Role model in the AERODISK ENGINE storage system

What we'll talk about:

In the IT world, where data security and system reliability are paramount, a role model works like a strict face control at the entrance to the server room. It clearly knows who to let in where and who should be left outside the door. And it will not let any strangers in where they do not belong.

What is a role model?

The role model is based on several main tools: roles with a set of rights, users and access groups. Roles are like superpowers that provide access to certain functions and data, and users and groups are those who receive these superpowers. The distribution of superpowers is, accordingly, controlled by an admin with full access to the system.

Depending on the role, the user gets access to the necessary features, but at the same time acts strictly within the framework of their authority. This allows you to control who can do what and where.

The main goal of the role model is to make life easier for admins and protect the system from accidental or unauthorized “travels” through other people’s data and settings.

How does it work in AERODISK ENGINE?

Main elements:

Setting up a role-based access model

To create and configure a group, simply go to the management interface, after which a “tree of possibilities” will literally open up to you.

You can select the entire tree or just the required rights on branches with the highest possible granularity.

Information by group is available in the summary table, so nothing gets lost.

Now you can select a group and assign users to it, information about which is also available in the table.

A group with the required access level is assigned through the user management interface.

The role-based access model is like a constructor that allows you to configure user rights depending on their tasks and responsibilities. For example, a “Support Engineer” will have access to logs and diagnostics, but will not be allowed to access system settings.

Examples of setting up access rights

  1. Let's say you want to create an RDG moon. This will require the following permissions:

Access errors

If the user suddenly stumbles upon a lack of rights to perform some operation, the system will tell him what minimum rights he needs to grant to make everything work.

For example, to access disk scanning, you need to go to the “Storage Subsystem – Disks” section and check “Disk scanning”.

Features of the role model in AERODISK ENGINE


The role model in AERODISK ENGINE is an extremely important function that helps ensure order in access management. The ability to use popular access templates allows you to quickly set up standard access distribution. At the same time, if necessary, you can thoughtfully create custom roles to adjust the system to any business tasks.

The functionality is available for storage systems ENGINE AQ440, ENGINE AQ450, ENGINE N4, ENGINE N2.

You can learn more about the role model at our webinar, which will take place on August 27 at 15:00 (Moscow time). Registration mandatory)

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