Oxygen for semiconductors: patent analysis

  • Plasma abatement solids avoidance by use of oxygen plasma cleaning cycle SG11201809018UA;

  • Solar cell, preparation method thereof and photovoltaic module CN202210606614.9A;

  • Method for treating semiconductor substrate layer and method for preparing solar cell WO2023160200A1.

So what? in Russia?

In the FIPS database, search for the query “oxygen H01L» identified 252 Russian Federation patents for inventions, of which 53 active. Here are some examples:

  • No.2450385 Composition of the gas mixture for the formation of tantalum nitride metal gate by plasma-chemical etching from JSC Research Institute of Molecular Electronics and Mikron Plant (Zelenograd);

  • No.2804603 Method for manufacturing a semiconductor structureKabardino-Balkarian State University named after. HM. Berbekova (Nalchik);

  • No.2404479 Method for forming a conductive structure in a dielectric matrixRRC “Kurchatov Institute” (Moscow).

In addition to the indicated patent holders in the oxygen field, JSC Research Institute of Microelectronic Equipment Progress (Moscow), JSC Scientific Research Institute Elpa (Zelenograd), JSC Scientific and Technological Equipment (St. Petersburg), JSC Zelenograd Nanotechnology Center “, FSUE NPP “Istok” (Fryazino), JSC “Russian Space Systems” (Moscow), Scientific and Technological Center for Microelectronics and Submicron Heterostructures of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg), etc.

Some Russian patents for inventions belong to foreign companies, for example: American Intel Corporation (No.2752291), German Dynamic Solar Systems AG (No.2720133) and Epkos AG (No.2469988), Chinese Boe Technology Group Co., Ltd. (China) etc.

Additionally, we analyzed Russian Federation patents that have expired but can be reinstated (probably the deadline for paying the fee has been missed). There are 16 such security documents, for example:

  • No.2306631 Method of pulsed laser production of thin films of materials with high dielectric constantScientific Research Institute of Physics and Chemistry named after. L.Ya. Karpova (Moscow);

  • No.2674406 A method for producing a gas-sensitive element based on a multilayer structure of porous silicon on an insulator and SnOxOmsk Scientific Center SB RAS;

  • No.2719622 and no.2756003 Method for manufacturing a semiconductor deviceChechen State University.

There are 8 patents of the Russian Federation for utility models in our field, of which 3 are valid, we list:

  • No.189045 Oxide memristor with electric field concentrators;

  • No.208280 Protective coating of a semiconductor device;

  • No.212220 Protective coating of a semiconductor device.

Computer programs, databases and integrated circuit topologies by term “oxygen semiconductor” No.

Oxygen in Russian electronics

108 documents were found in the EGISU R&D database for “oxygen semiconductor”. A substantive analysis shows that most R&D indirectly relate to the use of oxygen in electronics technologies, but there are several directly related to our topic. So, in 2022-2024. The Federal Scientific Research Center “Crystallography and Photonics” of the Russian Academy of Sciences carried out research work “Creation of materials for thermoelectric generators, elements of transparent electronics, sensors, nanophotonics based on wide-gap semiconductor oxides and chalcogenides, modification of their real structure and properties by external influences.” The goal of this research work is to search for new materials for thermoelements, elements of transparent electronics, sensors, nanophotonics, including the development of methods for their synthesis, as well as obtaining new knowledge in the field of crystallography, solid state physics and photonics based on comprehensive studies of the obtained materials, taking into account the conditions of their synthesis. During the research, the influence of the substrate temperature and oxygen content in the magnetron chamber on the microstructure, electrical and optical properties of transparent conducting films of double indium zinc oxide was studied. The functional characteristics of transparent conductive IZO thin films obtained by RF magnetron sputtering of an IZO ceramic target (composition 90 wt.% In2O3 and 10 wt.% ZnO) were also studied.

Research work “Development and creation of a device for measuring the recovery time of the reverse current of diodes and transistors in the microsecond range” was completed in 2022-2023. at MISIS, during which test measurements were carried out on rectifier diodes of the 1N4004 type (pn-junction rectifier diode based on monocrystalline silicon) and Schottky diodes using a- and b-Ga2O3. The possibility of identifying possible sources is shown – deep centers in the band gap, working as carrier capture centers. Such centers can arise during irradiation of a semiconductor with high-energy protons, as well as during growth in conditions of excess oxygen.

Spin engineering of chemical reactions of oxygen on a silicon surface was studied at the Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The work develops ideas about the influence of the nuclear magnetic field (MF) on electronic spin-dependent reactions in silicon and other elementary semiconductors (Ge, C, Sn, Bi), including silicon enriched with the magnetic isotope 29Si and/or isotope of oxygen 17O.

Selective sensors based on hybrid materials for the “electronic nose” system were developed at the Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov. The principle of their operation is based on a change in the resistance of a semiconductor sensor element during the adsorption of gases. Oxidizing gases, in competition with atmospheric oxygen, capture an electron from the surface, thereby the conductivity decreases and the resistance increases – this is a sensory signal. Reducing gases interact with oxygen adsorbed on the surface, reducing its affinity for the surface and acceptor properties, which also affects conductivity and is recorded by the sensor.


In Russia, oxygen is widely used in chemical processes of microelectronics as an oxidizing agent and as a precursor of oxide components. At enterprises, microelectronics factories, in specialized institutes and centers of the Russian Academy of Sciences, at the Kurchatov Institute and in leading technical universities, a sufficient amount of oxygen competencies of various types have been accumulated. We are pleased with the patent activity of unexpected figures in microelectronics, in particular the Dagestan, Kabardino-Balkarian and Chechen universities.

The patent situation in the Russian Federation is satisfactory (compared to other gases used in electronics).

In recent years, competitors of oxygen have appeared in some technological processes, for example ozone (O3), dinitrogen oxide (N2O). However, for the near term, good old oxygen will likely remain significant in the semiconductor industry.

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