perhaps some categories with low lead quality are so profitable that they easily offset the additional labor costs of the sales team to process low-quality applications..

This approach will help you optimize your advertising budgets and improve the overall effectiveness of your marketing efforts, but it requires alignment with your overall company strategy.


The above methods are fairly simple and effective ways to improve the quality of applications. Our team has tested them in practice, and they have worked great in a number of cases. All you have to do is read the suggested points and choose the ones that suit you.

If your company needs individual CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) services, please contact us:)

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