People as gods

The science fiction novel “People Like Gods” by Sergei Snegov still reads quite modernly, if you do not take into account the political component, it does not contain obvious anachronisms like slide rules or punch cards, as was often found in works of Western science fiction of that time.
Moreover, there are many things that have either been implemented or will definitely be implemented in the near future, such as constantly accessible video communication, personal electronic assistants in the form of artificial intelligence, and mass discussion of interesting ideas within the network with subsequent decision-making.

The novel begins with the main character flying on a personal aircraft – a small plane controlled by artificial intelligence.
And today I read about the launch of an unmanned flying taxi, capable of taking off and landing vertically at any point, almost like in the novel.

Of course, reading this book as a child, I was sure that all this would happen in our country.

But still, let's be happy for the Chinese.

Below is the news itself
Recently, the Chinese company EHang put The first large batch of two-seater EH216-S unmanned flying taxis was delivered to a resort in Wencheng County. The customer received 27 of the 30 electric aircraft ordered. After the ceremony, the company took several people on a ride around the resort's picturesque spots. Soon, this service will be available in many places across the country, helping to develop a new low-altitude flight industry.
EHang claims to be the first to mass produce, sell and commercialize unmanned flying taxis. It has received a type certificate for mass production of the vehicles. received in April 2024, although the national regulator cleared it for flights in Chinese airspace last year. For domestic buyers, each EH216-S electric aircraft will cost $330,000. Outside China, each machine will cost the customer $410,000.

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