Project “Drift Statistics”. Part 2. Basic Entities

Part 1 of the series – Project “Drift Statistics”. Part 1. Setup
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The essence of the machine

The car is the drift pilot's “workhorse”. Let's pay attention to it and form an entity. What should a car have as an entity? Since it is of interest to us, then at least an identifier. Interest? Yes, this is what we will consider important to us. And what is important? This is what is involved in business logic (for example, search). And what is important has an identifier. Therefore, our car will have an identifier, a name (model and brand), and engine parameters. Why don't we separate the name into brand and model? I don't know for sure yet, it seems that this is not very relevant now. Perhaps in the future we will separate for statistics, but not for now.

Now, let's implement our entity, but before writing it, we need to implement ValueObjects for our “parts” of the “car” entity. Create directories:

- Domain
    - Car
        - Entity
        - ValueObject
            - Engine

All our ValueObjects will be similar to each other, so don't be surprised. First, let's make a VO for the ID and name of the car.

ValueObject for car




namespace Domain\Car\ValueObject;

final readonly class CarId

    private function __construct(private int $value)

    public static function get(int $value): self
        return new self($value);

    public static function getNull(): self
        return new self(0);

    public function isNull(): bool
        return $this->value === 0;

    public function equals(self $id): bool
        return $this->value === $id->getValue();

    public function getValue(): int
        return $this->value;


What are we using here? In fact, we will create everything through statics. Why? As for me, it will be easier to work with instances that are created not outside, but inside the class. Thus, we can close the logic of creating objects. As you can see, get(int $value) creates an instance of the class with the passed value, and getNull() does the same thing as get(int $value)but “sews” inside itself the logic of creating an object “without value”/”empty” and other synonyms. Well, and additionally we do 2 checks: isNull()which checks if an object is “without value”/”empty”, and equals(self $id)which accepts the same object to compare their values ​​for coincidence.




namespace Domain\Car\ValueObject;

final readonly class CarName

    private function __construct(private string $value)

    public static function get(string $value): self
        return new self($value);

    public static function getNull(): self
        return new self('');

    public function isNull(): bool
        return $this->value === '';

    public function equals(self $name): bool
        return $this->value === $name->getValue();

    public function getValue(): string
        return $this->value;


I think the car name class doesn't require a detailed explanation, since it is similar to the car identifier class. Now, let's create a VO for the engine. Why VO and not Entity? It seems to me that the engine is not of individual interest, like the car is. So, what we will do here is the name and power of the engine. But, it seems to me, it would be better to combine them into a VO “engine” for ease of use.




namespace Domain\Car\ValueObject\Engine;

final readonly class EngineName

    private function __construct(private string $value)

    public static function get(string $value): self
        return new self($value);

    public static function getNull(): self
        return new self('');

    public function isNull(): bool
        return $this->value === '';

    public function equals(self $name): bool
        return $this->value === $name->getValue();

    public function getValue(): string
        return $this->value;


Something familiar, yes? Well, of course, since such things are more or less the same throughout the project.




namespace Domain\Car\ValueObject\Engine;

final readonly class EnginePower

    private function __construct(private int $value)

    public static function get(int $value): self
        return new self($value);

    public static function getNull(): self
        return new self(0);

    public function isNull(): bool
        return $this->value === 0;

    public function equals(self $power): bool
        return $this->value === $power->getValue();

    public function getValue(): int
        return $this->value;


I'll keep quiet about this… Otherwise, explaining everything every time would be “extremely useful”. Now, let's combine everything into one VO:




namespace Domain\Car\ValueObject\Engine;

final readonly class Engine

    private function __construct(
        private EngineName  $name,
        private EnginePower $power

    public static function get(EngineName $name, EnginePower $power): self
        return new self($name, $power);

    public static function getNull(): self
        return new self(EngineName::getNull(), EnginePower::getNull());

    public function isNull(): bool
        return $this->name->isNull() || $this->power->isNull();

    public function getName(): EngineName
        return $this->name;

    public function getPower(): EnginePower
        return $this->power;


Here, a few clarifications. What do we consider “absence” of an engine? Ideally, when it is not in the car, but in the code – this is the absence of a name or power. Yes, this may be a little incorrect, but for now it will do.

Now let's move on to creating the machine entity.

Entity machines

First, we need to define an entity interface. Why? Because we will have both a real machine entity and an entity of “absence” of a machine (ala nullable object).




namespace Domain\Car\Entity;

use Domain\Car\ValueObject\CarId;
use Domain\Car\ValueObject\CarName;
use Domain\Car\ValueObject\Engine\Engine;

interface ICarEntity

    public function getName(): CarName;
    public function getEngine(): Engine;
    public function getId(): CarId;
    public function isNull(): bool;


Do you need explanations? I don't think so, but I'll explain it once just in case. The interface has VO retrieval: name, engine and vehicle identifier. What is it for? isNull()? And this is just for checking: “is the machine object a Nullable Object?”, that is, its “absence”.

Now let's implement the essence of the “absence” of the machine:




namespace Domain\Car\Entity;

use Domain\Car\ValueObject\CarId;
use Domain\Car\ValueObject\CarName;
use Domain\Car\ValueObject\Engine\Engine;

final readonly class NullCarEntity implements ICarEntity

    public function getName(): CarName
        return CarName::getNull();

    public function getEngine(): Engine
        return Engine::getNull();

    public function getId(): CarId
        return CarId::getNull();

    public function isNull(): bool
        return true;


Simple, right? Well, that's what I think. Now let's implement the essence of the machine.




namespace Domain\Car\Entity;

use Domain\Car\ValueObject\CarId;
use Domain\Car\ValueObject\CarName;
use Domain\Car\ValueObject\Engine\Engine;

final readonly class CarEntity implements ICarEntity

    public function __construct(
        private CarId   $id,
        private CarName $name,
        private Engine  $engine,

    public function getName(): CarName
        return $this->name;

    public function getEngine(): Engine
        return $this->engine;

    public function getId(): CarId
        return $this->id;

    public function isNull(): bool
        return false;


As you can see, here we pass the required VOs for creation through the class constructor, and then simply return them upon receipt.

We are done with the car. Now we need to give the car to someone for use. And who? To the racer, of course. And we will begin with a short introduction.

The essence of a racer

Here we can have a little fun. The racer will have: ID, full name, number (under which he competes), date of birth, country, city and car. Why so many? It seems to me that such a set can somehow successfully fit into more extended statistics, both software and intellectual (brain). For example, I would be interested in comparing two pilots, and also finding out their age, to understand what the young ones can or cannot… Yes, it is strange, but in fact even the age difference can become an interesting subject of analysis.

Create directories:

- Domain
    - Racer
        - Entity
        - ValueObject

Let's begin. I'll say right away that I won't dwell on uninteresting moments. So, read carefully and understand.

Racer ValueObject




namespace Domain\Racer\ValueObject;

final readonly class RacerId

    private function __construct(private int $value)

    public static function get(int $value): self
        return new self($value);

    public static function getNull(): self
        return new self(0);

    public function isNull(): bool
        return $this->value === 0;

    public function equals(self $id): bool
        return $this->value === $id->getValue();

    public function getValue(): int
        return $this->value;





namespace Domain\Racer\ValueObject;

final readonly class RacerNumber

    private function __construct(private int $value)

    public static function get(int $value): self
        return new self($value);

    public static function getNull(): self
        return new self(0);

    public function isNull(): bool
        return $this->value === 0;

    public function equals(self $value): bool
        return $this->value === $value->getValue();

    public function getValue(): int
        return $this->value;





namespace Domain\Racer\ValueObject;

final readonly class RacerCity

    private function __construct(private string $value)

    public static function get(string $value): self
        return new self($value);

    public static function getNull(): self
        return new self('');

    public function isNull(): bool
        return $this->value === '';

    public function equals(self $value): bool
        return $this->value === $value->getValue();

    public function getValue(): string
        return $this->value;





namespace Domain\Racer\ValueObject;

final readonly class RacerCountry

    private function __construct(private string $value)

    public static function get(string $value): self
        return new self($value);

    public static function getNull(): self
        return new self('');

    public function isNull(): bool
        return $this->value === '';

    public function equals(self $value): bool
        return $this->value === $value->getValue();

    public function getValue(): string
        return $this->value;


Now to the interesting part. Let's start with the full name.




namespace Domain\Racer\ValueObject;

final readonly class RacerFullName

    private function __construct(
        private string $first_name, 
        private string $last_name, 
        private string $patronymic

    public static function get(string $first_name, string $last_name, string $patronymic): self
        return new self($first_name, $last_name, $patronymic);

    public static function getNull(): self
        return new self('', '', '');

    public function isNull(): bool
        return "{$this->first_name}{$this->last_name}{$this->patronymic}" === '';

    public function getFirstName(): string
        return $this->first_name;

    public function getLastName(): string
        return $this->last_name;

    public function getValue(): string
        return $this->last_name . ' ' . $this->first_name . ' ' . $this->patronymic;

    public function getPatronymic(): string
        return $this->patronymic;

    public function equals(self $full_name): bool
        return $this->getValue() === $full_name->getValue();


We receive the last name, first name and patronymic at the input. In receiving the value getValue() we concatenate it through a space. In the comparison method equals() we just compare the values. There is a nuance here… In fact, it will be a comparison of three spaces with three spaces, if we compare two null object. In principle, nothing terrible, but not so good either.

Now let's move on to the date of birth. It's almost the same here, but there are some small differences – the data type.




namespace Domain\Racer\ValueObject;

final readonly class RacerDateOfBirth

    private function __construct(
        private int $day, 
        private int $month, 
        private int $year

    public static function get(int $day, int $month, int $year): self
        return new self($day, $month, $year);

    public static function getNull(): self
        return new self(0, 0, 0);

    public function isNull(): bool
        return $this->day + $this->month + $this->year === 0;

    public function getDay(): int
        return $this->day;

    public function getMonth(): int
        return $this->month;

    public function getYear(): int
        return $this->year;

    public function equals(self $date_of_birth): bool
        $current = "{$this->day}{$this->month}{$this->year}";
        $to_find = "{$date_of_birth->day}{$date_of_birth->month}{$date_of_birth->year}";

        return $current === $to_find;


Ooooh… There's nothing here. getValue(). Why? Because there is no point in returning the date of birth value without formatting. And date formatting can be left here, but it is better to use it outside of VO, as it seems to me. Although, on the other hand, we can lay down a standard date format, and then do formatting someday. Let's do it!

public function getValue(): string
    return $this->year . '-' . $this->month . '-' . $this->day;

As we have seen, we are in the method equals(self $date_of_birth) made a strange comparison. They took the numbers, turned them into a string, and then compared them. What??? Yes, if you sum them up, you can get a combination of data, when different dates will give the same number. Therefore, it was done this way. But, we immediately decided to add getValue()… Then, comparison equals(self $date_of_birth) now you can write like this:

public function equals(self $date_of_birth): bool
    return $this->getValue() === $date_of_birth->getValue();

Much simpler and more logical. All, finally finished with VO and can move on to entities.

Racer Entity

Let's start as usual with the interface, where we will describe the methods in a similar way.




namespace Domain\Racer\Entity;

use Domain\Car\Entity\ICarEntity;
use Domain\Racer\ValueObject\RacerCity;
use Domain\Racer\ValueObject\RacerCountry;
use Domain\Racer\ValueObject\RacerDateOfBirth;
use Domain\Racer\ValueObject\RacerFullName;
use Domain\Racer\ValueObject\RacerId;
use Domain\Racer\ValueObject\RacerNumber;

interface IRacerEntity

    public function getId(): RacerId;
    public function getFullName(): RacerFullName;
    public function getNumber(): RacerNumber;
    public function getDateOfBirth(): RacerDateOfBirth;
    public function getCounty(): RacerCountry;
    public function getCity(): RacerCity;
    public function getCar(): ICarEntity;


Well, everything is simple here, but the only difference from the car entity is that the car is added to the racer entity. Thus, we have linked the racer and the car. But, there may be a problem here, that the racer may have several cars. For example, the racer changes the car every year. It turns out that when we somehow record statistics, we need to take into account the car at a specific moment. When is this necessary? When we look at detailed statistics, the car is needed, but not in the general statistics. Therefore, there is a feeling that the racer's current car is just the current car. In short, let's leave it like this for now, and when we get to statistics, perhaps we will redo this story with the racer. So far I do not know for sure and I am already a little confused myself. Ideally, looking ahead, we need some table in the database (DB), where the racer and the car will be connected. And the link to this specific connection must be indicated in the statistics. Then we will get a more logical option. Yes, it sounds logical, but to what extent the entire list of racer cars is needed – I do not know. Perhaps, to simply display this information on the driver's personal page. But, in that case, we also need the date of the car change, its “activity” and so on. Let's probably skip this property for now and come back to it when we work on the statistics. And then, believe me, it will be sooo much fun.




namespace Domain\Racer\Entity;

use Domain\Racer\ValueObject\RacerCity;
use Domain\Racer\ValueObject\RacerCountry;
use Domain\Racer\ValueObject\RacerDateOfBirth;
use Domain\Racer\ValueObject\RacerFullName;
use Domain\Racer\ValueObject\RacerId;
use Domain\Racer\ValueObject\RacerNumber;

interface IRacerEntity

    public function getId(): RacerId;
    public function getFullName(): RacerFullName;
    public function getNumber(): RacerNumber;
    public function getDateOfBirth(): RacerDateOfBirth;
    public function getCounty(): RacerCountry;
    public function getCity(): RacerCity;


Let's decide later, and now let's write the RacerEntity and NullRacerEntity entities.




namespace Domain\Racer\Entity;

use Domain\Car\Entity\ICarEntity;
use Domain\Car\Entity\NullCarEntity;
use Domain\Racer\ValueObject\RacerCity;
use Domain\Racer\ValueObject\RacerCountry;
use Domain\Racer\ValueObject\RacerDateOfBirth;
use Domain\Racer\ValueObject\RacerFullName;
use Domain\Racer\ValueObject\RacerId;
use Domain\Racer\ValueObject\RacerNumber;
use Domain\Team\Entity\ITeamEntity;
use Domain\Team\Entity\NullTeamEntity;

final readonly class NullRacerEntity implements IRacerEntity

    public function getId(): RacerId
        return RacerId::getNull();

    public function getFullName(): RacerFullName
        return RacerFullName::getNull();

    public function getNumber(): RacerNumber
        return RacerNumber::getNull();

    public function getDateOfBirth(): RacerDateOfBirth
        return RacerDateOfBirth::getNull();

    public function getCounty(): RacerCountry
        return RacerCountry::getNull();

    public function getCity(): RacerCity
        return RacerCity::getNull();





namespace Domain\Racer\Entity;

use Domain\Racer\ValueObject\RacerCity;
use Domain\Racer\ValueObject\RacerCountry;
use Domain\Racer\ValueObject\RacerDateOfBirth;
use Domain\Racer\ValueObject\RacerFullName;
use Domain\Racer\ValueObject\RacerId;
use Domain\Racer\ValueObject\RacerNumber;

final readonly class RacerEntity implements IRacerEntity

    public function __construct(
        private RacerId          $id,
        private RacerNumber      $number,
        private RacerFullName    $full_name,
        private RacerDateOfBirth $date_of_birth,
        private RacerCountry     $county,
        private RacerCity        $city,

    public function getId(): RacerId
        return $this->id;

    public function getFullName(): RacerFullName
        return $this->full_name;

    public function getNumber(): RacerNumber
        return $this->number;

    public function getDateOfBirth(): RacerDateOfBirth
        return $this->date_of_birth;

    public function getCounty(): RacerCountry
        return $this->county;

    public function getCity(): RacerCity
        return $this->city;


Here we go. At this point we will finish forming the basic entities for subsequent statistics. In fact, we managed to describe the basic entities at the top level, which will appear everywhere later. Only questions of technical implementation of data storage for statistics remain, which we will talk about another time.

The original article and new episodes are in my public page on VKontakte Fir DEV

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