Python – List

List of commands for lists (List) in language Python

Create a list:

Add an item to the end of the list:

Add another list to the end of the list:

Count the number of elements in the list:

Count the number of specific elements:

listcount(‘the name of the element to be counted’)

Combine two lists into one:

list(zip(dates, timestamps))

Let’s get the first item in each sheet:

name = [[item[[0] for item in dic]

Let’s get the first item in each multidimensional list:

for key in dic:
name = [[item[[0] for item in dic[[key]]

Let’s convert the list of tuples into a list of data

Let’s make from this:

[[(3239.0,), (3216.0,), (3236.0,), (3276.0,)]


[[3239.0, 3216.0, 3236.0, 3276.0, 3257.0, 3252.0]

It is done like this:

list = [[elem[[0] for elem in list]

And if we want a list inside a list:


list_of_lists = [[list(elem) for elem in list]

Determine the difference between the two lists

differences = list(set(l2)set(l1))

How to save a dictionary to a List

Let’s create a new list of dictionaries inside for

dic = {}
stocks = [[]
for share in fetch:
dic[[‘name’] =,

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