Promotion of a network of children’s camps in Russia. 575 applications for 974 rubles

A big interesting project is a network of 16 “Matclass” camps with a trick: each camp has mathematics training. But not as boring as at school, but interesting – through history, music, architecture. In general, the child comes to the camp and does not notice how he is learning mathematics.

We thought this feature was a good USP and gladly took on this project.


  • We decided not to launch all 16 camps at once, but chose the most interesting ones in our opinion (based on experience) and those that were popular according to the client’s statistics

  • To recruit children to the camps, we used lead forms with additional questions so that there were as few untargeted leads as possible

  • We tested several headlines: about pain, about the desires of parents, about the USP of the camp

  • Once again they proved that long texts with a detailed description of all the movement in the camp and the advantages of this particular camp work better

  • We always insert the same link to the lead form several times in a long text

  • We tested a huge number of photos, because the client has a huge photobank. As always, live photos with vivid emotions of children work best.

About the project:

16 camps in the Russian Federation with a mathematical bias: from Kaliningrad to Altai. Each camp has its own theme: English, music, rafting, yachting, etc. In fact, by bringing 1 lead, salespeople can offer 16 options for camps according to the interests of the child.

Rice.  1 - photo that brought 68 leads

Rice. 1 – photo that brought 68 leads

TA (target audience)

The target audience is parents of children from 8 to 17 years old:

  • age from 33 to 45 years

  • sex in 90% of cases – female

  • GEO was divided either according to the territory of the camp, or they took cities with a million inhabitants

Internet advertising


Because the client has a large sales background through the site with advertising in Yandex Direct, then we tested different landing pages in the target:

  • lead forms – work great, as always in this niche,

  • quiz on the selection of the camp – did not give good results,

  • camp site – the site is different in that the warmest (ready to buy) people left applications on it, they already knew the prices, read a lot of information on the site, they could even see several camps on their own and only then leave an application. It was the warmest and most expensive traffic.

Fig.2 - photo that brought 36 applications

Fig.2 – photo that brought 36 applications


100% of the time we used the “Universal Post” format with a lot of text and a few links to the lead form so that people can jump into the form as soon as they realize they are interested!

Each text is unique, because the camps are completely different, each has its own features. We write all texts based on data from the client, so we always recommend that clients fill out the brief as detailed as possible. The more information it contains, the better the ad will be.

Fig. 3 - an ad that brought 64 leads at 565 rubles

Fig. 3 – an ad that brought 64 leads at 565 rubles

Segments that worked:

  • audience by key queries direct and indirect

  • audience of interest “Parents”

  • crossed audiences “Parents + Keys”

  • audience of competitors

  • retargeting based on saved positive reactions

What creatives were used

The emotions of children, beautiful locations, the transfer of the atmosphere of travel and all the movement that takes place in the camp work perfectly in the camps.

A huge number of creatives were tested, we even tested the number of photos on Creo.

For example, an ad with 4 photos at once worked perfectly for a camp in Altai, where the beauty of nature and the joint trip of children with their parents were conveyed.

In a family vacation, this is the main advantage: when adults live together with children, visit cool locations, but at the same time, children are also busy with children’s entertainment, and adults may well relax separately from children.

Fig. 4 - an ad that gave 74 leads at 541 rubles

Fig. 4 – an ad that gave 74 leads at 541 rubles

What didn’t work?

  • Design creatives did not work in 100% of cases

  • Camps didn’t work, of which there was a minimum of photos and there was no particular uniqueness

Fig.5 - creatives that didn't work

Fig.5 – creatives that didn’t work

How to make traffic as targeted as possible?

  1. As you have already noticed from the screenshots, we immediately write the price on the photo and in the text of the ad in order to bring only targeted traffic to the client. Yes, because of this, leads are more expensive, but these are people who are aware of the price and then will not say that they are expensive or they expected a smaller amount.

  2. In lead forms, we always add additional questions to avoid accidentally submitted forms.

  3. When choosing a GEO, we always choose large cities with a solvent population.


Before launching a target, we always check the community from which the ad will be spinning. It is important that the community:

  1. Was well packaged

  2. Content maintained regularly

This client has everything in order with the content: it is interesting, regular and selling. Photos and videos from the camp are constantly posted, reviews of children and parents, interesting stories.

Fig.6 - posts in the client's community

Fig.6 – posts in the client’s community

Those. even if a person does not follow the link to the lead form in the ad, but goes to the community, he will warm up with high-quality content and fill out the form in the community, subscribe or write a message in the PM.

Fig. 7 - bright emotions in the photo - the key to the success of the ad

Fig. 7 – bright emotions in the photo – the key to the success of the ad


For 2.5 months, the budget for the target was: 559,578 rubles.

Received: 575 leads at an average of 973 rubles.

Fig.8 - statistics screen for the entire period

Fig.8 – statistics screen for the entire period

Working with lead forms

In our opinion, the lead form is an ideal format for collecting high-quality applications. Here are some reasons why we use them:

  • in the lead form, we give an offer in exchange for contact details (for example, a discount for early booking), so that the person understands the benefits of filling out the form,

  • in the form we always use additional questions to cut off junk applications. We specify the age of the child, the city of residence, and sometimes we left a window for manual entry to enter the phone number, so that the person consciously wrote it.


Previously, the client was promoted only through Yandex Direct and VK – there was a new experience for him. I am glad that in VK it turned out to give even cheaper results per lead than in Poison.

The total budget was: 559,578 rubles for 2.5 months

Received 575 leads for 973 rubles.

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