Roblox, Scratch and more

Programming for children, like English at one time, has become a popular direction in additional education. And the similarity of the two disciplines is not accidental. We know that the earlier a child is immersed in a foreign language, in another culture, the fewer problems he will have with it at school, and there may not be a language barrier as such. In programming, too: if a child masters the basics of coding at 5, 6 and 7 years old, then he will more quickly develop logical thinking, the ability to analyze and the skill of solving complex problems by breaking them down into simple parts.

But here the question usually arises: how can a young child master programming and create hundreds of lines of code when he is only just learning the basics of mathematics at school, and he does not even have such a subject as computer science? Here, too, everything is simple.

Children's IT education, namely programming, is adapted to the child's age and the level of general development that corresponds to preschool, primary, secondary and senior school education. At six years old, no one will force a child to write a 100-line code in C++. He learns coding visually, i.e. through block programming in Kodu or Scratch, where commands are colored “bricks” that must be put together in the correct order to create a program.

IT trends and IT kids

There are currently many organizations on the market that provide such IT training for children. Their success is largely determined by how well their programs meet the needs of the audience. And the audience in this case is not only solvent parents, but also the children themselves. Modern teenagers and children get along well with the “digital” in principle: they no longer need to be explained how to work with a computer, how to install a program on a smartphone, etc. They are often aware of the latest updates in computer games, watch videos with the wonders of high technology. And here it is important to be able to adapt to those IT trends that the younger generation quickly grasps. An example is the sandbox game Minecraft, on the basis of which children are taught to program in Python. Or examples of video lessons on Scratch, where children create their own versions of famous games and even TV series (here You can see how the “Squid Game” is assembled).

Another important aspect of modern additional education is the distance format. The coronavirus period has given a powerful impetus to online courses for children's development, and today they are in great demand (although there are opponents). In this format, children study no less effectively, and sometimes even more. Firstly, the child is in a comfortable environment at home. Secondly, parents do not need to think about how to take and pick up the child from the courses so as not to be late for work. Thirdly, modern digital educational platforms are interactive, which makes lessons look like a game. So the child has no time to get bored, and he enjoys learning new material.

We have selected the TOP-20 of such online courses that will be both useful and interesting for children. Here are not only IT lessons, but also English learning, financial literacy, logic classes – everything that will give the child the skills for a successful start in any endeavor.

Online courses for children with a certificate of training in IT areas

Roblox Studio: Game Creation and Lua Programming for Kids

Age: 9-14 years (3-8 grades)

Format: online

Up to 12 people in a group, individual lessons are possible

The idea to create Roblox came to two physicists in 1989, and in 2004 the world saw the first version of the platform, only it was called DynaBlocks. 20 years later, the platform has become more popular than Minecraft: more than 100 million people visit it every month.

And such fame is explained by the platform's versatility: it can be used to earn money, to teach design and programming. The online course of the Pixel school is dedicated to the latter.

It is divided into three modules, each with 12 lessons. In the first, children learn to write in Lua, a language that helps create games and objects on the platform. In the second, they will master 3D modeling by creating their own models from scratch, to which they will learn to add materials and apply special effects of fire and smoke. The third module is dedicated to creating their own game in Roblox Studio, starting with a script and ending with adding NPCs and obstacles. The children will publish the created projects on the platform so that other players can play and evaluate it (and maybe even buy it).

Lessons are held once a week via video call. If you are unable to study according to the schedule in real time, you can always watch lectures and study materials in your personal account.

3D Modeling for Kids in Roblox

Age: 9-14 years (3-8 grades)

Format: online

Up to 12 people in a group, individual lessons are possible

Another course by Pixel on Roblox, but already in the direction of 3D modeling. It lasts from 4.5 to 9 months. During this time, the child will gain an understanding of three-dimensional space, learn to create their own landscape and models of solid and spherical bonds. The program also includes studying solid modeling, animation and superposition of special effects. At the end of the course, the children create their large-scale projects: for example, an entire village using many plugins and with detailed lighting.

Scratch Programming for Kids

Age: 8-12 years (2-6 grades)

Format: online

Up to 12 people in a group, individual lessons are possible

A basic course for those who are just starting their path in programming. This course will teach a child to code using blocks – special colored “bricks”, each of which is responsible for its own action. Millions of people around the world learn using this platform, it is perfectly adapted for children. Its main advantage is that it helps to understand programming in general: algorithms, logical operations, commands and locks, image generation, etc. Understanding this, the child will easily master more complex coding in the future.

In the practice of this course, children create scenes, learn to work with ready-made libraries and create their own characters, make mini-games of different genres. At the end of the course, the child has 2-3 full-fledged projects, which will be the first step to a professional portfolio.

Python Programming in Minecraft

Age: 9-13 years (3-7 grades)

Format: online

Up to 12 people in a group, individual lessons are possible

We already talked about this direction at the beginning of the article: let's take a closer look at what is good about this type of training. Firstly, Minecraft is played by almost half a billion people around the world. It is a three-dimensional universe of cubes in the sandbox genre, which can be rebuilt at the discretion of the player. There is no specific scenario and no end to the game as such: you decide what you want to do. For example, you can explore the world like Kurt Jay did in 2011: the guy went on a virtual journey to find the border of the cubic universe and covered a distance of one and a half million blocks in three years. You can also fight monsters, search for treasures, build buildings, etc. Learning to program helps you create any activities yourself, as well as mods for overcoming obstacles.

Already in the first module of the course, a child without any coding skills will create a script in Pyrhon, having mastered working with variables, cycles and conditions. The child will know how to build a house on a field and an entire city in an instant using a couple of lines of code, how to draw figures using the turtle library, how to display messages in the game chat. In addition, in the second module, children will get acquainted with artificial intelligence and work with a scenario of random events and generations. The entire course will take from 4 to 9 months, depending on the number and type of modules selected.

Python Programming for Kids

Age: 10-14 years (4-8 grades)

Format: online

Up to 12 people in a group, individual lessons are possible

In fact, learning Python separately from gaming platforms is no less interesting, since this programming language allows you to create projects in literally any direction, be it application development, machine learning, AI, working with big data, microprocessors – as you can see, Python is omnipresent.

But at the same time, the syntax of the language is considered one of the most accessible, and therefore is actively used for teaching children.

In this course, children and teenagers will be immersed in the programming environment from the ground up. The first module will study the basic concepts of coding (cycles, functions, mathematical operations, generation, etc.). Using them, the children will program their calculator. The second block of classes will introduce the process of creating chat bots and simple logic games. The third block is a game: here, children will use Python commands to create their own version of a zombie apocalypse game.

Game Creation in Unity and C# Programming

Age: 10-14 years (4-8 grades)

Format: online

Up to 12 people in a group, individual lessons are possible

An online game creation course for children for those who are passionate about computer games and dream of creating their own world. The program introduces children to Unity, a game engine used by developers around the world. The C# language (C sharp) is used for programming, which helps to create game logic. The course itself lasts 36 lessons, during which the child will become familiar with 2D and 3D games. Young programmers will teach their characters to run, jump, fight monsters, shoot and much more. The last lessons are devoted to preparing their own games and defending them in front of classmates and experts.

Website creation in HTML, CSS, JavaScript for children

Age: 12 years and up

Format: online

Up to 12 people in a group, individual lessons are possible

HTML, CSS, JavaScript — this is the basis for creating any web pages. The program is suitable for teenagers who want to create their own websites in the future (or already now). The course goes from simple to complex: first, they study the basics of web development based on the HTML hypertext markup language and CSS style sheets in Visual Studio Code. Then the JavaScript language is added, where the guys work with cycles, operators, create animation and interactivity for the future website. The course ends with an introduction to the ReactJS library and practice in creating user interfaces and adaptive design.

Web design for kids 9-13 years old

Age: 9-13 years

Format: online

Up to 12 people in a group, individual lessons are possible

To study design, it is not necessary to go to art school for five years and then study at an architecture college for another five years. In addition, there are different areas of design. For example, studying web design also gives the basics of composition, color theory, and rules for working with text. All this is also important for creating application and program interfaces.

The course is designed to give teenagers a foundation of skills and knowledge for studying design. Based on this, the kids create beautiful and, most importantly, user-friendly interfaces. They will learn how to use modular grids, master the Figma editor tools for creating prototypes, and design a landing page on Tilda.

Web design for children from 12 years old

Age: from 12 years

Format: online

Up to 12 people in a group, individual lessons are possible

An advanced version of the previous course for schoolchildren aged 12 and above. The course will be especially useful for those who have already thought about a career as a web designer and want to master practical tools to work with projects more professionally.

In three modules, the student will create an interactive prototype of a website with button animation, write a script for a prototype of a mobile application, learn how to make adaptive pages for different types of devices, study usability and custom design, and create a website in Tilda with animation elements in the style of “glassmorphism”.

Graphic design for kids 8-13 years old

Age: 8-12 years

Format: online

Up to 12 people in a group, individual lessons are possible

The course will introduce children to such programs as Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. These are graphic editors that are widely used in design. The first module introduces children to vector graphics and the capabilities of the illustrator. In practice, children will create their own logos, first using connections of simple figures, gradually adding special effects using various program tools. The two subsequent blocks cover working with the raster graphics editor – Adobe Photoshop. Students will create their own advertising leaflets, labels and stickers, make mockups to demonstrate their ideas, master working with colors and using a gradient.

Graphic Design for Teens

Age: from 12 years

Format: online

Up to 12 people in a group, individual lessons are possible

The program for teenagers differs from the previous course in its more practical focus. Already in the first module, the guys will create logos according to the technical task, where the main wishes of the potential client will be written down. In real life, the technical task is also called a brief – a document in which detailed information about the company (mission, wishes for colors, associations, etc.) is written down, which needs to create an entire brand book or a separate style element. Teenagers will study 4 types of logos, put together a mood board, and in the following modules they will master in practice the rules for creating popular advertising products: banners, brochures, leaflets, and put together a single design concept.

3D Modeling for Teens in Blender

Age: from 13 years

Format: online

Up to 12 people in a group, individual lessons are possible

Another online course for children in this article's rating is related to a popular area in IT training — 3D modeling. The use of 3D models has long gone beyond computer games and the entertainment and cinema industries. Three-dimensional technologies are used in medicine and industry, in children's education and in training personnel in production (educational simulators, etc.).

The course will introduce the teenager to 3D graphics and how to work with it and create their own objects. The training is conducted in the Blender program, which, like Photoshop, is used by industry professionals and 3D artists. After the course, students will master the basics of digital sculpting, will be able to apply different textures to objects, work with complex lighting, create animation, make detailed illustrations from several objects, and send the model for rendering.

One lesson lasts 90 minutes, a teenager will study once a week. So it will not be difficult to combine this with school lessons and other additional courses and tutors.

Best online courses for kids: game creation and 3D modeling

Age: 6-9 years

Format: online

Up to 12 people in a group, individual lessons are possible

Above, we described that the teenager studies 3D graphics based on Blender. But this does not mean that 3D modeling is inaccessible to younger children, even preschoolers. For such children, training is conducted in the TinkerCAD program. In it, they create ready-made simple 3D models, and then upload them to Construct to create games. This will be similar to the games that children like on smartphones: bright, interesting characters, clear logic and the goal of the game. But nevertheless, this will give the child the first skills in working with volumetric figures. Small children are also willing to get involved in the educational process: the groups are small, and if desired, you can study one-on-one with a teacher. At this age, 3D modeling classes will accelerate the development of creative and logical thinking, teach you to use a computer at an advanced level, which will later help the child do better at school.

Programming for preschoolers and primary school students

Age: 5-9 years

Format: online

Up to 12 people in a group, individual lessons are possible

This course is also based on the Scratch visual platform. The difference is that Scratch Junior is designed specifically for preschoolers and elementary school children. During the lessons, they will create their own scenes with characters who will run, jump or dance, write scripts for elementary games with a couple of actions (“tic-tac-toe”, “labyrinth”). Since children like learning in this game format, important topics are built into the program. For example, traffic rules: children will create a roadway scene themselves and, using the example of adding different figures and car movements, analyze different situations on the road.

Also, if in Scratch children independently think about the sequence of blocks when creating a program, then Scratch Jr gives hints to young coders.

Child development online on the course “Computer Literacy for Kids»

Age: 7-10 years

Format: online

Up to 12 people in a group, individual lessons are possible

A basic course that we recommend to all young schoolchildren, regardless of their programming skills and computer experience. The course is designed to show the child how to use digital resources consciously and effectively. Here the child will learn to work with text, tables and formulas, and will create beautiful and clear presentations. At the end of the course, children will learn about online safety rules, how a “digital footprint” appears, and why it is important to protect your personal data.

What online courses for kids will complement programming lessons well?

Now let's introduce you to online training courses for children that are different from IT topics. They will complement any of the programs above and give your child even more useful skills.

English for preschoolers

Age: 4-7 years

Format: online

Small groups

Learning English from an early age is a great opportunity for a child to avoid such a problem as a language barrier. The training itself, of course, is built in a playful form and is based on everyday situations so that the child perceives new words naturally. So, very young children take their favorite toys with them to an online lesson, and the teacher comes up with a game so that the child interacts with it and simultaneously absorbs new knowledge.

Online development courses for children on logic and thinking

Age: 4-12 years

Format: online

Small groups or on your own

A platform with over 30 thematic programs for children of different ages. There are puzzles, logic games and math problems, learning about the world around us, word games, quizzes on countries and capitals, etc. The courses are interactive and adapted to all types of devices, so a child can take them from a computer at home, on a tablet in the car or from a smartphone. This can be a useful replacement for mobile games.

Online courses for children and teenagers financial literacy

Age: 6-13 years

Format: online

Small groups or on your own
Not all schools teach how to handle money properly, and in vain. After all, today it is no less important than Russian or mathematics. The financial literacy course from Umnaziya will show children what money is, how to earn it, how to plan their spending and make a budget.

The program is interesting and is designed as a game. It has many stories, dialogues and tasks with pictures. This will help children easily learn the basics of handling money.

Best online courses for kids: drawing

Age: from 5 years

Format: online

Small groups

When a child draws, he begins to imagine better, easily come up with something new and feels the desire to create even more.

The “Draw Together” course from Lil School will not teach you how to draw like seasoned artists, but it will show you how to work with wax crayons, plasticine, make collages and blots. All this helps you learn how to create interesting things without being afraid to experiment.


Age: from 5 years

Format: online

Individually, there are doubles tournaments

Online chess courses for children are more than just a game. They teach you to think several steps ahead, help you become smarter and analyze better. Those who play chess usually understand mathematics better than their peers. It is good to start playing chess as early as possible, and a mentor will be very useful here. The chess school “Wings” has a course that will help you learn to play well in two months, even a child starting from scratch. Classes are held in the form of a game in groups, and tournaments are held every week to learn the material even better.

From this rating of online courses for children, you can choose several or stop at one for now. In any case, if you choose the right direction, the child will study with pleasure, which will help him to easily master useful digital and other skills.

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