Platform for employee engagement research

In a world where the success of a company directly depends on the level of motivation and engagement of its employees, regular monitoring of these indicators is key. Employee engagement not only improves productivity and quality of work, but also helps reduce employee turnover, improve company culture and increase overall job satisfaction. In this context, online survey platforms act as an indispensable tool for collecting employee feedback, allowing HR professionals and managers to get reliable data on how engaged their teams are in the workplace and corporate life.

The Testograph platform offers unique capabilities for creating customized surveys, tests and voting that can be aimed at studying various aspects of employee engagement. Thanks to a wide range of settings, including various restrictions on survey availability, randomization of questions and answers, customization of transition logic between questions, as well as the ability to brand and integrate with other systems via API, Testograph provides high flexibility and efficiency of research.

This article will be useful not only to HR specialists and HR managers, but also to all managers seeking to improve the engagement of their employees. Here we'll share examples of surveys that can help you identify key drivers of engagement, and explore how analyzing your data can inform strategies to improve your work environment and overall team performance.

Features of the Testograph platform

Testograph is an innovative online survey, test and voting service that has a number of key features that make it an ideal tool for HR professionals and managers looking to explore and improve employee engagement.

Quick start and ease of use

One of the most important characteristics of Testograph is its ease and intuitiveness of use, allowing users without special programming or design skills to quickly create professional-looking surveys. The platform offers a convenient visual editor with which you can easily customize questions and answer options, as well as survey design, making it not only functional, but also visually attractive.

Variety of question types and templates

Testograph provides more than 30 different types of questions, including single choice, multiple choice, rating scales, text fields, and many others, which allows you to collect diverse information and makes surveys extremely flexible and adaptable to any research needs. In addition, a wide selection of ready-made survey templates are available, specifically designed for various purposes and industries, making the process of creating surveys much easier and saving time.

Setting up transition logic and survey branding

Particularly noteworthy is the ability to customize the logic of transitions between questions, thanks to which you can create dynamic surveys that adapt to respondents’ answers. This not only increases participant engagement, but also results in more accurate and targeted information. Testograph also offers survey branding options, including adding a company logo and adapting the design to the corporate style, which helps strengthen the brand and create trust among employees.

Automatic analytics capabilities

After collecting responses, Testograph automatically generates easy-to-understand reports with graphs and charts, providing in-depth analytical capabilities to evaluate results. This allows HR professionals and managers to quickly analyze large volumes of data, identify trends and problem areas, and make informed decisions to improve employee engagement and satisfaction.

Thus, Testograph is a powerful tool for studying and increasing employee engagement, offering a wide range of functions for creating, conducting and analyzing surveys with maximum efficiency and convenience.

Examples of surveys for engagement research

Researching employee engagement through online surveys allows HR specialists and company leaders to receive valuable feedback from employees. This is an important tool for assessing the overall team climate, level of job satisfaction, and identifying employee needs and expectations. To effectively survey engagement, you can use the following general survey structure and example questions.

General structure of an engagement survey

  1. Introduction: A brief description of the purpose of the survey and an assurance that the responses provided will be confidential.

  2. Main part: A series of questions designed to assess various aspects of performance and engagement.

  3. Conclusion: Gratitude for participation and a promise to take into account the opinions of employees in the further development of the company.

Questions to assess your level of job satisfaction

  1. How satisfied are you with your current role and responsibilities?

    • Very satisfied

    • Rather satisfied

    • Neutral

    • Rather dissatisfied

    • Very dissatisfied

  2. Assess the level of support you receive from your line management.

    • Always support

    • Often supported

    • Sometimes they support

    • Rarely supported

    • Never support

  3. Are you satisfied with the company's corporate culture?

    • Completely satisfied

    • Rather satisfied

    • Neutral

    • Rather dissatisfied

    • Not at all satisfied

Questions to identify factors of motivation and loyalty

  1. What motivates you most at work?

    • Opportunity for professional growth

    • Recognition and encouragement of achievements

    • Team spirit and corporate culture

    • Work-life balance

    • Salary and benefits

  2. How likely are you to recommend our company as a place to work to friends or acquaintances?

    • Very likely

    • Quite likely

    • Neutral

    • Unlikely

    • Not at all likely

  3. What aspects of working in our company would you like to improve?

These sample questions will help you get a comprehensive picture of employee engagement and job satisfaction. The data obtained will be useful for developing strategies to improve corporate culture, motivation and overall employee satisfaction. Testograph provides convenient tools for creating such surveys, as well as opportunities for detailed analysis of the results obtained.

Using survey results to improve engagement

After conducting a staff engagement survey, the key is to adequately analyze the data obtained and develop activities aimed at improving the identified deficiencies. Using survey results to increase engagement involves several steps:

Analysis of the received data

  1. Response segmentation: Divide data into different employee groups (department, job title, length of service, etc.) to identify specific trends and issues in different segments of the organization.

  2. Definition of key indicators: Focus on key indicators of engagement such as job satisfaction, level of management support, company culture, motivation and loyalty. Identify areas with the highest and lowest scores.

  3. Analysis of open responses: Carefully review open-ended responses to questions, as they may contain valuable ideas and suggestions from employees about possible ways to improve.

  4. Identifying Correlations: Look for correlations between different aspects of work and level of engagement. For example, high satisfaction with a company's culture may be found to be closely related to overall levels of engagement.

Taking action based on analysis to improve engagement

  1. Developing an action plan: Based on data analysis, create an action plan that includes specific initiatives and projects to improve the identified gaps.

  2. Communication with employees: Openly discuss the survey results with employees and share plans to improve the situation. This will help increase their trust and involvement in the process.

  3. Implementation of changes: Proactively implement changes starting with the most critical areas. These could be measures to improve corporate culture, incentive programs, training managers in leadership skills, etc.

  4. Monitoring and evaluation of effect: Regularly monitor the impact of implemented changes on employee engagement using follow-up surveys and other measurement methods.

  5. Adjusting the strategy: Based on your results, adjust your strategy and approaches, optimizing and improving them to achieve better results.

Using Testograph to analyze survey results provides HR professionals with a powerful tool for deeply understanding employee needs and expectations, and developing effective strategies to improve employee engagement.

Advantages of using Testograph for HR specialists

Using Testograph provides HR specialists with a number of significant advantages that can have a positive impact on personnel management and the development of corporate culture. Key benefits include integration with other systems and access to APIs, as well as the ability to read successful cases and customer reviews.

Integration with other systems and API access

One of the key advantages of Testograph is its flexibility and ability to integrate with other human resource management systems (HRM), training systems (LMS) and client databases via API. This allows HR specialists to:

  • Automate the processes of data collection and analysis, saving time and resources.

  • Simplify access to surveys and increase coverage by leveraging existing communication systems and employee databases.

  • Provide secure and controlled access to survey data, ensuring its confidentiality and compliance with security policies.

  • Create personalized surveys and analytical reports using data from other systems to develop a deeper understanding of employee needs and preferences.

Examples of successful cases and customer reviews

The testographer regularly publishes examples of successful cases and reviews from companies that have used the platform to conduct surveys among employees. Studying these cases and testimonials can offer HR professionals valuable lessons and ideas that can be adapted and applied in their own practice:

  • Successful Engagement Strategies: Case studies demonstrate how companies used surveys to identify factors influencing employee engagement and satisfaction, and then implemented targeted programs to improve these indicators.

  • Innovative Approaches to Feedback: Examples show how Testograph can be used to design creative surveys that encourage employees to participate more actively and provide honest feedback.

  • Real results of improvement: Customer testimonials often include specific details about how Testograph engagement studies have helped increase productivity, reduce turnover, and improve company culture.

Overall, Testograph offers HR professionals a powerful set of tools for studying and improving employee engagement. Integration with other systems, access to APIs and the ability to study successful practices make Testograph an indispensable resource for modern HR.


In conclusion, employee engagement research plays a critical role in a company's success and ability to grow sustainably. Engaged employees not only produce more and better, but also create a positive work environment that encourages innovation and creative problem solving. The Testograph platform provides all the necessary tools for effectively conducting surveys, analyzing data and developing strategies to improve engagement.

Testograph stands out for its ease of use, customization flexibility, wide range of question types and templates, as well as the ability to integrate with other systems and access to APIs. These features make it an ideal choice for companies of any size and industry.

We encourage HR specialists, managers and company executives to start using Testograph to study the engagement of their employees. This is not just an investment in improving the current state of your teams, but a strategic step towards creating a more productive, motivated and happy work environment. Use Testograph to turn feedback into actionable insights and strategies that will help your company grow and develop.

Don't miss the opportunity to make your company better with the help of Testograph. Start your employee engagement research today and see how it will change your organization for the better.

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