Relevance of 1C analysts and developers in the labor market

Average salary level of 1C analyst in the country
Salary levels for Moscow and St. Petersburg

Essential Analyst Skills

Key qualities of a 1C analyst:

  • communication skills to effectively interact with business users and the technical team,

  • analytical thinking for deep understanding and optimization of business processes,

  • ability to work with users to train them and explain complex aspects of the program.

Communication is an important skill for an analyst because he serves as a link between the business and the technical team. His job requires the ability to listen, interpret, and convey information, which is essential for the successful implementation of projects and customer satisfaction.

Although a developer needs basic communication skills, the focus of his work is more on the technical side and the implementation of tasks. A developer mainly works with code and technical aspects of the system, and his interaction with users and business is less intense compared to the work of an analyst.

It will be easier for a person who already has experience in a certain field to become a 1C analyst. Often, people who previously worked as accountants, calculators, and economists come to this profession.

However, this does not mean that a person without experience in a specific subject area cannot become a 1C analyst. He will just have to put in more effort and study the features of the chosen subject area. You can start with simpler areas that do not require special knowledge, for example, with the automation of procurement processes. Gradually, you can move on to more complex ones.

In addition to knowledge in subject areas, a 1C analyst needs to study the technical aspects of the 1C:Enterprise platform. At the initial stages of work, a specialist should familiarize himself with the main objects of the platform: reference books, documents, registers. He must understand their purpose and functions.

Then you can move on to more complex aspects, such as reading code, writing simple queries to work with auxiliary tools, such as the query console and the report console. It is also important to learn the design features API and other technical issues.

For 1C analysts who plan to start their careers in 1C franchise companies, it is also important to study one or more typical 1C configurations. Currently, analysts with knowledge of the flagship configuration, “1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2”, or more precisely one or more of its modules, are most in demand.

In addition, there is a demand on the labor market for specialists with knowledge of such configurations as “1C: Enterprise Accounting”, “1C: Document Management”, “1C: Salary and HR Management”, and “1C: Trade Management”. You can understand the differences between 1C products and master the basic tools on the course “1C-analyst”.

Certification of 1C analysts

For analysts working with 1C products, there is certification systemsimilar to the one that 1C developers go through.

First, the analyst must obtain a “1C:Professional” certificate for any 1C:ERP configuration or subsystem. To do this, you need to prepare and pass a test that consists of 14 questions and lasts 30 minutes.

After that, you can prepare for and pass a more complex exam to obtain a “1C:Specialist-Consultant” certificate for a specific configuration or 1C:ERP subsystem. Preparation for this exam requires solving a large number of tickets and passing the exam itself, which lasts 4 hours.

The path of an analyst

At the initial stage, the analyst's path is similar to that of a developer. In 1C, analysts also have the following job levels: junior, middle, senior, and lead. After that, the analyst can choose one of several development paths:

  • become an expert in the field of functional architecture of business solutions and take the position of a functional architect,

  • delve into the methodology of business and accounting processes and become an expert methodologist,

  • develop in the field of management and become a project manager or product manager.

Sometimes analysts who work with the 1C platform begin to delve into the technical aspects of its functioning and become developers. Some specialists successfully combine both roles, although this has become increasingly rare lately, and some switch completely to development.

In addition to development in 1C, the analyst can study other technologies. He can work in teams that develop not only products on the 1C platform, but also those based on other technologies, since the main approaches to software development in the 1C sphere are similar to approaches in other IT areas.

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