Scraping with Goutte (crawler). Parsing sites using the Goutte library

In a new post, I will show you a PHP library for parsing (scraping) sites. Using this library, you can collect any information from a third-party site, follow links, automatically submit forms.

Connecting the Goutte library and creating a request to the site

I will use my website as an example. At the very beginning, you need to make a request to the main page, then we will take elements from it, so the code below will be used in each request, I just won’t duplicate it

/* подключаем файлы полученные через Composer */
require __DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php";
use Goutte\Client;
use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\HttpClient;
/* создаём объект и делаем запрос на сайт Prog-Time */
$client = new Client();
$crawler = $client->request('GET', '');

Getting text information with Goutte

Using method filter you can specify a selector to select elements. Since this page uses several elements with the home_heading_post class, we will use the method each.

$crawler->filter('.bottom_list_last_posts .home_link_post .home_heading_post')->each(function ($node) {

Getting the href attribute of a link

$crawler->filter('.bottom_list_last_posts .home_link_post')->each(function ($node) {

Getting the src attribute of an image

$crawler->filter('.bottom_list_last_posts .home_link_post img')->each(function ($node) {

Selection filtering (selection of elements through one)

use the method reduce to specify a function to filter the selection. In my example, a function is specified that sets the order “through 1” and “every tenth element”.

$newListLinks = $crawler
    ->filter('.home_link_post .home_heading_post')
    ->reduce(function ($node, $i) {
	return ($i % 2) == 0;
	// return ($i % 10) == 0;
    ->each(function ($node) {

Getting an element of the specified order

Using the method eq you can specify the element number. The numbering starts from 0, so in my example we will get 4 elements with the class “home_heading_post

$itemPost = $crawler->filter('.home_link_post .home_heading_post')->eq(3);

Getting the first and last element

first() – return the first element
last() – returns the last element

$firstItem = $crawler->filter('.home_link_post .home_heading_post')->first();
$lastItem = $crawler->filter('.home_link_post .home_heading_post')->last();

Getting neighbor element at level in DOM tree

siblings() – returns neighboring elements in the DOM tree


Getting a link by text and clicking on the link

Using the method selectLink() we get the link, as a parameter we pass the text inside the link.

Using the method link() follow the link and get a new page.

Using the method getUri() get link URI

$linkPost = $crawler->selectLink('Парсинг на PHP с формированием данных в Excel');
$link = $linkPost->link();

Getting an Image Object

$imagesPost = $crawler->selectImage('Парсинг на PHP с формированием данных в Excel');
$image = $imagesPost->image();

Getting child elements

$childrenItems = $crawler->filter('.header_post_list')->children();

Submitting a form with Goutte

/* получаем страницу с формой */
$crawler = $client->request('GET', '');
/* находим кнопку для отправки формы */
$form = $crawler->selectButton('Отправить')->form();
/* передаём параметры формы и отправляем запрос */
form, [
'name' => 'Илья',
'phone' => '+7(999)999-99-99',

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