Setting up GoodByeDPI for different regions and providers

Hello everyone, this is my first article on Habr, it is dedicated to those Who uses GoodbyeDPI. Quite a few people have encountered the fact that YouTube has died again. I know that there are already enough guides to fix this problem, but I decided to show you the settings for most regions and providers at once.

If your region/provider is not there, try the nearest region. Some sites may not load, most complain about Ali and government sites.

Find the configuration file:

Go to the GoodbyeDPI directory and look for the file 1_russia_blacklist.cmd or 1_russia_blacklist_dnsredir.cmd if you use with DNS. If you use the service: the same, but with service_install_..

Right-click, change in Notepad or whatever is convenient.

Default GoodbyeDPI 0.2.3:



PUSHD "%~dp0"

set _arch=x86

IF "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%"=="AMD64" (set _arch=x86_64)

IF DEFINED PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432 (set _arch=x86_64)

PUSHD "%_arch%"

start "" goodbyedpi.exe -9 --blacklist ..\russia-blacklist.txt --blacklist ..\russia-youtube.txt

Instead of:

⁡-9 and other similar numbers.

Moscow region

Replace with⁡ -11 ⁡

Krasnoyarsk Krai | Leningrad Region | Sverdlovsk Region | Chuvash Republic

Replace with: ⁡-r -m -e 2 -f 1 --reverse-frag

Vologda region

Replace with: -3 -e1


Replace with ⁡-7

Omsk region| Novosibirsk region| Perm region

Replace with: -1 ⁡


Replace with: -1 -e1

Krasnodar region

Replace with: -1

Far East | Perm Krai

Replace with:-1 ⁡


Replace with: ⁡-7 ⁡

Krasnodar region

Replace with-1

Moscow region

Replace with: ⁡-7 -e1 -q

Transtelecom (TTK)
Novosibirsk region

Replace with: -1 -e1 ⁡


Replace with: ⁡-1

Re-roll the service through ⁡service_install_russia_blacklist_dnsredir.cmd ⁡ or ⁡service_install_russia_blacklist.cmddepending on what you use. Personally, I use the first option.

But before that, don't forget to use⁡service_remove.cmdif the service was not removed in advance.

Again, it's different for all providers and regions. I can't speak for everyone. If you've encountered the same problem, look for information from people in ValdikSS/GoodbyeDPI/Issues

If the selection method helped you, then write the region and provider. I will add to the list in my free time.

If nothing helps, in your tg-channel I have collected the most up-to-date methods for bypassing blocking, you can choose any method that suits you best.

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