Sedentary Park: A Journey into the Wonderful World of the Pelvis

If we know anything about smokers, it is that it is difficult and, most importantly, pointless to scare them with the harm of smoking. The most eloquent pictures on cigarette packs will, at best, leave a smoker indifferent. At worst, he will immediately light another cigarette to relieve stress.

However, today we are not talking about smoking. In this article we want to talk about venous congestion in the pelvis, and we have no intention of scaring anyone. Let's talk about it in a detached manner, like in documentaries. Why it occurs, what are the consequences and what can be done about them. And at the same time, let's meet Nikita.

Nikita is an experienced IT specialist. Straight from the university bench, he moved into the chair of a junior data engineer. A few years of hard work – and now he is a middle. Life is gradually getting back on track, and work – into a measured rhythm. Nikita periodically goes to the office, purely for the sake of networking, but in general prefers to work from home. A comfortable chair, maximum comfort, minimum activity. Nikita is about to turn 35, he is a respected and highly paid specialist in his field. And everything seems to be fine, but there are some problems that our hero tries not to notice. And the problems do not like such neglect, and with each passing year they remind of themselves more and more persistently.

Hero in trouble. Why a sedentary lifestyle is harmful – the mechanism of circulatory disorders and consequences

What happened to Nikita? Maybe a neighbor, envious of his success, put a curse on the hero? Unfortunately, everything is much more prosaic and natural. A sedentary lifestyle led to stagnation in the small pelvis. And from there a whole bunch of various pathologies grew.

One of such pathologies is varicose veins of the pelvis. The disease appears due to the disruption of normal blood outflow and increased venous pressure. And the reasons can be different: for example, weak venous valves, whose task is to prevent backflow of blood. Lack of movement also leads to varicose veins. And the lower the activity, the weaker the muscles, which also participate in the movement of blood through the veins.

Varicose veins in the pelvic organs can lead to a number of diseases, and most often they will develop in parallel. Thus, varicose veins and blood stagnation in the rectum lead to the development of hemorrhoids. A similar process in the testicles can provoke varicocele, prostate adenoma.

Nikita may have been somewhat irresponsible about his health, but he is not stupid. Realizing that the problems will not go away on their own, he goes to see a specialist…

Urology. Varicocele, prostatitis, prostate adenoma: symptoms, risk factors, diagnostics, treatment and prevention

The first doctor Nikita visited was a urologist. The doctor suspected the patient had prostatitis. To confirm the diagnosis, he prescribed tests: general urine analysis, prostate gland secretion examination, ultrasound.

Most often men come with a moderate, but long and depressing symptoms prostatitis, which includes: increased urination, pain in the scrotum, decreased libido and erectile dysfunction.

Unfortunately, Nikita's preliminary diagnosis was confirmed – it's prostatitis. Treatment needs to begin. Usually, the patient is prescribed antimicrobial or anti-inflammatory drugs, and prostate massage is also needed to improve blood circulation.

Doctors say that the main risk factor for the development of prostatitis is a sedentary lifestyle: prolonged sitting disrupts blood circulation in the pelvis, which contributes to venous blood stagnation in the prostate gland.

Location of the prostate

Location of the prostate

How to avoid getting prostatitis

  • Do physical exercise regularly.

  • Avoid hypothermia and prolonged sitting.

  • Eat right, limit consumption of fatty and spicy foods.

  • Don't forget about protection against sexually transmitted infections.

In addition to prostatitis, patients with venous congestion in the pelvis are at risk of developing varicocele, prostate adenoma, impotence. Some risk factors These pathologies are similar. The peculiarities of the structure of the venous system, weakness of the venous valves can lead to stagnation of blood in the testicles, obesity also contributes to this. Another common risk factor among young people is inadequate physical activity.

At an early stage of varicocele treatment may not be required, but if symptoms occur, it is recommended to use special support underwear or a bandage. More complex cases require surgical intervention. For example, these are operations to cross varicose veins using an operating microscope. This technique has the maximum proven effect, does not require deep anesthesia and is considered “one-day office surgery” – the patient returns home in the evening. This disease should not be neglected, since varicocele leads to infertility.

For treatments Conservative therapy is used for early stages of prostate adenoma: antibiotics, antispasmodics. Surgical intervention is indicated at stage 2-3 of the disease or if there is no effect from drug treatment. One of the effective ways to get rid of prostate adenoma is TUR of the prostate (transurethral resection). All necessary manipulations are done without incisions and punctures, through a natural opening – the urethra. The tissues are practically not injured, no traces are left on the body, and the patient can return to normal life in just a few days. This method is successfully used in the SM-Clinic.

In cases of impotence, cavernosography is performed. This is a study of the veins of the penis using a computer tomograph. If venous leakage is confirmed, the pathological blood outflow can be blocked by surgery.

Fortunately, our hero avoided varicocele, prostate adenoma and impotence, but the urologist found symptoms of hemorrhoids in Nikita, so he sent him for a consultation with his colleague, a proctologist.

Proctology. Hemorrhoids: symptoms, risk factors, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

And here is Nikita in the proctologist's office. To diagnose hemorrhoids, the doctor conducts a digital examination and a visual inspection of the perianal area. Then anoscopy is performed – a painless procedure that patients easily tolerate. If necessary, a rectoscopy or ultrasound of the perianal area is prescribed. The following tests may be recommended: a general blood test, a stool test for occult blood, an analysis for parasitic invasions and a coagulogram.

Risk factors for developing hemorrhoids

  • Disorders of defecation (constipation, diarrhea, straining during defecation, prolonged sitting on the toilet, pregnancy).

  • Genetic predisposition.

  • Bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse), unbalanced diet, excess weight, sedentary lifestyle.

  • Anatomical features of the venous bed (May-Turner syndrome).

  • Inflammatory diseases or tumors of the gastrointestinal tract.

  • Excessive physical activity or improper training, use of anabolic steroids and protein shakes.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids vary and depend on the patient's gender. Women are more likely to experience external changes, which makes them see a doctor faster. Men, on the contrary, are more likely to complain of pain and blood during bowel movements. Common symptoms include:

  • pain in the anus, especially during defecation;

  • bleeding during bowel movements, which can lead to anemia, accompanied by weakness, pale skin, loss of appetite, fatigue and drowsiness;

  • profuse bleeding through hemorrhoids during hypertensive crises, bringing temporary relief;

  • cracks of different depths and locations, most often posterior and anterior;

  • inflammation of hemorrhoids.

After all examinations and identifying the causes of hemorrhoids, the doctor selects the appropriate treatment, this may be:

  • Conservative therapy: suppositories and ointments (hemostatic, thrombolytic, anti-inflammatory), venotonics to improve blood circulation are used. Treatment lasts 5-7 days, after which the need for surgery is decided.

  • Surgical intervention: one-day laser surgery, bloodless and almost painless, without stitches, which shortens the postoperative period. The patient can return to normal life a few hours after the operation.

For prevention hemorrhoids I recommend to patients and those who read this article, daily walks (at least an hour), regular swimming (2-3 times a week for 45 minutes), walking (at least 10 thousand steps a day), breaks every hour if you have a sedentary job. Proper nutrition is important, eating plenty of vegetables and fruits, a light dinner. Of course, a healthy lifestyle in general is important (getting rid of bad habits, maintaining good posture, organizing your workplace, using local massage tools to reduce congestion). Yoga and breathing exercises, moderate strength training can be useful.

The solution for Nikita is conservative therapy. The doctor prescribed the necessary medications, explained how to use them, and recommended simple and clear ways to prevent hemorrhoids. He also recommended making an appointment with a phlebologist, a specialist in venous diseases. After all, with a sedentary lifestyle, it is rare for anyone to avoid leg problems.

Phlebology. Varicose veins: symptoms, risk factors, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

The phlebologist examined Nikita's legs and pointed out the obvious symptoms of varicose veins. This is swelling, a feeling of heaviness in the legs, which usually appears in the evening. Patients often notice that shoes that were comfortable in the morning become tight in the evening.

To diagnose varicose veins, the doctor conducts a visual examination of the legs and does an ultrasound of the veins. Edema can be determined by pressing on the skin and seeing a dimple that does not disappear for a long time. Protruding altered veins appear on the legs. Trophic disorders of the skin are noticeable. Also, with varicose veins, painful sensations, cramps, especially at night, itching and burning in the veins occur.

Risk factors for the development of varicose veins

  • genetic predisposition;

  • passive lifestyle;

  • standing work;

  • overweight and obesity;

  • shoes that are too narrow and tight;

  • smoking.

There are several modern methods for treating varicose veins: sclerotherapy, laser coagulation, adhesive obliteration of veins. These procedures allow you to close the veins from the inside, eliminating blood stagnation. The interventions are performed under local anesthesia, do not leave scars and do not require hospitalization. Such operations are also considered one-day surgery. Patients receive a solution to the problem with an excellent cosmetic result.

For prevention varicose veins I recommend moderate daily physical activity: swimming, cycling, gymnastics. It is better to avoid prolonged sitting and standing without moving, you need to take breaks for warm-up and exercise. You should monitor your weight, drink enough water.

Doctors helped the hero correct the situation

Our hero managed to get rid of hemorrhoids and prostatitis with the help of medications. But to cure varicose veins, he had to spend a little more time in the clinic – to try that same one-day surgery.

Nikita underwent adhesive obliteration of veins. During the procedure, doctors literally seal problematic, dilated veins with a special bioglue. It is securely fixed to the wall of the diseased vein, blocks the pathological blood flow along it and cures varicose veins. All this is done through one micro puncture, and immediately after the procedure the patient can walk, bend his leg and step on it. And hospitalization is not required.

The adhesive obliteration took only 25 minutes, and Nikita spent no more than two hours in the clinic that day.

The adhesive obliteration took only 25 minutes, and Nikita spent no more than two hours in the clinic that day.

After all that he had experienced, Nikita realized how important it is to move, eat right, and even when working, not to forget about organizing your workplace. He soon developed a new healthy habit: he began taking exercise breaks throughout the day.


Taking exercise breaks every 1.5-2 hours of work improves blood flow and reduces health risks

Taking exercise breaks every 1.5-2 hours of work improves blood flow and reduces health risks

To the delight of the reader, Nikita's story ends with a happy ending: it didn't get to thrombosis, and they managed to sort out prostatitis and varicose veins before serious problems started. As for hemorrhoids, they were, of course, still hemorrhoids, but they managed to get by with conservative therapy, and that's not bad. Now our hero is almost healthy. All that's left is to lose weight, adjust his habits – and we can say that our hero's health maintenance program for the next year has been completed.

There are contraindications. It is necessary to consult a specialist.

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