Originality of the human idea after AI

The main question raised here: can people in the future hope for the originality and significance of their thoughts and ideas, when artificial intelligence and neural networks already imitate them so well?

Considering this issue, two natural development paths are revealed: AI surpasses human thought, and society is waiting for the most severe cultural upheaval, or it is already becoming a tool for improving the originality of human ideas. It is no longer possible to imagine a different path, with the rejection of AI or a stop in its development, since it already has a significant impact on many areas of our lives.

To understand how it is generally possible to create an original idea, let’s consider how neural networks and we do it.

In order for the neural network to give out some thoughts and answers, it goes through a learning process, during which huge amounts of data are passed through it. AI identifies patterns and consequences in data, remembers information [если так можно выражаться об алгоритме]to then produce the most natural and correct answer (relative to the training data).

Such a process turns out to be fair for the formation of any skill by a person. But is the creative process a skill? – no less philosophical question than the main one, so we will consider closer to the main one: whether AI can imitate the creative process, or rather the result of this process.

If you look at what the original idea comes from, we can distinguish the following factors: personal values, cultural experience, perspective and view of the world, emotional and intuitive components. From this, the individuality of the creator-man is formed. AI has no emotions. But which of these cannot be imitated? It cannot possess any of the above, because all this is inherent in living and thinking beings, and AI is not alive; however, he can absorb it all and recreate in yourself. These factors are the result of all the experience, all the accumulated and imprinted experience. And to absorb experience is what AI does and is able to do it better than us and to a much greater extent than humans are capable of, because AI is not limited by physiological factors.

Morality, culture, science – when we are born we have no idea about them, but over time we realize, and we can independently analyze actions from a moral point of view, are familiar with various cultural aspects, are able to create and prove hypotheses. For the first time in our lives, we can add two random numbers 1533 and 1902, knowing the principle of addition, what numbers are and how to write them, from the first time we understand what “static” is, knowing what static is and knowing how words are formed – and all this from experience. And AI has already mastered the language – the main tool of thinking.

From what has been said, it is obvious that my argument is based on the fact that the main thing on which the original idea stands is all the experience; which is quite capable of absorbing and reproducing AI. However, it is naturally refuted by the presence of another inalienable fact, without which the idea cannot appear. Will. The only reason why the neural network will give you an answer is that you will make a request. This does not mean that the AI ​​will not be able to issue / accept the request of another AI (or even create a new AI), but only that the starting point will still be a person who will give this opportunity and make a request [будь у меня такая возможность, я бы не смог не сделать].

It is necessary to indicate that in order to get to the super-thinking AI, the AI-assistant stage will be required. And we, if anything, are now at this stage, it is already impossible to deny the role of AI in the modern world. Conclusions suggest themselves. But if we consider what was said earlier in a less radical form, then it is more realistic that AI can be used as a tool to expand and open new horizons for human thought, but at the same time, its thought can surpass human thought due to its high speed and accuracy of calculations. .

So can people in the future hope for the originality and relevance of their thoughts and ideas to AI? – yes, but AI can hope so in front of people.

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