Platform for corporate surveys

Corporate surveys play a critical role in allowing managers and HR professionals to gain valuable feedback, analyze satisfaction and engagement levels, and identify areas for improvement. In this article we will talk about how modern online platforms such as Testograph can help create, conduct and analyze corporate surveys.

Testograph offers a wide range of tools for developing surveys, tests and voting, with flexible accessibility settings, randomization of questions and answers, customization of transition logic, branding capabilities, as well as integration with external systems via API. These features make Testograph an ideal tool for any company seeking to effectively interact with employees and clients.

This article will be of interest to a wide range of readers: from HR managers and marketing specialists to company managers and IT specialists looking for effective tools for collecting and analyzing data. We will present you with real cases of using corporate surveys, show how they can be implemented using Testograph, and explain what benefits this can bring to your business. Get ready for a deep dive into the world of corporate surveys and learn how to make the feedback process not only effective, but also fun for everyone involved.

The Importance of Corporate Surveys

Feedback in modern personnel management acts not just as a control tool, but also as a powerful resource for the development and motivation of employees. It allows organizations to build relationships of trust and respect, create an atmosphere of openness and support, and respond quickly to emerging issues and problems. Corporate surveys are one of the most effective ways to collect this feedback, allowing you to gauge employee opinions on various aspects of the company, from the level of job satisfaction to suggestions for improving work processes and corporate culture.

The role of feedback in personnel management

Feedback plays a key role in the HR management process, as it allows you to:

  • Identify problems and areas for improvement. Employees are at the heart of work processes and are often the first to encounter problems that may not be visible at the management level. Surveys help identify these problems early.

  • Increase employee motivation and loyalty. When employees see that their opinions are valued and decisions are made based on them, it increases their engagement and desire to work for the benefit of the company.

  • Create a culture of feedback. Regular surveys help create an atmosphere of openness where everyone feels important and can speak freely.

Increasing employee engagement and improving corporate culture

Corporate surveys have a direct impact on increasing employee engagement and improving corporate culture:

  • Employee engagement. Surveys allow employees to share their ideas and suggestions, which not only increases their personal engagement, but also encourages innovation and improvement in the company.

  • Improving corporate culture. Collecting and analyzing feedback through surveys helps create a culture based on mutual respect and value for each employee. This creates a positive work environment and helps retain talent.

  • Transparency of decisions. Using survey results to make management decisions makes the management process more transparent and understandable for employees, which, in turn, increases their trust in management.

Thus, corporate surveys are an integral tool in the hands of modern managers and HR specialists, allowing not only to collect important data for making informed decisions, but also to create a culture of mutual respect and openness, which is the basis of a successful and prosperous business.

Features of the Testograph platform for corporate surveys

The Testograph platform is a universal tool for creating, conducting and analyzing corporate surveys, tests and voting. It has a number of key features and benefits that make it an ideal choice for companies of any size and type of activity. In this section, we will take a closer look at why Testograph is an excellent solution for corporate needs, and also describe its key functions and capabilities.

Advantages of using Testograph for corporate needs

  1. Flexibility and customizability. Testograph allows you to create surveys with different types of questions, including single or multiple choice answers, text fields for free answers, rating scales and much more. This provides high flexibility in developing surveys tailored to specific goals and objectives.

  2. Randomization of questions and answers. The randomization feature helps improve the fairness of surveys by randomizing the order of questions and responses, minimizing the risk of bias due to sequencing.

  3. Transition logic. The conditional jump system allows you to create branching surveys, where the next question or group of questions depends on the answers to the previous ones. This makes surveys more dynamic and allows you to collect more accurate data.

  4. Branding. The ability to add a company logo, corporate colors, and design elements to surveys helps maintain brand identity and brand recognition among employees and customers.

  5. Integration with external systems via API. The testograph offers ample opportunities for integration with other corporate systems and services, which allows you to automate the process of data collection and analysis, and also ensures smooth interaction between various IT solutions in the company.

  6. Automatic analytics. The platform provides detailed analytics based on survey results with the ability to create tables and charts, which greatly simplifies the process of analyzing data and making informed decisions based on it.

  7. Various types of survey embedding. Testographer offers a variety of ways to embed surveys on a website or in corporate systems, including widgets, pop-up windows or embedding in the body of a page as an iframe. This ensures that surveys are easy to use and accessible to a wide audience.

Key functions and capabilities of the platform

  • More than 30 types of questions to create the most tailored and targeted surveys.

  • E-mail newsletter for convenient distribution of surveys among employees or clients.

  • Uploading results in various formats (.CSV, .XLSX, .SPSS, .PDF), which facilitates subsequent data processing.

  • API access for smooth integration with other services and systems.

Testograph offers companies not only tools for collecting data, but also a powerful platform for analyzing and using it to improve corporate culture, increase employee engagement and formulate development strategies based on feedback. This makes Testograph an integral tool for any company seeking to develop and build effective interaction within the team and with clients.

Survey examples and question types

The Testograph platform offers a wide range of opportunities for creating corporate surveys, giving users access to more than 30 types of questions. This diversity allows companies to effectively collect data, analyze employee satisfaction and engagement, and conduct research in various areas. Let's look at a few examples of corporate surveys developed on the Testograph platform and specific questions that can be used to achieve various goals.

Examples of corporate surveys

  1. Employee Satisfaction Survey

    • Goal: assess the level of job satisfaction in the company, identify potential problems and areas for improvement.

    • Examples of questions:

      • Rate your level of satisfaction with your job at the company on a scale of 1 to 10.

      • What aspects of your job do you enjoy most? (Open question)

      • Do you feel that your contribution to the company's success is valued appropriately? (Not really)

  2. Corporate Training Assessment Survey

    • Goal: to evaluate the effectiveness of the training and educational programs conducted.

    • Examples of questions:

      • How do you rate the usefulness of the latest corporate training? (Multiple choice: Very helpful, Helpful, Not very helpful, Not at all helpful)

      • What topics would you like to explore in future trainings? (Open question)

  3. Survey to assess corporate culture

    • Goal: to understand how much employees share and support the company’s values.

    • Examples of questions:

      • How much do you agree with the statement: “The corporate culture at our company contributes to my personal and professional growth”? (Likert scale from “Strongly agree” to “Strongly disagree”)

      • What aspects of our company culture would you like to change or improve? (Open question)

A block of questions as an example of using a variety of question types

  • Multiple choice question:

  • Rating matrix (Likert scale):

  • Open question:

These examples show how using a variety of question types can generate useful data that can help evaluate and improve various aspects of corporate life. Testographer provides tools that allow you not only to easily create such surveys, but also to analyze the results to make informed decisions.

Cases of using surveys in various areas of business

Surveys play a key role in business management, providing valuable data to make informed decisions in various areas of the company. The Testograph platform offers many tools for creating and analyzing surveys tailored to specific business goals. Let's look at several cases of using surveys in various areas of business.

HR surveys to assess employee satisfaction and motivation

Case: A company wishes to assess the level of job satisfaction among its employees in order to identify potential problems and develop strategies to improve the work environment.

  • Application: Conduct regular satisfaction surveys that include questions about the work environment, team relationships, level of management support, opportunities for professional growth, and work-life balance.

  • Result: Obtaining an objective picture of the internal climate in the company, identifying strengths and weaknesses, as well as developing targeted programs to motivate and retain employees.

Marketing research to collect customer opinions

Case: The company wants to collect feedback from customers about the quality of its products or services, as well as consumer preferences, to develop new offerings.

  • Application: Creation and distribution of surveys to customers, including questions about the level of satisfaction with the company's products or services, suggestions for their improvement, as well as interest in new products or services.

  • Result: Obtaining valuable information about customer needs and expectations, which can be used to optimize the range and improve the quality of service.

Internal surveys for strategic decision making

Case: Company management is considering introducing new technologies or changing corporate strategy and wants to gauge employee opinions on these issues.

  • Application: Conducting internal surveys aimed at assessing employees’ readiness for change, their vision of the company’s future development and proposals for improving work processes.

  • Result: Forming a general picture of the perception of upcoming changes among employees, identifying potential risks and obstacles to the implementation of innovations, as well as receiving suggestions from the team that can be taken into account when planning strategic steps.

Each of these cases demonstrates how surveys can be used to collect valuable information that helps inform management decisions, improve the company's internal environment, and optimize customer interactions. The Testograph platform provides all the necessary tools to effectively design, conduct and analyze survey results, allowing companies to achieve their business goals more effectively.

Integration and automation of processes using API

Integration and automation of processes using API (Application Programming Interface) are becoming increasingly important aspects to improve the efficiency of business operations. The Testograph platform offers advanced API capabilities that allow companies to integrate surveys into their corporate systems and automate the processes of sending out and processing results. Let's look at some practical examples of how this can be implemented.

Examples of integration of Testograph surveys with other corporate systems

  1. Integration with CRM system to collect customer feedback

    • Scenario: After completing a transaction with a client, transaction data automatically triggers the sending of a satisfaction survey through the Testograph API.

    • Benefit: This allows you to quickly collect feedback from customers and improve the quality of service, as well as increase customer loyalty.

  2. Integration with HR system for HR surveys

    • Scenario: Automatically send surveys about the team climate to new employees after a certain period after they are hired.

    • Benefit: Helps the HR department quickly receive feedback from new employees, analyze personnel adaptation and make adjustments to the orientation process.

Automation of mailings and processing of survey results

  1. Automated survey mailings

    • Scenario: Set up periodic surveys (such as quarterly) via API that are automatically sent to employees or clients without the need for manual intervention.

    • Benefit: Saving time and resources, improving the efficiency of data collection and increasing the relevance of information for decision making.

  2. Automatic processing of survey results

    • Scenario: Using APIs to automatically extract and analyze data from completed surveys, integrating results into corporate analytical systems.

    • Benefit: Simplifying the process of data analysis, quickly obtaining insights and the ability to quickly respond to feedback received.

Integration and automation of processes using the Testograph API allow companies not only to optimize work processes, but also to increase their efficiency, make data collection and analysis more efficient and convenient. This, in turn, helps to improve the internal environment of the company, increase the level of customer satisfaction and loyalty, and also ensures the adoption of more informed and effective management decisions.

How to Create an Effective Corporate Survey: A Step-by-Step Guide

Creating an effective corporate survey requires careful planning and attention to detail. This step-by-step guide will help you design a survey that will not only collect the data you need, but also motivate participants to participate.

Step 1: Selecting the purpose of the survey and identifying the target audience

  • Determine the purpose of the survey. Be clear about what problem you want to solve or what question you want to explore. The goal must be specific, measurable and achievable.

  • Determine your target audience. Decide who will participate in the survey. This could be all employees of the company, individual departments, clients or partners. Taking audience considerations into account will help make questions more relevant and understandable to participants.

Step 2: Create a Questionnaire

  • Select question types. Use different types of questions (closed-ended, open-ended, multiple choice, rating scales, etc.) to make the survey interesting and collect different types of data.

  • Formulate your questions clearly and specifically. Avoid ambiguity and technical jargon that participants may not understand.

  • Consider the logic of transitions. If your survey contains branches, make sure the logic between questions is clear and consistent.

  • Test the survey. Test with a small group of participants before launching the survey to ensure there are no technical errors and the questions are clear.

Step 3: Sending out the survey and motivating participants

  • State the purpose of the survey. Participants must understand why the survey is being conducted and how the data collected will be used.

  • Offer motivation. Incentivize participants to complete the survey by offering, for example, the opportunity to win prizes or emphasizing the importance of their opinion to the company.

Step 4: Analyze results and take action

  • Analyze the collected data. Use statistical methods and data visualization tools to analyze the information obtained.

  • Draw conclusions and develop actions. Based on the analysis, identify key findings and develop specific steps to improve the situation or solve problems.

  • Share your results. Share key findings and action plan with survey participants and other stakeholders.

By following this guide, you can create an effective corporate survey that will help you collect valuable data, improve communication within your company, and help you make informed management decisions.


Corporate surveys play a vital role in the management of modern companies, providing the necessary tools for collecting feedback from employees and customers. This information becomes the basis for making informed decisions aimed at improving internal processes, increasing employee satisfaction and engagement, and optimizing products and services. In an era of constant change and high competition, the ability to quickly adapt and respond to needs and expectations becomes a critical factor for success.

The Testograph platform offers a unique set of tools for creating, conducting and analyzing surveys, allowing companies of any size to effectively manage data and transform it into actionable strategies. With Testograph you get not just survey software, but a powerful analytical tool that helps you identify trends, identify problem areas and track changes over time.

If you're looking to improve your company's performance, improve company culture and employee engagement, and gain a deeper understanding of your customers' needs, it's time to start using Testograph to create your corporate surveys. Start by identifying the key objectives of your research, selecting appropriate question types, and developing a data analysis strategy. The tester will provide you with all the necessary tools and support at every stage – from creating a survey to making decisions based on the feedback received.

Seize the opportunity to transform feedback into valuable insights and strategic decisions. Connect to Testograph today and open up new horizons for the growth and development of your business. Your employees and customers are your most valuable resource. Find out what they think and let that knowledge guide you to success.

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