Root Access and Unbinding

Why do devices purchased in Russia not support beamforming and are limited to a channel width of 40 MHz? As a result, the maximum data transfer rate is 600 Mbit/s instead of the stated 1300 Mbit/s. You can ask yourself this question for a long time, but there is a solution to this problem.

Beamforming — This is a technology for processing and generating signals in wireless devices. It allows maintaining a sufficiently high transmission speed in places where signal propagation is difficult.

Apple Airport Extreme A1521

Apple Airport Extreme A1521

First, it's worth paying attention to the region settings on your device. Often, devices purchased in Russia can be configured to use frequency ranges and standards that comply with local regulations. Changing the region in the device settings can open access to wider channels and beamforming support.

Additionally, updating your device's firmware may also resolve the issue. Manufacturers regularly release updates that may include support for new features and performance improvements.

If these steps did not help, you can “to run away” from the region without changing the device itself.

For this we will need python 2.7 files with repositories and free time.

  1. Download all files from repositoriesextract them

  2. Go to file setup.pywhich is responsible for configuring and installing Python packages, and change install_requires on “pycryptodome”

  3. Make sure you have Python 2.7 installed and install the required dependencies

    pip install pycryptodome-3.20.0-cp27-cp27m-win_amd64.whl
    pip install setuptools-44.1.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl
  4. Go to the directory with and install AirPyrt

    py -2.7 install
  5. Enable SSH on your device using the command below, replacing {ipv4-address} And {password} to the corresponding values

    py -2.7 -m acp -t {ipv4-address} -p {password} --setprop dbug 0x3000
    py -2.7 -m acp -t {ipv4-address} -p {password} --reboot
  6. After rebooting the device, connect to it via SSH

    ssh root@{ipv4-address}
  7. Run commands to change country code to US and set SKU

    acp -q syRe=0x00000000
    acp static apple-sku=FCC
  8. Disconnect from SSH and reboot your device

    py -2.7 -m acp -t {ipv4-address} -p {password} --reboot
  9. After all changes, disable SSH

py -2.7 -m acp -t {ipv4-address} -p {password} --setprop dbug 0x0000
py -2.7 -m acp -t {ipv4-address} -p {password} --reboot

After completing all the above steps you should receive:

Network parameters

Network parameters

The speed increased from 150 Mbps to 780 Mbps with 800 Mbps possible.

P.S.: When writing this article, I was guided by this material, so this article can be considered only a revision of an existing article.

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