programming, game creation and more

Educational courses for children aged 5–6 years are a good tool for developing a number of skills. At the same time, during the classes the children gain useful knowledge, prepare for studying at school and beyond. But all this is true only under the condition that the right direction is chosen that corresponds to the interests, age of the child and other important criteria. We want to talk about the options available to preschoolers.

Children's courses, including those in online format, must correspond to the educational abilities and cognitive needs of a particular child, and also be interesting for him. That's why we're at school Pixel We believe that it is important to build on:

  • Age. Preschoolers aged 5–6 years can learn programming by writing block code, master drawing at an advanced level, immerse themselves in foreign languages ​​and more, albeit in the context of basic things. We consider this statement to be fair, because by the age of 5–6 years the basics necessary for successful study are already sufficiently developed in the average modern child. We are talking about increasing the stability of attention, activating the imagination, qualitative transformation of perception, etc.;

  • Interests and hobbies. If a child, say, likes computer games, using the example of Scratch Jr and Kodu Game Lab is enough to show that he can become a developer himself. You should not assume that introductory coding and development lessons will make a preschooler a programmer: only the basics will be laid. This thesis is also true for other programs and areas: in preschool age it is hardly reasonable to talk about the formation of competencies close to professional ones. Even after completing several courses, a child will not become an artist, a confident speaker of a foreign language, or anything else: the very foundations will be laid. But this is a plus if you want to study further: the subsequent steps will become simpler and more effective.

Today we want to talk about course options that deserve attention. Getting to know them will help you decide how to build a route for additional learning: teach your child to program, use English, or try his hand at, say, advanced drawing.

TOP directions for preschoolers: foreign languages, drawing, reading, programming and more

We will talk about the directions sequentially. We have provided 5 thematic sections for ease of navigation: it will be easier to choose the priority option.

We have collected and presented:

  1. Computer courses.

  2. English lessons.

  3. Reading and memory development courses.

  4. Drawing lessons and creative activities.

  5. Free courses for children 5–6 years old.

Let's get started with the review.

1. Computer courses: three interesting directions

Let's consider 3 courses that will help a child take his first steps in IT and complete simple projects from scratch, which will become the basis for further education in the field of information technology.

Coding and game creation in Scratch Junior and Kodu Game Lab

Age: 5–7 years

Format: in a group or individually

Duration: 4.5–9 months

Website: link

The goal of the course is to teach children how to create games using Scratch Jr and Kodu as examples. It is an environment designed for programming using block structures and a comprehensive tool for developing 3D games, respectively.

This educational online course for preschoolers is aimed at little gaming enthusiasts: if a child sits at the computer for hours and does not look away from games, the option will be at least good.

In online classes you can learn about:

  • Block programming;

  • Creating simple games;

  • Scripting of in-game events, characters, objects, etc.

3D modeling and coding in TinkerCAD

Age: 6–9 years

Format: individually or in a group

Duration: 4.5–9 months

Website: link

As part of the online course, children will be able to gain programming and modeling skills in TinkerCAD. This is a training program designed specifically for children and intended for their basic training in the following areas:

  • 3D design, or modeling;

  • Electrical circuits and diagrams;

  • Writing block code.

In online lessons you can learn:

  • Create simple and complex 3D models;

  • Script using visual commands represented by blocks.

Programming in Scratch

Age: 6–9 years

Format: in a group or one-on-one with a teacher

Duration: 4.5–9 months

Website: link

During online classes, preschoolers will be able to meet Scratch Jr’s older brother, Scratch. Students will use block designs and create:

  • Feather simple games;

  • Colorful animation;

  • Interactive cartoons.

The ability to quickly get a result in the form of a program for the same game involves you in the learning process and makes it quite effective. As in the first two cases, classes will help develop an understanding of algorithms and other coding principles, as well as lay the foundation for further learning, which will be an advantage if the child becomes seriously interested in programming.

2. English courses

We have prepared 3 online directions suitable for children with a penchant for learning foreign languages. Focus – English, no other languages.

English for preschoolers from Novakid

Age: from 4 years

Format: n/a

Duration: n/a

Website: link

Novakid implements a special program for teaching English to preschoolers. The emphasis is on the game: the appropriate format is implemented for very young students.

You will become familiar with common conversational structures, speech and writing patterns. Teachers will use vivid examples in the form of toys, which will improve memorization of the material.

Developmental English from Language Link

Age: from 3 years

Format: group training

Duration: depends on age module

Website: link

Language Link, an international language center, offers several independent educational programs. Some are aimed, among other things, at 3-6 year olds.

To select a program and get acquainted with its content, we recommend visiting the center’s official website.

Educational videos and stories from Story Place

Age: n/a

Format: videos and stories

Duration: depends on the specific video or story

Website: link

Let us emphasize right away: this option is suitable if the child already knows how to read and speaks basic English. Otherwise it will be difficult to study.

A special feature of the site is the presence of interactive stories and videos that involve you in the process of learning a foreign language. This is a guarantee that it will be interesting to study. Learning from stories and comics can complement regular classes and expose a child to the entertaining part of foreign language proficiency.

3. Reading and memory development courses

We have collected 5 options that are suitable if learning to read and developing memory is a priority. There will be directions based on introduction to mathematics and more.

Preparing for school from Online School No. 1

Age: 5–7 years

Format: mini groups

Duration: 64 lessons

Website: link

Online school No. 1 offers comprehensive preparation for children entering first grade. As part of thematic classes, course participants:

  • Learn to read and write;

  • They will understand what arithmetic is.

The game form is implemented: learning will be interesting.

Teaching Reading at Amakids

Age: from 5 years

Format: mini groups

Duration: depends on the direction

Website: link

The platform offers the following reading courses:

  • Bukvarika. It will take 2 months and will lead to the child learning to read;

  • Chitarika. The program includes 48 lessons and takes six months.

The choice is the task of the child and his parents. We recommend that you first familiarize yourself with the content of each of the online programs presented: this will help you decide on the priority option.

Speed ​​reading lessons at the “Territory of Knowledge” site

Age: 6–12 years

Format: in a group or one-on-one with a teacher

Duration: six months

Website: link

On the platform you can learn speed reading – an important skill that will make entering school and the first lessons in class simple.

The site offers an online course for a 6-year-old child. It will be useful if you want to intensify the development of the educational capabilities of a preschooler and prepare him for entering the first grade.

Memory, reading and math exercises from Kids Smart

Age: from 2 years

Format: educational activities, online games, exercises

Duration: depends on the curriculum

Website: link

The platform offers more than 70 thousand tasks for young children: you will be able to find the most suitable one. The advantage comes down to the fact that there is a categorization tied to different ages.

Exercises from Kids Smart will help:

  • Upgrade memory and its individual components;

  • Bring reading skills to a confident level, which will be useful in school;

  • Prepare for learning mathematics and even improve your understanding of it.

Development of logic and thinking in Logiclike

Age: from 4 years

Format: interactive lessons, group courses and self-study exercises

Duration: depends on the format

Website: link

The Logiclike website offers puzzles and various activity options for young children. They will help develop logic and activate thought processes.

Conditional simulators in the form of classes are based on the following topics:

  • Chess;

  • The world around us;

  • Countries and their capitals;

  • Entertainment with a trick, etc.

4. Drawing and creativity courses

In this section, we have collected and briefly described 3 remarkable options for additional training that are suitable for creative preschool children.

Introduction to drawing at Lil School: project “Simple Forms”

Age: from 4 years

Format: video tutorials

Duration: 10 rollers

Website: link

The “Simple Forms” project is intended for teaching drawing to children aged four years and older. By watching the videos, even an inexperienced child will gain the ability to create with brushes, pencils and pens. An additional beneficial effect from taking the course comes down to enhancing the development of creative thinking.

Creative drawing in Kreativity

Age: 4 years and older

Format: online classes with the participation of parents, brothers or sisters; there are family lessons

Duration: depends on the chosen online course

Website: link

On the site of the School of Creativity, different directions related to the fine arts are presented. Notable options:

  • Drawing and creativity for very young children;

  • “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” course for kids who love gouache;

  • Creativity lessons with an emphasis on fine arts, etc.

Interactive music course “Kroshki-Notki”

Age: n/a

Format: sheet music examples and trainers

Duration: 33 examples and 17 simulators are provided

Website: link

Interactive simulators and visual examples in the form of short audio tracks will help you develop the basics of musical notation and become inclined to further study music at a more advanced level. This is a really good course if your child shows creativity and loves listening to songs.

5. Free online courses for preschool children

We would like to close the selection with free lessons for children seeking self-development. Educational materials on programming, English, mathematics and even vocals are presented: we are sure that we will be able to choose a direction that suits the interests of the child.

Scratch Jr and Kodu lessons from Pixel

Age: 5–7 years

Format: video tutorials, 2 playlists, 19 videos in total

Duration: fits within the video frame

Website: Scratch Junior, Code

As part of the Scratch Jr direction, even a beginner child will be able to figure out:

  • How to install the required software on a personal computer;

  • How the Scratch Jr interface works;

  • How to use appearance, start, control, end blocks.

If you choose Kodu training, you will need to learn:

  • How to download and start using the environment;

  • How to properly configure the program interface;

  • What tools are designed to work with characters and game worlds;

  • How to start creating your own games.

As you watch videos from the playlist, your child will independently complete several projects in the form of a shooter, an underwater world, and a treasure hunt, and will also learn how to program scoring, creating a timer, and more.

The good thing about this option is that it’s something like a comprehensive programming course for children 6 years old (on average, you can try it at 5 or 7). Let us emphasize: the child will not become a programmer, but will definitely acquire knowledge and skills that will become the basis for further education. The lessons will help develop logical and algorithmic thinking.

A caveat: further we do not indicate age, format and other features. Mostly compilations and stand-alone videos intended for beginners will be presented.

English alphabet and basic pronunciation from the author of the channel dedicated to the Spotlight program


Watching the video will help you become familiar with the English alphabet and slightly improve your pronunciation of a number of simple words and phrases.

English lessons from English Singing


We recommend practicing on your own only if you have basic knowledge. Animated films are fascinating and teach speaking well, but they are not suitable for absolute beginners.

Mathematics at the site “My Joy”, project “Shishkin Forest”


The site contains many video tutorials. Viewing them will help you better understand the following topics:

  • Minuend, subtrahend, difference;

  • Addition, terms, sum;

  • Multiplication, multiplier, product;

  • Division, divisor, dividend, etc.

A series of vocal lessons from Elena MUSICWAY


The author of the Zen channel, Elena, invites visitors to learn to sing. The format is interesting: you have to listen to songs and repeat after the presenter. Examples:

There are breathing exercises, videos about solfeggio and more.

Pronunciation exercises on the site “Speech therapist online”


Simply put, this is a simulator that will help you learn how to correctly pronounce sounds that often cause problems in children. This is, say, R. You will have to watch several thematic videos, which will help you come to the result even without making an appointment with a real speech therapist.

We would like to summarize and note once again that it is worth choosing a specific direction taking into account the child’s age and interests. It is impossible to put pressure or persuade someone to do something that seems useful: this will push them away from the educational process and will not bring any practical benefit.

In conclusion, we would like to clarify: have you found something suitable? Maybe you are already teaching your child in one of the proposed areas?

Material prepared by Pixel School. Our future IT specialists, 5–6 years old and older, learn coding and game development, website creation, graphic design, 3D modeling and more. If the topic of information technology fascinates the child, come visit us.

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