Russia is developing an analogue of Android and iOS, Miro is leaving the country, and IT specialists lack empathy

Hi! I continue to keep my finger on the pulse: this is another selection of the most sensational news of the last week. Let's start with another twist in the epic around YouTube, the fate of which is still unknown. Then we'll see what we have in terms of import substitution (something strange), and finally we'll determine what languages ​​IT specialists need to learn in 2024 to be on top. Spoiler: NOT ENGLISH.

People are leaving their providers because of YouTube slowdowns

News classified as “Wow”. Russian Internet users have begun to massively terminate contracts with providers, believing that YouTube broke down in their home network because of them. In particular, Kommersant wrotethat subscribers of 135 regional telecom operators (who would have thought that there were more than five of them) encountered this remarkable phenomenon.

As a result, the association of operators asked the Ministry of Digital Development to officially explain to the country why YouTube slowed down. By the way, there is still no single version on this issue.

At the same time, on YouTube itself this week noticed a promising plaque. It says that the video hosting service is aware of the problem and is working on it. The banner even uses the optimistic wording “temporary difficulties.”

At the same time, Russian YouTube bloggers Google decided to shut down contextual advertising service AdSense. Previously, the guys could get money at least from foreign views, but now they won’t be able to get any at all. In fact, this means that our YouTubers have been disconnected from monetization.

In general, it’s somehow unclear what’s going on in YouTube’s mind.

RuTube removed from AppStore

Video hosting sites are having a tough week. Amid all the plot twists related to YouTube, the Russian platform RuTube was removed from the Apple app store. This is not the first time this has happened, but before this it somehow got away with it. The company explains this sanctions and they say that recently they actually topped the download ratings.

It seems like the universe itself doesn't want us to watch videos.

Russia is developing an alternative to Android and iOS

This is being done by the company “Bazalt SPO”, which has previously created the ALT Linux operating system. Their new platform will be called AltPhone. The kernel is Linux, the software components are from the independent repository “Sisyphus”. In “Bazalt SPO” even reportedwhich are already working with domestic gadget manufacturers.

This, by the way, is far from the first attempt to challenge overseas mobile platforms. Do you think it will work out?

Google disconnects Russia from BigQuery. And Miro is leaving too

BigQuery is a cloud service for storing and processing large amounts of data. We talked about it, for example, right here. So, from September 9, it will not work in Russia. The same message says that other cloud services, Google Workspace and Google Cloud, will continue to function.

However, another popular collaboration service, Miro, also announced its departure from the country. What makes it even more piquant is that it was developed in Russia. But as of September 12, it will also be completely shut down here due to sanctions. The company's Perm office was closed back in 2022.

What can we replace it with, colleagues?

RBC has details.

People in IT lack emotional intelligence

To this conclusion came to the Moscow Psychological and Social University. For this purpose, a whole experiment was conducted: 20 programmers aged 20 to 47 were tested. Among them, 18 were men and 2 were women. The following methods were used:

  • N. Hall's method for determining the level of emotional intelligence (EQ questionnaire).

  • D.A. Leontiev's test for life-meaning orientations (LMO).

  • E. Schein's Career Anchors Questionnaire.

Here are the conclusions (not encouraging):

The overwhelming majority of the programmers studied had low or even extremely low scores on the scales of “emotion management”, “empathy” and “managing other people's emotions”. Such scores indicate that the group of programmers has difficulties managing both their own emotions and the emotions of other people, as well as difficulties with empathy and recognizing other people's feelings.

It's scary, very scary, we don't know what it is, if only we knew what it is, but we don't know what it is.

IT professionals are advised to learn Chinese and Korean

Over the past seven months, the number of vacancies for developers in Russia that require knowledge of Chinese has grown by 31%. A similar trend has emerged with the Korean language. This is associated with the transition to Chinese equipment for the production of electronics.

The number of such vacancies has increased by 74%. So we know which courses to enroll in in September.

That's all for now. If you still want to read something, I recommend here is this article from colleagues. And we'll see you next week to see what's going on in the tech world again.

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