Promotion of school counselors. 1200 participants in 6 months

Therefore, historically, the search for applicants has always been carried out on VKontakte.

In the future, for even greater scaling, you will need to go to other sources, but that’s another story.

Rice.  4 - Well, how else?
Rice. 4 – Well, how else?


How to communicate the importance of working at a summer camp to a young guy or girl?

a) With a landing page

b) Message chains in Senler

c) Videos and introductory materials

d) Or fit everything into a long post, designate working conditions and invite to undergo training through a questionnaire

Who chose option “d”, congratulations, you are one step closer to “minimizing the waste of resources to achieve the goal.”

From the very beginning of the work, the customer advocated the creation of a landing page or long funnels to convey the value and importance of working in the camp, but I said a resolute “No!” and saved time and money on layout and design.

In fact, many business owners have a problem getting the right message across from their product. It seems to many that its service or product is so complex that the average user will not understand, but often this is not the case.

I chose a simple and understandable strategy: land traffic on the profile, and then retarget to catch up with everyone who did not leave contact details.

Rice.  5 - Approximately so we hunted for each future leader or master.
Rice. 5 – Approximately so we hunted for each future leader or master.


The following strategy is relevant for the search for line specialists. In the future, I will tell you how to look for narrower specialists.

We used the universal record format, because it is in it that you can state a sufficient amount of information for the applicant. Advertising posts were 1500+ characters with all the details of future work.

There’s nothing wrong with long ad posts as long as you’re working with a good offer and the right audience.

Rice.  7 - The lyrics were really huge.
Rice. 7 – The lyrics were really huge.

Segments that worked to find counselors and masters:

  • audience concentrate from keyword groups;

  • contextual targeting by topic;

  • specialized groups of teachers;

  • profile groups of counselors;

  • fine-tuning by the audience of viewers;

  • retargeting (all that is possible).

What didn’t work:

  • interests in the advertising account;

  • wide customization by students;

  • groups according to the thematic direction of the camp (example: rock groups).

What worked, what creatives were used

One image was attached to the posts, which catches attention to the maximum. Each launch was tested at the start from 5 different creatives in order to understand in which direction to dig into testing further bundles.

Rice.  7 - One of the working creatives.
Rice. 7 – One of the working creatives.

The main task was to find a creative that gets the most clicks on wide segments, except for retargeting.


We tested 6 different versions of “landing pages” (Google questionnaire, VK questionnaires, community PMs, marquis, lead forms, landing page) and the Google questionnaire was the most effective among all. Using a Google questionnaire, we can’t figure out which ad a person came from, so we try to get the maximum traffic at the lowest cost.

Rice.  8 - Top CTR results.  The screenshot shows the periods from 2020 to 2023.
Rice. 8 – Top CTR results. The screenshot shows the periods from 2020 to 2023.

And if we need a highly qualified employee

In fact, line staff is quite easy to find. It is clear where he is sitting, what is important to them, why go specifically to you.

But, what if we need a highly qualified teacher with a musical education or a role player who will prescribe the program and supervise it on the shift?

In this case, we begin to dig into the audience concentrate and start from their pains and needs.

In the advertisement, we focus on the opportunities and advantages of the vacancy. We are changing the landing page to a full-fledged “invitation to work” landing page. We show the process in creatives so that the target audience has an idea of ​​the scale of future work.

Rice.  9 - It is important for a specialist to understand what he has to work with.  Part 1.
Rice. 9 – It is important for a specialist to understand what he has to work with. Part 1.

We always start working with segments and dig further from them:

This strategy allowed us to close 2 curatorial positions for ~15,000 rubles, as well as receive more than 50 applications for vacancies in 2 weeks.

Rice.  10 - Results.
Rice. 10 – Results.


Separately, it should be said about the group itself and maintaining content in it.

Before starting work, we check the page from which we spin ads according to the checklist. It is necessary that users who go not through a link, but into a group, can navigate, and not look for the target action, get lost and disappear.

Such users can be up to 80% of all traffic.

Accordingly, for products with a clear offer and a profitable offer, in some cases, it is not necessary to maintain content, but it is necessary to have clear navigation and entry points to the funnel in the group.


For the entire time of recruitment to CMM, we spent more than 330,000 of the budget and brought more than 2,000 future counselors to study, with an average cost of the questionnaire ~ 165 rubles.

Rice.  11 - Statistics for all time.
Rice. 11 – Statistics for all time.

But, if we are talking about launches from September to February and the goal set, then this is:

But in September there was a task for 700 questionnaires, how is it?

The fact is that initially we expected a conversion rate of 30% to pass an interview for training, but in fact it turned out to be around 50%. Therefore, we stopped at the mark of 503 questionnaires.

Rice.  12 - September-October 2022.
Rice. 12 – September-October 2022.
  • January: 500 questionnaires for ~107 rubles, moreover, in this launch we have already tested many mechanics and immediately started with working hypotheses. In addition, we were helped by the cheaper VK auction, which fell by ~30% for our audiences in January.

Rice.  13 - January 2022.
Rice. 13 – January 2022.
  • February: 190 questionnaires for ~170 rubles. Let the numbers do not deceive you, by this point we have burned out the audience quite strongly and even launching new segments and changing creatives did not give a result in KPI. At the end of the work, the cost of filling out a Google form flew by + 50% from the original goal.

Rice.  14 - February 2023.
Rice. 14 – February 2023.

Working with questionnaires

It is necessary to touch upon the moment of work directly related to the questionnaire itself.

If in the “Strategy” section we briefly touched on the choice of the type of landing page, then here we will talk about the number and quality of questions for applicants.

I will try to convey my logic so that you can apply the same in your projects, if necessary.

In our questionnaire, we used 15 questions, of which 9 were multiple-choice questions and 6 were free-form answers.

How many questions to ask?

As much as needed, but important.

Yes, the number of questions greatly affects the conversion, but the quality of the questions determines the amount of work of the administrator and the quality of applicants.

Do not ask questions that are not directly related to the job. Of course, life values ​​are very important when working with children, but it is rather problematic to state this in a Google questionnaire from a phone.

Ask only what is really important to know about a person when going through the first stage of the funnel.

Rice.  15 - An example of a question that can be refined later.
Rice. 15 – An example of a question that can be refined later.

How difficult questions can be asked

You can ask difficult questions that can be answered over the phone.


Do not forget that 80% of users see ads from a mobile device in the VK feed, open it in the internal browser, just that, one wrong move, and the profile will close without saving.

There was a case when in one of the questionnaires we asked the user to attach 4 different video resumes. Each time it was necessary to minimize the VK application, look for a link to a resume, God forbid, uploaded to YouTube, and so on in a circle. And if your resume is in VK Video, then you had to close the questionnaire altogether, and then fill it out again.

In this case, we abandoned the Google questionnaire and switched to the funnel through personal messages in VK.

Rice.  16 - An example with a video resume.
Rice. 16 – An example with a video resume.

An important point about contact details

Make the contact information field mandatory and specify in which messenger or social network you need to contact. This is especially true for those employers who are used to working through instant messengers or social networks.

Seeing a request for contact information, the user leaves a convenient communication method for him. Often, without even bothering to indicate where, in fact, to contact.

If it’s a phone number, then okay, but if the entry looks like “Zolotoyoba”, then where will you write?


According to statistics from 2019, there are 93,000 counselors in Russia, and in 2020, 37,000 of them worked.

By the 2023 season, we brought ~1200 people in one GEO (Msk + 10 km).

Is it possible to say that everyone who wanted to become counselors in Moscow this year went to our school of counselors?

Honestly, I don’t know, but I know one thing for sure, we did a very good job!

Rice.  17 - Do it once.
Rice. 17 – Do it once.
Rice.  18 - Do two.
Rice. 18 – Do two.
Rice.  19 - Do three.
Rice. 19 – Do three.

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