Pixel Drinking: The Most Interesting and Fun Drinking Mechanics in Games

Frank Sinatra said: “Alcohol may be your worst enemy, but the Bible says: love your enemies.” This witty take on alcohol from the great singer and actor can also be applied to video games, where alcohol mechanics add not only complexity but also a significant amount of fun and unexpected twists. From taverns in fantasy worlds to noisy bars in metropolitan cities, alcohol has its own special place in virtual adventures. In this article, we'll look at the most interesting and fun drinking mechanics in video games.

Kingdom Come Deliverance

Kingdom Come Deliverance

Drinking in video games is usually a task without any real consequences. Getting drunk is part of the plot or a fun mini-game, the worst that can happen is a hangover. Some games even use alcohol as a buff, increasing some (or all) of your skills, causing the screen to shake and the character to walk funny.

But in real life, alcohol is not a buff or a plot device, it is a thing to be enjoyed in moderation. While games take a simple approach to this, some of them take a different approach to alcohol and its effects on a person. Here are some interesting mechanics of alcohol in games

Sea of ​​Theives

Let's start with the implementation of the drinking mechanics simply through visuals and control difficulty.

For example, this is how Grog's mechanics are implemented in Sea of ​​Thieves. In this multiplayer pirate game from Rare, drinking is an optional but fun part of the gameplay. Players can drink grogwhich causes characters to feel sick, walk unsteadily, and even temporarily lose coordination, making it difficult to control the ship and other aspects of the game. Players can also, pardon my French, puke on top of each other, which adds an element of fun and chaos to playing with friends.

Sea of ​​Theives

Sea of ​​Theives

Some gamers even came up with Drinking game – for performing some actions in the game, you need to drink. Although this mechanic is not key, players find many fun ways to use it.

Drinking game in Sea of ​​Theives

Drinking game in Sea of ​​Theives

SeEscape from Tarkov

In the extraction shooter from Battlestate Games, alcohol acts as a painkiller. For example, drinking vodka will temporarily impose the effect “On painkillers“, but at the same time it will reduce hydration by as much as 40 units (from the original 100)

“Tarkovskaya fire water”. It is not recommended to use it in principle, alcohol is harmful and all that, but sometimes after a battle it is necessary.

Pevko in Escape from Tarkov

Pevko in Escape from Tarkov

Kingdom Come: Deliverance

IN “Kingdom Come: Deliverance” The developers at Warhorse Studio really tried to make the drinking mechanics realistic, considering how positiveand negative effects of alcohol

Benedictine monks strongly DO NOT (!) recommend drinking alcohol. Especially for squires who have not yet reached 18 years of age. But we do not recommend it to noble knights either… we do not recommend it to anyone, if you think about it. – quote from Kingdome Come: Deliverance

Henry drinks in Kingdome Come: Deliverance 2 trailer

Henry drinks in Kingdome Come: Deliverance 2 trailer

In the game, when the main character Henry drinks alcohol, it can have the following consequences:

  1. Short term buff:
    Drinking alcohol temporarily increases the protagonist's charisma, which can help in dialogues with NPCs.

  2. If you overdo it:
    If you drink too much alcohol, the screen starts to blur, controlling the character becomes more difficult, and Henry may even pass out.

    Also, excessive consumption leads to a hangover, which reduces your Strength, Dexterity, Vitality, Speech And Charisma and makes you more noticeable. The extent of these negative effects depends on how much you drank, and the length of the hangover is determined by your Drinking skill – the higher this skill, the shorter the hangover. It will dissipate over time or can be cured with different types of potions.

  3. Alcoholism:
    Constantly drinking alcohol can lead to Alcoholism, which imposes long-term stat debuffs including decreased Strength, Dexterity, and Charisma.

The Life-Saving Schnapps

One of the ways to save the game is by drinking an alcoholic drink – Saviour Schnapps, after Henry drinks it, the game will be saved.

Recipe for a life-saving schnapps

Recipe for a life-saving schnapps

The game has a separate perk for drinking and its upgrade tree:
The drinking skill makes you more resistant to the negative effects of alcohol. You will be able to drink twice as much as you should, and the hangover the next day will be weaker.
Here are a couple of skills from this branch:

Drinking Skills (I wish I had those)

Drinking Skills (I wish I had those)

Some skills can be very useful if you play the game on Hardcore mode. For example, the perk No adventures at home can help you teleport to the mill in Rattay if you get lost in the forest with a bunch of loot.

Disco Elysium

IN “Disco Elysium“, a famous role-playing game, the mechanics of alcohol play a significant role in the life of the main character, detective Harrier “Harry” Dubois. The game combines psychological aspects with a detective plot, which makes the use of alcohol in the game especially interesting and multi-layered. Here's how it works:

  1. Positive effects:
    Temporary improvement of some characteristics – Drinking alcohol can temporarily increase characteristics such as confidence, courage And charisma. This is especially useful in situations that require persuasion or coercion.

    Temporary relief from psychological stress – Alcohol helps Harry cope with emotions and trauma, which can be useful in some story situations.

  2. Negative effects:
    Alcohol also lowers intelligence, perception, and reaction time, making our would-be detective less capable of reasoning and analysis, which can complicate the investigation.

    Mistake Proneness – When under the influence of alcohol, Harry may do strange or inappropriate things (just like me at parties), which affects the course of some events and relationships with NPCs.

    Long-term consequences – Constant drinking worsens Harry's overall health and mental state (just like in real life). The player will have to deal with the consequences of addiction and possible deterioration of the character's condition.

Alcohol at Disco Elysium

Alcohol at Disco Elysium

The game also has plot points and quests related to alcohol:

Often our detective is faced with the choice of returning to drinking or trying to stay sober. This reflects the conflict between the desire to alleviate immediate suffering and the awareness of the long-term consequences of alcoholism.

Many characters in the game react to Harry's state. His relationships with his partner Kim Kitsuragi and other NPCs can change depending on whether he drinks or not.

Alcohol helps Harry cope with depression and amnesia, but it can also worsen his mental state. Drinking leads to revelations and fantasies that add layers to the story and narrative.

Also in our hero's adventure in Revachol there are some perks and skills related to alcohol:

Physical skills: For example, the skill “Electrochemistry” is closely related to the use of substances and alcohol. This skill will tell Harry when it is time to drink to increase his combat performance or social confidence.

Internal dialogues: Harry often has internal conversations with his skills, allowing more experienced players to better understand his mental state and strategically use alcohol where it is most beneficial.

The drinking mechanics in Disco Elysium are not just a gameplay element, but have a profound impact on the story and character development. The decisions the player makes regarding alcohol consumption can seriously change the course of the investigation and the ending of the story.


At first sight “Afterparty” seems like a typical drinking game – drink, get drunk, outdrink your opponents. Drinking is a key mechanic of the game, different drinks give the main characters different effects. After all, the goal of the game is to outdrink yourself Satan in hell.

But underneath that alcoholic exterior, there's something a little different, and a little darker. Drinking isn't some purely pleasant activity in the depths of Hell – instead, it's a way for humans and demons alike to numb the pain of… well, being in Hell. Sure, there's plenty of humor and jokes about drinking in the game, but it doesn't condone alcoholism, and the sight of people drinking has a slightly sadder meaning.

Afterparty game

Afterparty game

IN “Afterparty” The mechanics of alcohol play a key and central role in the gameplay and narrative. Here are the main aspects of alcohol use in the game:

  1. Bar-quest structure:
    As the story progresses, Milo and Lola visit various bars in Hell, where they must interact with the inhabitants and complete tasks.

    Each bar has a unique atmosphere and rules, which influences the drinks available and the interactions.

  2. The influence of drinks on characters:
    Each bar offers a variety of drinks, each with its own effects and changes the characters' behavior. Drinks can affect speech patterns, abilities, and even available dialogue options.

    Examples of drinks: one drink can make a character more confident and aggressive, another – relaxed and calm, a third – hyperactive and not quite adequate.

  3. Dialogues and interactions:
    The choice of drink before an important dialogue can affect its outcome. Some characters react in a certain way only to certain states of the protagonists, which adds a strategic element to the choice of drinks.

    Alcohol effects can open up new options for solving problems and interacting with NPCs.

  4. Competitions and games:
    The main events of the game include various drinking competitions such as drinkball, karaoke singing and even brain quizzes. To successfully participate in them, the player needs to find the right balance in drinking alcohol and choose the right types of drinks.

  5. Visual and auditory effects:
    Drinking alcohol affects Milo and Lola's perception of the world, altering visual and auditory effects. These effects add a special atmosphere to the game, making drinking part of the immersion in the gameplay.

The mechanics of alcohol in “Afterparty” not only adds a humorous element to the game, but also makes it unique and versatile. The choice of drinks and the management of the characters' states are key elements of strategic and tactical decision-making in this title. As a result, “Afterparty” turns into an exciting adventure, where drinking is not just a background, but a crucial element of the gameplay and narrative.

Layers of Fear

Layers of Fear – is an indie horror game created by Bloober Team. In it, you control an artist who has decided to complete his final work – a masterpiece painting.

The character's alcoholism is one of the key themes in Layers of FearThe artist struggles with alcoholism, which affects his relationships with his family and, ultimately, his mental state and creativity.

  • The player finds clues and records that reveal the character's struggle with alcohol, ranging from bottles scattered throughout the house to diary entries and letters from his wife that highlight the destructive effects of alcohol.

So many empty bottles, as if I was looking for a message. I looked for her everywhere, but the books only had the name

The artist's excessive alcohol consumption is reflected in his perception of reality. Players go through various psychedelic and surreal scenes that demonstrate the character's altered consciousness.

  • Blurred and distorted visuals, as well as environmental instability (such as rooms that suddenly change shape or disappear) create the effect of being in a drunk or drugged state.

The game's audiovisual design plays an important role, reinforcing the sense of disorientation and fear associated with the protagonist's alcoholism. You hear whispers, loud noises, and music here to enhance the immersion into a state of madness.

  • The hero's drunkenness causes hallucinations and visions that haunt him throughout the game. Visual distortions can suddenly appear, which increases the atmosphere of horror and tension.

Layers of Fear” uses the mechanics of alcohol not just as a gameplay element, but as a tool to uncover a deep and disturbing story about addiction, lost dreams, and descent into madness. The atmosphere created through visuals, sound effects, and interactive elements makes the game a strong representative of the psychological horror genre.

I also can't help but mention very cool press kitwhich Bloober Team sent to the press:

Red Dead Redemption 2

IN Red Dead Redemption 2 The mechanics of alcohol may seem boring from a gameplay point of view – after drinking a drink, the character starts to swing, the screen blurs.

However, on a narrative level, alcohol plays an important role. Participating in camp gatherings and celebrations helps the player to become more immersed in the atmosphere and spirit of the Van der Linde gang. These moments allow the player to feel a connection with the other gang members and to learn more about their personalities, motivations, and relationships with each other. Ultimately, these scenes not only enrich the storyline, but also increase the player's emotional involvement in the events.

There are several events in the game, after which the gang throws a party. You can sit, sing and drink with friends. Listen to the speech of the gang leader, watch the relationships of the characters and interesting situations.

Watch Dogs

In the game series “Watch Dogs” Alcohol and mini-games related to its consumption are presented as side entertainments that add variety to the main gameplay. Let's look at how this is implemented in individual parts of the series.

Watch Dogs 1:

In the first part Watchdogs (sorry, I couldn't resist) The main character is Aiden Pearce, and in addition to the main missions in the game, there are a number of side entertainments, including alcohol and mini-games.

Drinking mini game:

Description: In various bars and pubs in Chicago, players can participate in a drinking minigame. The game involves Aiden sitting down at a table with an NPC and drinking alcoholic beverages.

Mechanics: The player is offered a series of tests for reaction speed and coordination of movements. Buttons appear on the screen that must be pressed in the correct sequence to successfully drink another glass. With each new round, the task becomes more difficult, simulating a progressive state of intoxication.

Consequences: If the player loses or reaches their limit, the screen will begin to “wander”, blurring and distorting slightly to simulate being drunk.

Watch Dogs 2 and Watch Dogs: Legion:

In addition to the usual mechanics of drinking in bars – buy, drink, spin the screen and forget. In the next parts of the series there is an opportunity to participate in mini-games similar to “Drunken challenge” from the first part, where you need to press buttons in the correct sequence and maintain coordination.

If you drink too much in Watch Dogs: Legionyour character will lose consciousness and become unavailable for a while.

The drinking mini-games in the Watch Dogs series provide players with fun and often comical diversions from the main storyline, adding elements of reality and depth to the game world. These activities are not core, but they add to the atmosphere of the game and allow players to become more immersed in the lives of the various cities they explore.

Technical aspects of alcohol mechanics

  1. Effects that affect gameplay and controls

  • Shaky Camera:

    Many games use a shaking camera effect to create a sense of drunkenness in the character. This effect is achieved by changing the position and rotation of the camera in random directions.

  • Motion Blur:

    Motion blur is used to simulate a character losing focus. This is achieved using post-processing techniques.

2. Algorithms for changing characteristics

  • Buffs and Debuffs:

    Buffs and debuffs can change various attributes of a character, such as strength, agility, charisma, and health. In the game world, this is often implemented through data systems or a component approach.

  • Temporary Effects:

    Temporary effects are controlled by timers or time intervals that determine how long the alcohol lasts.

3. State variables

  • Probability and Random Events: IN Disco Elysiumalcoholism affects the plot through random events and the likelihood of making mistakes. This is implemented through random number generators and systems that track the current state of the character.
    Using probabilistic methods and random number generators to create unique gaming situations under the influence of alcohol.

4. Interface and interaction

  • Dialog Trees and Branching Paths: Alcohol can change the available dialogue options and open up new plot threads. This is driven by complex scripting systems and state managers that keep track of the character's current settings.
    For example, alcohol can affect available dialogue options and open up new plot lines.

  • QTE (Quick Time Events): Drinking-related mini-games often use QTEs, which require the player to press certain buttons at the right time.


Integrating drinking mechanics into video games requires careful design and the use of various technologies and algorithms. Visual effects, character stat changes, randomization of events, and interactions through dialogue systems and QTEs all play a role in creating a unique and immersive experience for players.

Alcohol mechanics can have a significant impact on the atmosphere of the game. They allow players to immerse themselves more deeply in the game world, to feel like they are part of the virtual adventure. The effect of a shaking camera, image blur, or clumsy movements of the character – all this increases the feeling of presence and participation in the events taking place.

Psychological aspects and social interactions

In some games, alcohol mechanics serve to create deeper, more layered characters. This may include internal dialogue that helps players understand the protagonist’s condition, or changing interactions with NPCs that add realism and complexity. Such mechanics may also address important social themes, such as addiction and its consequences.

Plot twists and decisions

Drinking mechanics can add unpredictable elements to the game that open up new storylines or even change the outcome of the game. These elements force players to make important decisions and face the consequences of their actions, making the gameplay more dynamic and multifaceted.

Educational and preventive aspects

Some game designers use characters' alcoholism as a way to show its consequences. This can be a useful tool for education and prevention, helping players understand how alcohol can affect personality, health, and relationships. Mechanics like these can provoke serious reflection in players and even promote social awareness.

Variability and replayability

Alcohol mechanics can add significant variability to gameplay. Different scenarios depending on the hero's state make each playthrough unique. This encourages players to play the game multiple times to experience all the possible consequences and plot twists that affect the outcome of the game.

A Strategic View of Game Design

Drinking mechanics require developers to take a careful and conscious approach to game design. There are many aspects to consider, from balance and impact on gameplay to ethical and social issues. This makes developing such mechanics an interesting challenge and an opportunity to hone your professional skills.

Conclusion of the conclusion

Ultimately, drinking mechanics in video games can be more than just a comedic element of gameplay, but also a serious tool for creating deeper, more layered, and emotionally charged gaming experiences. Whether alcohol is used as a means to create chaos and hilarity, or as a way to tell a serious and moving story, it remains a powerful tool in the game designer’s arsenal.

Write in the comments, and in which games you remember the mechanics of alcohol!

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