Quick Setup of VPN VLESS with XTLS-Reality

We install our VPN server with control via the GUI interface 3x-ui.

Let's proceed to the installation and minimal configuration of VPN with your own hands. If suddenly you are interested in finding all the current methods for bypassing YouTube blocking with detailed instructions, you can choose the most suitable methods for yourself – for Smart TV, for PC, for Phone, Android, IOS, etc. or various methods of installing VPN, then in my telegram In the pinned channel I have collected all the relevant articles on these topics!

Why VLESS protocol with XTLS-Reality? Traffic is encrypted and disguised as connection to popular sites (domains). The provider is calm and so are you.

Hosting for VPN

I use several different hostings for VPN. Today we will focus on (referral link) aeza.com – there are several locations to choose from by refka 15% to replenish the balance, if you do not want to go by refka here is the official link to website. Replenishment from RF cards, SBP, Crypto and others. Automatic installation of the c3x-ui server in a couple of clicks and only setting up the key for access.

Register and create a server

Download in advance PuTTY if you have windows. In macos we use the built-in terminal.

  1. Register and log in to the control panel (login data is duplicated by email).

  2. Top up your balance (you can do this after step 3). I topped up via SBP

  3. Under the logo, we immediately select the first option – virtual server
    3.1 Name – we write the name, for example, vasyan
    3.2 Select location – Amsterdam
    3.3 Tariff selection – shared -> cheapest rate NLS-1
    3.4 Selecting an operating system and software – second tab -> pre-installed software and look at the bottom for 3x-ui Ubuntu 22.04
    3.5 Selecting a payment period and placing an order – leave the month or, if you wish, choose, for example, the year
    3.6 Backups – turn it off

  4. Click the pay button.


    After we have ordered and paid for the server. Go to My Services (in the sidebar on the left). Select your server (click on the name with the flag).

    What we are interested in here is the IP address, Username and Password.

    What we are interested in here is the IP address, Username and Password.

Copy the IP address, opens putty for connection via ssh

In the Host Name (or Ip address) field, we insert our IP and if the Port field on the right is empty, then we write 22. Connection type: SSH. That's it, click the OPEN button below.

A dialog box will ask you to take action in exchanging keys, we agree.

Enter the user name, in the example it is root. Copy the password and paste it by right-clicking (the password will not be displayed) and press enter.

Now we need to find the file: 3x-ui.txt, it is located in /root/3x-ui.txt. To do this, simply enter the command: nano3x-ui.txt and press enter

And then we look at the information on which port the panel is located and which user.

We go to the browser and in the address bar we go to the address:, for you this is the IP address of your server, and port is the number of your port.

Creating a key

Create your own key.

We go to the panel. We enter our login and password. Then we are greeted by the main window

Go to Panel settings and change the languge to Russian at the bottom

Click on the Connections section, then Add connection.

Let's move on to setting up VLESS with XTLS-Reality.

  • Note — name for easy identification (phone, PC, friend) of the key

  • Protocol — vless

  • IP port — leave blank

  • Port – delete the set value and write 443

We'll skip the client for now, first we need to set up the transport

  • Transfer Protocol:TCP

  • ProxyProtocol, HTTP Masking, TPROXY, External Proxy — all this is off by default. If it is on, turn it off

Next in Safety we turn on REALITY

  • xVer – leave the value 0

  • uTLS— choose which browser the VPN connection will be masked under. I chose Chrome. Because it is popular

  • Dest — purpose, specify the domain and port. I left yahoo.com:443 – You can replace it with google for example

  • SNI — this is the domain we will disguise ourselves as. We put it identically to the point Dest yahoo.com, www.yahoo.com – You can replace for example with google.com,www.google.com

  • Short ID — private key generated automatically

  • Private Key and Public Key —we don’t fill it out, just press the button Get new keys and the keys will be automatically generated

  • Sniffing, HTTP, TLS, QUIC, fakedns — leave them on

Now we set up the client

  • Email – We write the name of the key for the client. For example: vasyan_for_mobile

  • ID – don't touch

  • Flow — Select xtls-rprx-vision.

    Click create, the key is ready.

    For convenience, we can transfer the key or create a QR. To do this, click the plus sign to the left of the ID

    Select QR (easy to scan from a mobile device) or the icon (i) to get a text key

    Clients to connect to

    • Windows InvisibleMan-XRay expand Assets and select the desired zip x64 for 64-bit systems, x86 for 32-bit systems. There are other more stable clients.

    • IOS and MACOSFoXray (there are many other clients for ios)

    • AndroidNakeBox expand Assets and there will be apk. Select arm64. At the time of writing, the latest release was called: NB4A-1.3.1-arm64-v8a.apk

    If suddenly you are interested in finding all the current methods of bypassing the blocking with detailed instructions, you can choose the most suitable methods for yourself – for Smart TV, for PC, for Phone, Android, IOS, etc. or various methods of installing VPN, then in my telegram In the pinned channel I have collected all the relevant articles on these topics!

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