Personnel in the Russian Federation — V. Trimodal distribution of salaries part 2

How HR sees it

Recruitment in the Russian IT market has been difficult for the last 30 years. There are no longer any people willing to work for food and no employees who have not yet left from closed research institutes, from a horizontal skyscraper or from the village of AlfredKarlovki.

Technologies were becoming more and more complex, we had to learn to distinguish Java from JS, but these pathetic, worthless individualsstill could not appreciate the enormous work catfeishen – the queen of coffee points, and more and more often they asked “where is the fork”. No fork – no conversations, no interviews. Only money. No money, no parts, no deal!
HR was offended, because they were told so much that:
every IT specialist overestimates his value three times,
the branch is a great branch, eco-biomaterial, valuable in itself,
there are annual bonuses – a certificate, a great honor, interesting projects, a friendly team…

– Dad, what are we going to eat today?
– It's okay, I'm working on an interesting project in a friendly team.

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Two military men, a Russian and an American, are talking, sharing everyday…
– And if you perform a feat, what will they give you?
American: – Penthouse, honorary title, order, money…
– What if the deed is simpler?
A: – The same, but without the penthouse.
R: – Or even simpler?
A: – Less money and a medal…
R: – Well, damn, what is the simplest thing to do?
A: – A simple medal…
R: – So, as I understand it, you don’t know anything about literacy at all?

The market has changed again. 2019-2022. 2022-2024

Five years ago, before Covid – in 2019 – you could still find a grown-up junior +++, but still willing to work for food. Prices and the exchange rate stabilized, the approximate set of knowledge and technologies for each grade also became clear, and only in St. Petersburg some Khrycheval “give me a million, give me a million.” It's possible now – colleagues found a beginner deployment engineer and k8s, and a good system administrator in Moscow for only 170. In K8s, he's only looking at it, especially at the magic that the architect creates there. This, by the way, is about the benefits of real soft skills, the search on the open market did not yield any results, but through connections – here he is.
The exception that proves the rule: – if your HR can't find anything for more than a month, and you Not want to check that 1) the vacancy is written correctly, 2) the salary is indicated in the vacancy, and 3) If you really need an employee – look for it yourself. Or – you can order another article “there is a terrible shortage of highly qualified low-paid workers all around, but we won't give any bonuses like complete exemption from the army forever”. The main thing is not to forget to be sincerely surprised at who did this, while smiling optimistically with the corners of your mouth.

Now the labor market has been flooded with people who know practically nothing about IT. There are a lot of words in the resume, but they don’t know any of them. Without even asking the meanest questions, like is icmp a level 3 protocol?starting with a question – your resume says .. worked with (something). Tell us what you personally did with it and why.
All. Directed by Robert B. Weide
People are able to answer the question of what encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism are (I can’t, just as I can’t say which foot necessary start walking), but can't say anything about immutability. Why? Because they learned to write 100 standard essays and answer 200 standard HR questions, and immutability is not included. Branching strategies ? Central Workflow ? ? Leetcode ? typedef ? Structure declaration? (I hate you, Fasimba!)

There is no need to study anything seriously anymore – in Moscow (and all regions) there is one type of vacancies, with an excellent welcome bonus (somewhere more, somewhere less), high salary, insurance .. and even, sometimes, the opportunity work from home.

In the same Moscow, the salary at Tochka has grown to 50+k, for couriers – to 100k and higher, so no one is surprised by an enikei / junior for 150k. Who, at least, knows something and, maybe, is able to learn something. In a year. Himself. Because there is no one and no time to teach himto teach people by distracting employees from the project – expensive.
If you train him well, he will leave; if you train him poorly, what is he for?

The reason for the increase in demand for salaries is clear – prices for a basic thing, housing, have increased. And everyone, everyone – right up to the Central Bank, knows and says directly that this is the result of the flow of money from the budget to developers, quote:

As for the mortgage situation. In a situation where there are broad preferential programs, this is quite logical rational behavior when you can get a preferential loan at a fixed rate, and keep your savings in the bank at a high rate. It must be said that there is no such mass practice, but the situation cannot but worry us. It allows people with savings to earn on preferential loans. That is, in fact, the source of this income is taxpayers' money, which flows to those who have savings, who can keep their savings at a higher rate. But those people who really need apartments suffer, because mass preferential programs increase real estate prices, and, accordingly, these people must take out more loans. And you know that our housing prices have increased significantly – 90% in three years, significantly higher than inflation and higher than incomes.. And this can offset the positive effects of preferential mortgages.

Source – website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Statement by the Chairman of the Bank of Russia Elvira Nabiullina following the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia on October 27, 2023

Bottom line, quote:

When preferential mortgages were just starting to be issued in May 2020, the average cost per square meter on the primary housing market in the country was 77 thousand rubles. In May 2024, it was already around 154 thousand. In four years, prices have doubled. Despite the fact that the inflation accumulated during this time was less than 40%.

Why Russia has curtailed preferential mortgages

A gap has formed, both in heads and in salaries

Housing prices have doubled in 4 years. But not salaries “in general”.

The lower segment, the lower 25% of the IT market grew (according to employee requests) from 80-100 in 2020 to 120-150k for Enikeya (in Moscow). At the same time, the tax on newcomers in the form of rental costs also increased, an apartment rented for 50k in 2021 as “far from the metro, without repairs” – with the construction of new lines became “near the metro”, and its cost increased to about 75k / month. Now with cosmetic repairs, or repairs from the developer. A living example – a colleague lived near the M10 (MMTS-10, Moscow, Sushchevsky Val St., 26), in 2020 a 2-room apartment cost him 45k, now it will cost 70k.

The middle market segment, which started in the same Covid 2020, with 250…450, has broken. They are still hiring somewhere around the same 250, and whining that “there is no one.”
Somewhere they are trying to hire according to the old school name of the children of Lieutenant Schmidt – Our salary is small, but there are no bonuses, so you don’t have to worry, the salary is small, but for the third year now they have promised to raise it next year, and there is a bonus at the end of the year – a certificate for the best employee of the department, pizza for the department and 10% of the monthly salary.

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There is an objective problem that up to $2,000 hiring is done on the open market, and after $3,500 – already on the closed one, you need to be “from someone”, who is known and respected. It is possible without this, but it is much more difficult. And there is no management. And some whine that there are no such salaries in IT. That is true – on hh vacancies of this level are published to close the KPI “we published”, but hiring through hh, the higher the grade \ salary – the less often. And it is difficult to jump over the step from $2,000 to $3,000 without a team, and the team in the Russian Federation is very interestingly divided. Those who remained to deal with ground infrastructure more often try not to help, but switch to toxic dialogue. In deployment and development, this is much less common.

Everything is classic –

However, they didn’t forget about the peasant; they sent him a glass of vodka and a five-kopeck piece of silver: have fun, man!

Somewhere they are trying to start hiring, and not imitate hiring, starting with raising the fork and showing it… and people with an average level of qualification and an average salary, as HR (including the one I spoke with) considers it, really are not on the labor market.

Because average level either left for Europe and Asia, or left for the market with 300>500 and sits quietly, and no one included 600+ in the department’s budget.

Because the middle level left with the company. Or they are already working from Kazakhstan, Georgia, Armenia, and you have 177-KII and you are prohibited from hiring people not only from Kazakhstan, but even from the Moscow region further than Mytishchi. They also added the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation to the requirements of 177-KII and nearby, but did not add money for the risk.

Because you don't really need the average level, and all the IT employees in Moscow know that you have some madness going on with access to software, services, rights. In addition, they are trying to feed you stale Basis, smeared on Gagarin, mm. Or something else like that.

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A small digression about Basis, Orion, Numa vServer, vStack, SpaceVM (DACOM M), RED Virtualization. And others
Expensive grandfathermy colleagues asked for changes, and are grateful for the gifts, they received them. They are amazed by the variety of sensations. They whine a little when they do a yum update, and everything explodes. Absolutely everything. Even better than vanilla Ceph explodes on updates. Because the libraries are firmly nailed down, the instructions were written by the children of the unholy union of grandfather and grandparents,

The track below fits the whole situation perfectly, if you know what I mean and are aware of the main character's complicated relationship.
As colleagues who are forced to eat it say culturally (for, I note, very immodest salaries – so if you are looking for someone willing to use THIS, then don't hide your money), the achieved functionality is from 20 to 40% of VMware by Broadcom (VSphere), or Hyper-V, without comparing the functionality of vSAN \ S2D or NSX \ Hyper-V Network Virtualization (HNV)

Colleagues eat Tungsten Fabric (Contrail) and cry. As befits an advanced product, it burns twice. Or, if you like it like an adult, without business gel, snot and preludesthere is something for you Modular Layer 2 (ML2) Neutron plug-in.

The theme of the series with the complex relationship of the main character –

The market of employer ideas about “salaries” from the HR point of view, as it is retold, and the market of real salaries where what they want and what they need, diverges by 1.5-2 times.

I know people who are ready to work with this legacy warehouse, and they are even still in Moscow, because they have already crossed their 40+, they do not know English very well, or rather how – they cannot read a complex subordinate sentence with polite phrases like “Although the solution may be applicable, there are certain complexities that need to be taken into account, which you may have learned about from your local planning office..

– However, Mr. Dent, the route was put up for public inspection at the local planning office and remained there for nine months.

– Yeah, as soon as I found out, I rushed straight to the office. That was yesterday at noon. You didn't bother to give any warnings, did you? I mean, not a word to anyone, not a soul, right?

— But the route was made public for…

– Revealed? I ended up having to go down to the basement to find it!

– That's right, that's where we have our information department.

— With a flashlight!

— There was probably no light.

– And steps too!

– But listen, you found a plan!

“Yes,” said Arthur, “I found it. At the bottom of a locked cupboard in a boarded-up toilet. And on the door was a sign: 'Beware of the leopard!'”

HR and hiring firms are ready to pay even $2,000 (the same $2,000 that was at the exchange rate of 60-70 in the first year of Covid), but even for such huge amounts of money (TM), there are no people with the necessary qualities.

People with the right qualities for the same $3,000 as in 2019 – they also want working conditions, and without conditions… they don't want to work. They just don't want to. They already have an apartment – two, They are not interested in promises of armor. Not even armor with a helmet. Besides, they already know, using Timur Izmailov as an example, that promises of reservation are worth nothingand for violations nobody was not punished. Not everyone is ready to work with a thick layer of legacy and promises that when things get good and we reach a profit of 200%, then we will fix everything.

Dead end.

There are people. There is money. No. such people for such money.
And perhaps it won't be on a massive scale. Often, the new generation that has been interviewed by colleagues over the past six months is ready to pay for the Gypsy courses “quick entry into IT”, but is not ready to even try to understand what minimum a course on any modern technology is:
– 40 hours of theory and study,
– 80 hours of independent practice,
– another 40 hours of study for the second part of the course,
– and another 80 hours of practice.
As a bonus, there is a change management methodology (COBIT 4.1 Section AI6 Change Management), that's another 40 hours. 280-300 hours per base.
One hour of independent work per day. Every day.

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