Peculiarities of national marketplaces. How a cosmetics store tripled its revenue on Ozon, Yandex.Market and Wildberries in 3 months

A major cosmetics brand has realized that having a website is no longer enough to sell successfully. Now everyone buys cosmetics on large and niche marketplaces.

The online store's sales were rapidly declining. There was only one thing left to do — enter the marketplaces. But even there, not everything was so simple — high competition, its own laws of promotion. We tell you the tricks and life hacks of effective cosmetics sales on WB, Ozon and Yandex Market, which increased the seller's revenue by 3 times.

In the case you will learn:

  • How to get broad coverage through branded and high-frequency keywords, as well as clustering keywords in search;

  • How to Create an Engaging Video Cover and Infographic for Amazon's Graphic Funnel;

  • How to optimize logistics to increase sales and reduce costs;

  • And that ultimately led to a 3-fold increase in profits on 3 marketplaces.

The cosmetics seller suffered losses on the site, launched on three marketplaces, but sales never took off

A major cosmetics brand with its own online store, developed social networks, and offline shelves approached us. In general, the brand is well-known.

Orders from the company's own website began to fall. It became easier for users to buy on marketplaces, where they could choose from a variety of offers and brands. Therefore, the customer decided to master these platforms to attract new buyers. But, as often happens, “just going out” did not work. Advertising did not work for all products. Some were drowning in the endless ocean of offers, and sales were not encouraging.

Therefore, the client contacted us to:

1. Promote your products to leading positions;

2. Optimize advertising campaigns and budget.

We started work in January 2024 with the analysis of advertising campaign statistics to determine the cause of inefficiency. We conducted a deep audit of past advertising campaigns.

The analysis revealed the following problems:

  • Low competitive bid. Some products had insufficient bids, which resulted in low impressions and, as a result, no sales. Some products were barely shown;

  • Expensive CPC (cost per click): was 24.12 rubles, with the norm being 10 rubles and lower, which led to budget overruns;

  • Insufficient data for CTR analysis: Some products had few impressions, which made it difficult to assess the effectiveness of advertising. Algorithms need at least 10,000 impressions so that the data has minimal statistical error and is suitable for objective analysis.

Only the CTR was good – 4.75% at 10,000 impressions.

The client worked on 3 marketplaces: Yandex Market, Ozon and Wildberries. And we defined a strategy for increasing the seller's sales on these platforms, and we worked in parallel.

Developed selling visuals for Wildberries using Amazon's graphic funnel

The first step at Wildberries was to rework the illustrations for product cards using media files provided by the client. We developed the visual according to the standards of the Amazon graphic funnel – a proven method that helps to convey information about the product to a potential buyer in the most effective way. Each slide in turn answers possible questions and objections of the user, gradually immersing them in the product.

The structure of the cosmetics funnel, compiled according to Amazon standards, looks like this:

  1. First, we show the product name, volume, and reflect the key USP (unique selling proposition). For example, “Gentle foam for washing.”

  2. Below we will tell you more about the advantages of the product. For example:

  • Does not dry out the skin;

  • Gently cleanses;

  • Does not irritate eyes.

  1. Then we talk about the product in more detail. Here we can mention the composition, the principle of action, and tell what skin type the product is suitable for.

  1. Then we reveal the method of application.

  2. It is also necessary to make a separate slide with the full composition, as this is especially important for cosmetics.

  3. And at the end, you can demonstrate other products from the same line.

We focused on branded and high-frequency queries, clustered key queries on Wildberries search and achieved broad coverage

Next, we carried out deep SEO optimization. A semantic core with key queries reflecting the needs of buyers was collected. Afterwards, the queries were implemented into headings and rich content in product cards.

To improve ranking accuracy, we identified stop words for which products should not be shown.

Launched additional advertising campaigns in Wildberries searchto expand your reach and take leading positions in search results for key queries.

We have connected an automatic advertising campaign based on clustering of key queries.

Auto advertising allows you to effectively expand your reach by grouping several key queries into clusters. The product card is already shown for certain queries in the catalog output, Wildberries analyzes these clusters and increases the display of products for the most effective of them.

Automatic selection of queries in clusters works more efficiently than manual selection, so we use it as the main tool for expanding coverage.

For further optimization, we analyzed the frequency and logic of queries in clusters, removing ineffective ones.

We constantly monitor the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and remove irrelevant garbage keys in the cluster that do not correspond to the meaning, frequency and simply drain the budget. For example, when searching for “Brown pencil”, you may get a brown pencil for drawing, which is inappropriate.

And, if necessary, irrelevant queries were removed from the cluster, leaving the necessary ones.

Particular attention was paid to the promotion of brand keysas they bring a hot and interested audience. Our goal is to take the highest positions in the search results for this brand. And when we are at the top for all brand queries, we will be able to go for general high-frequency ones, that is, show up to those who don’t know us yet.

Next, we worked on high-frequency queries. Typically, for unknown brands, boosting high-frequency keywords is very expensive and not everything there is targeted. For example, “Brown eyebrow pencil” is a high-frequency query that implies different options (shiny, matte, expensive, cheap), which can reduce conversion compared to more specific queries.

Therefore, for small or unknown brands, we usually work on low-frequency and mid-frequency queries. With a well-known brand, the work goes in a different direction and we can safely spin high-frequency keys and expand.

Results for one of the products after working through key queries from the period February-March:

In January and February, out of the top 5 queries, the card had only 2 relevant ones. There were only minor changes in February, since we were cleaning and processing queries all this time. After the change in SEO in March, 5 out of 5 TOP queries on the card were indexed, only relevant ones began to be shown, and the place in the search results increased.

Increased seller's income on Wildberries by 9.3 million rubles in 3 months.

The dynamics of orders and revenue for the first quarter of work with the advertising campaign on Wildberries was positive. We increased monthly revenue by 9.3 million, and the number of orders by 9,500 thousand.

Raised cards at Ozon issuance with the help of a video cover, promotions and promo codes

Ozon also encountered the problem of low conversion of product cards. They started with the competent composition of visual content: video covers and infographics. And then they optimized the advertising campaign and logistics to improve conversion to sales.

The first step in working with Ozon is updating visual content. First, we created a video cover that would attract the user's attention during search.

The brand focuses not on the brightness of the packaging, but on the quality of the product. Therefore, the visual was decided to be done in a minimalist design that does not distract attention from the product itself, its features and ingredients. This approach will also help to distinguish the brand from competitors who often use bright colors and intrusive graphics.

We made recommendations, according to which the client made a product photo shoot. We made a video from the materials received. Our cover began to clearly demonstrate the product, packaging, cosmetic consistency, methods of application, “the effect of use” (by demonstrating the skin in a before/after format).

After the launch of the cards, we began to participate in the marketplace promotions. Additionally, we set up discounts on the coupon, which are displayed in the product card and can be combined with promotional offers. This can be used in combination, since the products have good marginality. Thanks to participation in promotions, the card is better boosted to the top lines of search results.

Ozon logistics have been made cheaper to prevent autostocking of goods and to increase sales

To optimize logistics and increase sales, we distributed product deliveries by region. By analyzing historical sales data and forecasting demand, we determined the most effective shipping points for each region. This approach not only makes delivery cheaper by reducing the transportation distance, but also speeds it up. This also has a positive effect on sales, because users often look at delivery times when buying.

To prevent outstock (lack of goods for sale), we constantly monitored their availability and made orders when the quantity decreased.

An important indicator of logistics efficiency on Ozon is localization indexwhich reflects how much the place of shipment of goods coincides with the place of its destination. A good indicator is from 70%. We adhered to it.

Increased revenue on Ozon by 5 million per quarter.

From January to March, we increased monthly revenue by 5 million. And the number of orders increased by 7,000.

Launched promotions, cashback and loyalty program on Yandex Market and increased sales by 3 times

On Yandex Market, work was carried out in stages:

  1. We reloaded warehouses with the necessary items and constantly monitored it to prevent outstocks.

This allowed us to guarantee the availability of the product and avoid losing positions in search results. It also helped increase sales, as users more often buy products with fast delivery.

  1. We have connected loyalty programs.

We have developed cards for receiving additional cashback. The marketplace has the ability to receive cashback upon purchase, which can then be spent in any of their services.

Added points for reviews to increase customer loyalty and trust.

  1. Participated in the actions.

We created our own promotions and also joined Yandex Market promotions. This activity allowed us to attract additional attention from buyers.

Thanks to the phased work, revenue from January to March increased 3 times, and impressions by 217%.

We have collected all the tips and tricks for effective promotion of cosmetics on marketplaces in this chapter

The seller's sales increased exponentially due to:

  • Development of cards based on the Amazon graphic funnel;

  • SEO optimization on all marketplaces, adding high-frequency and branded keywords;

  • Implementation of additional keys, changing categories to expand semantics and increase coverage on all platforms;

  • Setting up and launching advertising campaigns in search for the main high-frequency queries, as well as for relevant mid-frequency additional queries on Wildberries.

  • Constant monitoring of indicators and optimization of the campaign in search and templates on Ozon.

  • Participation in promotions, as well as adding discounts and promotional codes;

  • Launch of a loyalty program on Ozon.

Sellers can also use external promotion of their product cards on marketplaces:

Marketplaces offer huge growth potential for large retailers, but “simply throwing” a product on a virtual shelf is not enough. A marketplace is a dynamic platform where it is necessary to constantly analyze results, improve strategy, and find new ways to attract buyers’ attention.

Large brands can significantly expand their audience, increase sales and attract new customers by using marketplaces as an additional and fairly large sales channel.

Already working on the marketplace and not satisfied with sales? We offer to audit your promotion. We will assess the demand, develop a promotion strategy and launch sales. You will not lose anything, because we take the risks.

Our clients pay for the result – 5-10% of the turnover growth. If you are already receiving income from marketplaces, then the payment will be only for the increase to the existing turnover.

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